Mt. Vernon Field TripIn a few weeks Annie Kate's class will be going to Mt. Vernon for a field trip. I just had to share the bottom line of the permission slip.
"I will assume responsibility for any expenses incurred as a result of a cancelled field trip or possible extended trip due to world events"
what could this mean?
Yes, I'm intrigued, what DOES that mean??
That is crazy. I don't know what I'd think about that either. Hmmm...
Only in DC...
Interesting! I'd be a little unsure of the meaning behind this as well.
I'd definitely be wondering about signing a permission slip that had that on the bottom!
Seriously? Does that mean you're going to end up paying for a sidetrip to Disneyworld? Good grief.
Ahh, that brings back memories of us being in the Dulles airport ON 9/11. Once we deboarded our plane, we heard the police evacuating the terminals by yelling, "get the hell out of this city!" I nice orderly way to help people move along calmly!! my heavens!
holy cow times have changed! I'm sure they're trying to cover their tracks (and make sure you'll cover the cost) in case there's a terrorist attack and they have to hole up in a hotel or fly the kids out? CRAZY!
What in the world? Please keep us posted on this! We are planning on going to Mt.Vernon in the next few weeks (free admission on Washington's birthday!) This seems very strange to me ...
That is very mysterious wording about some cryptic field trip-gone-wrong possibilities!
An amazing field trip though!
MCPS started to put that on all of their permission slips after 9/11 when so many major field trips were canceled and people weren't able to get any $$ back (big trips to Europe for choirs, band trips to Disney World, etc).
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