no signs of stoppin!
It is 1:30 pm and the snow is just coming down! We had a Sunday School
Sleigh Ride out side.

And it was fun to see the John Deere hold up in the snow.

It even pulled Sally Jane around the block.

Ryan (my brother) remember when you did this with a real car and ski's

Our neighbor walked by so we were lucky to get a photo of all us at Sunday School today!
Love the green 'tractor'! Pulling the sled is classic! Just the right speed :)
Soup, toast, jammies, & a fire sounds like a heavenly sunday! oh -and hot chocolate! oh -and old fashioned games! oh -and no whining or complaining! oh -and a nice nap too! -ciao
BBRRRR!!! That's for sure. I lvoe the John Deere pulling the sled. It looks like the girls had a blast and don't mind being bundled up. Cute family picture.
Sorry about not getting to do your sharing time today. I'm the total opposite(which is a very BAD thing). When it is my time to do sharing time I get extremely stressed(my fear up speaking in front of people includes children) and pray for something to get me out of doing it.
Hope you have a wonderful Sunday afternoon warm and cozy inside with your sweet family.
I am loving your girls pulling SJ on the sled. Too cute. I can't believe you guys are getting so much snow--it is close to 80 degrees here. Crazy. I hope it melts soon for y'all. Stay warm :)
Holy Cow! I can't believe how much snow you are getting this year. That looks like so much fun! We have have had only a dusting of snow here and I feel a little "ripped-off."
Bummer on the sharing time. I am sure that it would have been awesome!
We had a televised stake conference this morning at 9:00, or we would be at church right now for the next 3 hours. But no, I turn to Kristi's blog and I see the cute Cutler bunch out in the snow again. I love the pics of the girls riding around with their John Deere jeep. How fun is that with Sally Jane being towed behind! That is definitely a fun Sunday school class. Happy you are together.
Oh, I'm sure that my Sunday School class wishes they could be in your Sunday School class! What fun that looks like!
Wow look at all that snow! What a fun day!
fun pics. the girls are loving it, aren't they? adorable fam pic, too. isn't it funny how you can really appreciate the "rare" family pic since they are few are far between it seems?
I love your family pic too. Moms (including me) are rarely in the pics because we are always taking them. I ejoyed seeing all your girls in the snow, as it is 77 degrees here in New Orleans today! We walked along the lakefront and Luci carried a parasol to shield her face from the sun and heat.
Enough snow already! But I will say, if its going to snow I'd like a ride behind the John Deere too. What a way to travel. Despite the cold weather, it looks like you had a great Sunday afternoon.
What a winter wonderland you've had this month! We haven't had enough snow to build a snowman, sled or really even to play in. Your pictures look lovely, your kids will remember this fun winter for years.
yeah I remember when Ryan did that. That cop had nothing better to do that day. And what was up with the tattle tale who live sby brookside park?
The serendipitous timing of those snow clothes for your girls is really unbelievable. This happens for us with summer clothes - they go on sale in early July, just when we start our (2 month) summer.
wow you already have a christmas card photo! so cute! lovin' the john deere. looks like everyone is having a great time.
Looks so festive and fun!! I'm glad you could have a family Sunday School class today!! It makes for wonderful memories!
So cute. You guys are just so much fun. I love the first photo where you can actually see the snow falling!
I don't know about you, but I ready for Spring to make an appearance. :)
Looks like your family had a fun day in the snow though!
I love the John Deere. The girls are so cute and the one of Sally Jane on the sled is darling. The snow looks pretty but I'm glad I'm here in California enjoying some sun...actually it rained some today. I'm sure the girls loved their Sunday School class :)hahaha.
What a fun way to spend a Sun since church was a no go. I bet the girls were loving it! The John Deere pictures are adorable!
We haven't had enough snow to make a snowman either. My kids are dying to make one.
OH my goodness that is the CUTEST thing. OH MY you have been dumped on! Maybe you should think about that San Fran offer :)
ok, i'm all about spring, too, but you are seriously making me miss some snow this year!! (i am choosing NOT to think about the wet clothes, the perpetual puddles by the doors, chapped cheeks, icy roads, etc.) your photos make me remember all the FUN parts of snow days! thank you.
Love the pictures! Big snowflakes like that are my favorite. We were supposed to get a big blizzard here this weekend, but got nothing. Crazy!
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