
Thursday, February 15, 2007

of all the weekends

Today when cleaning out Annie Kate's school folder I found a project that had done in school about writing about their weekend. I just had to laugh that of all the Monday's they did this project it is the Monday after are most no-D.C. weekend.
A few weeks ago I had bought Jeff a dress coat for his birthday. The only place that we could exchange it was the store in VA at Tysons Corner. This huge MEGA mall with ever store ever. It confirms that I am not a mall shopper and will stick to catalogs and Internet shopping.
It was the day of a War Rally downtown on our favorite type of mall -(monument mall) so the traffic was crazy. It took us an over an hour to get there.
We bought cookies at Mrs. Fields, which we normally never do but from Annie Kate's summary was a good thing.
So, she comes to school on Monday and they all write about what they did that weekend. And here she has to write about going to the MALL! Why could it not have been on one of our other exciting historical journeys. And at the bottom her teacher writes, "What mall was it?"
oh my.

it reads:

"On my weekend I went to the maole. It took one hour to git there. We got some cokise. They were really good. My family went to the maole because of my dad's birthday. we also went to some stor's."


  1. That is hilarious that she wrote about your great adventure to the....mall! If only the teacher had a glimpse where you have taken your girls - she would be floored! What a teacher you are! I loved the comment from the teacher at the bottom! Too funny!

  2. What a funny story. Of all the weekends. I remember writing things like that in school. One year after a particularly great summer I was really disappointed when our teacher did not want us to write an essay about what we had done over the summer.

    Enjoy your snow day. We have awful weather here too, but unfortunately work can't get snowed out (we need a major power outage, or another transit strike to cancel things here).

  3. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Oh, I think kids' school journals are so funny. My mom still has one of my brother's where he told about how our car got stuck in the snow and my mom kept saying bad words. She was PTA president at the time, and was sooo embarrassed. But, he was only being truthful. :)

  4. how funny.. what an adventure huh? good thing you bought the cookies! and what mall? that is funny!

  5. It's so much fun to read journals from our past. I love remembering what was SO important at that particular time.

    Very cute story!

  6. that is totally how I use to write...

  7. Anonymous2:16 PM

    So, So SO cute!

  8. As Homer Simpson would say: 'D'ohh!' That's so cute, and so funny.

    It's lovely, by the way, that AK can still see something great in what must've been quite a 'nothingy' day, compared to what you usually do. Oh for a life of simple pleasures like that!

    Children say such cutey things. Today Erin's multivitamin stuck to her tooth. She couldn't prise it off with her tongue and said, 'I think my tooth's fallen asleep cos he doesn't want to eat this vitamin'. ???

  9. This is so funny. I think you can expect some pretty "good tales" of the Cutler household from here on out. Annie Kate, you are a terrific writer. The "mall" details will come in time. Happy writing!

  10. Those stories must be universal. Once after taking our girls to the Easter Egg Roll at the White House I took a peek at our youngest one's journal. She didn't mention anything about the Easter Egg roll, the White House, the military band, seeing Laura Bush, that her mom had stood in line at 4 in the morning to get tickets, etc., etc. All she said about the day was that she had liked the grilled sausages that she had at a neighbors for dinner!

    We just heard we have another snow day tomorrow... (if you go outside and listen carefully you might be able to hear my girls cheering over where you are)!

  11. Funny thing is I'm considering that too be a good weekend. An outing at the mall is much better than just being home like we normally do. I do however, find it comical that it was that weekend because you are always out having an adventure.

  12. I love it. It must have been one of the rare weekends when you weren't having sightseeing adventures of a more educational kind!

  13. It's probably a good thing that Annie Kate had to write that after a mall weekend instead of one of your busy field-trip weekends, otherwise her hand would still be cramped from all that writing.
