dress to wear around these parts during election time
I seem to never have time to write about my Sunday's on Sunday and spend the rest of the week wishing I did. This past Sunday had MANY life lessons that I must take the time to write about.
We had a long day.
On our way to church we were about 6 blocks to the building and I saw two people walking down 16th street (one of the busier bigger streets) walking away from the direction to the building. I said to Jeff I bet those two people are looking for our church, turn the car around. I then started to doubt myself thinking, the side walk is totally crowded and they are walking away from the building, 6 blocks away! Jeff turned the car around and we followed them to the corner, without thinking I jumped out of the car and went up to them and said, "By chance are you looking for a church?" It was a girl and guy in their mid 20's. He was in a white shirt and tie and she was in a dress. They seemed a little stunned and I wonder if she was wishing she had a can of mace. After a few seconds of uncomfortable conversation it turns out they were looking for our building. I then said, "oh jump in the car we will drive you there, you won't make it on time if you walk" They started to walk with me and then they must of thought, "what are we doing getting in the car with these strangers" I then seemed to reassured them they were safe . They both hopped in the front seat (i later found out they were not married but had just moved here and were interns at the Barlow center) This is the second time we have found people looking for our building and being blocks away looking on foot. I am grateful for that gut instinct I often get.

We had a long day.
- Hour drive to church
- 3 hours of church
- I did singing time in primary which totally stressed me out!
- congregation Munch & Mingle dinner
- Fireside put on by the young men who all spent the summer in Idaho - oh that is an amazing story
- drive home
- Jeff dropped me off at the Stake Center for a Stake Primary meeting
- got home around 9:30 pm
- more awesome books for the primary
- 2 dozen rolls
- bowl of fresh strawberries
- 2 dozen cupcakes
- bowl of fresh grapes
- yummy frog eye salad - i love that stuff
- my bag for Singing time (which did I mention totally stressed me out)
- girls soupies and pillows - one seems to fall asleep on the way there and one on the way home
- pack the cooler with ice and milk for the drive home
- Sacrament meeting bag of tricks
- snack for the girls - they always get so hungry after sacrament meeting
- dinner for the girls - the line is always too long for them to wait during munch and mingle so i bring something for them to eat right away
Annie Kate's Sunday craft she came up with that morning
On our way to church we were about 6 blocks to the building and I saw two people walking down 16th street (one of the busier bigger streets) walking away from the direction to the building. I said to Jeff I bet those two people are looking for our church, turn the car around. I then started to doubt myself thinking, the side walk is totally crowded and they are walking away from the building, 6 blocks away! Jeff turned the car around and we followed them to the corner, without thinking I jumped out of the car and went up to them and said, "By chance are you looking for a church?" It was a girl and guy in their mid 20's. He was in a white shirt and tie and she was in a dress. They seemed a little stunned and I wonder if she was wishing she had a can of mace. After a few seconds of uncomfortable conversation it turns out they were looking for our building. I then said, "oh jump in the car we will drive you there, you won't make it on time if you walk" They started to walk with me and then they must of thought, "what are we doing getting in the car with these strangers" I then seemed to reassured them they were safe . They both hopped in the front seat (i later found out they were not married but had just moved here and were interns at the Barlow center) This is the second time we have found people looking for our building and being blocks away looking on foot. I am grateful for that gut instinct I often get.
My friend Cara W. in Tennessee is the best primary music person I know and I used her trick of using rainbow yarn while the kids are singing coming out of a can. I will have to give more details later. It was a flop, because I didn't know any of the words to the songs so I had to read off the posters. I did a really bad job bordering on horrible. Talk about being humbled and appreciating anyone who can sing and conduct people singing. I even went out in the hall during junior and senior primary cried on Jeff's shoulder and said "I can't go back in there" to which I received his response, "ok are you done yet, I have to teach my class" Dang - he is so good for me! So I went back in and flopped again. I can not carry a note! Words can not express how happy I will be when the regular girl comes back in town. She will get the biggest hug from me when she gets back. There were only two of us in primary on Sunday so we were a two man band.
I continue to feel the blessings of knowing such amazing people we go to church with. I am a lucky girl to have this experience and feel it so great for our kids. But it is difficult. I continue to feel a guilt for having such a great life and it is hard for me to see such extremes on Sunday of the neighborhood I live in and where I go to church.
Our Stake primary meeting was as usual wonderful. I did have my camera but by the end of the day was so tired to pull it out and take photos of their wonderful theme. I thought of Andrea the whole time thinking, I should take photos and handouts and send them to her!
I guess it was a blessing we had somewhere to be all day because on Sunday we were on day 3 of no air conditioning and it was PAINFULLY hot. We still don't have air conditioning and won't until Monday. good thing the air has cooled a little bit outside.
Wow! I am first. Okay I already love your blog and now I think I am going to start loving you too. I would really love a borrow of your costume! Kaylee totally wears a 6/7. That would be awesome. Let me know what I need to do. You have my email from pink Christmas. Oh thank you!
rebecca, ok i have your address and will send it to you. i can't find the wig though which is a total bummer because it was so authentic and i had ordered it from a costume shop in NY, but i have not seen it since the move.
and funny about this is hannah emailed me today seeing i might want a bumble bee costume to borrow - wow what goes around comes around in such a good blogging way.
I did the singing time in our ward a couple weeks ago and I felt the same way as you! I could only lead the music for half the song before getting lost, I am always off key and our primary is huge! I told my friend I'd kill if I ever had to do that again. I was sweating the whole time from stress! The yarn thing sounds cool, do post it someday.
And that is a ton of stuff to take to church. I'm impressed you had room for 2 more people even if only for 6 blocks. So glad you listened to your prompting. What a blessing.
good for you on the singing time.. enduring!
yum.. I love frog eye salad too!
you sound brave to p/u strangers..but nice that you felt prompted and could help them out that morning!
what a day! I would love to hear more about the boys summer in Idaho.. what did they do? were they with a family or at a college? interesting!
Kristi, I'm with Melanie, and am impressed with your organization and stamina.
Jeff's answers are always so funny...
I think there is one voice in the world worse than how you describe yours--mine! Take heart. I have to sing solos in front of teenagers every day (made up songs/jingles to help them memorize) and eventually they don't notice--enthusiasm carries when your tune won't :) However, it never ceases to humble me. I really could use a good voice.
Doing the primary music would completely stress me out. I can't sing or carry a tune or even lead music. I'm so impressed you did it and I'm sure the kids didn't even notice a thing.
How is the attendance doing your stake primary meeting on a sunday evening?
You are brave to just pick people up. That was very nice of you guys. Way to spot 'em. :D
I would die if I had to do anything with singing time with any age. I don't do well in front of people so I would definitely be stressing and sweating. I'm sure it wasn't as bad as you are saying. I'm sure the kids just loved you.
You take the medal for that Sunday preparation. That is a ton of stuff to remember and get into the car. You are amazing!
What?! You still don't have air conditioning?? That is just wrong.
Your list of things you packed in the car for Sunday made me tired just to read it. WOW. I have even more respect for you now than I did before!
Would you believe that conducting music in church used to be my most dreaded calling? Even though I can sing, it just made me so nervous and uncomfortable. Then I became Primary chorister. I panicked at first, then I caught on. Now I think it's an awesome calling! I'm sure the kids loved your enthusiasm, and I love Jeff's response. You are amazing, do you know that?
I still don't understand why you go to church an hour away? Do you have a special assignment? As far as finding people who are lost going to church I'm sure it is the spirit guiding/telling you. That's wonderful that you are in tune enough to hear. Having such a long day on Sunday with kids sounds so hard. I'm impressed that you all do it week after week.
yes our family has been asked to serve a family mission of sorts in the downtown ward for a year.
I think I've missed smthg along the way - why is your church so hard to find?? How could that couple know of it, but not find it? Doesn't your literature have a map, or your church website? Or is it not developed enough yet to have those things? It's such a shame to have it so hard to find.
For bad singing, see our former Sevretary of State for Wales clearly not knowing the words to the Welsh National Anthem, but insultingly thinking we wouldn't notice if he moved his lips about a bit. CRINGE!!
It's so therapeutic for me when you blog about your Sundays! Thank you for taking the time to do it. I was put in as the Primary President a little over a month ago in our branch in NJ. We've been in the branch a year and have seen it go from 60 people active to 120. It's amazing but we're a little slow in reacting with the growth. I only have my two counselors and a secretary who suffers from health issues. We don't have any teachers or a music person or a pianist for 21 kids! Last Sunday one counselor couldn't make it due to morning sickness so I put her class with the one I was teaching (we just separate into junior/senior for classes). Then on our way out the door my husband told me my secretary probably wouldn't be there. So my mother in law, who was visiting offered to take the 3 little sunbeams who the secretary has been teaching. That was a blessing! Just keeping peace in the primary room aside from trying to play the piano and lead at the same time . . . you can only imagine :) So this week I've written the primary program, prepared a lesson for senior primary, and planned sharing time. Of course, I still have to do singing time but we're just going over and over the 3 songs they know for the program. I know this will be a time I will look back on with gratitude for all the growth I experienced but right now - cannot wait for teachers and a music person! :)
you do have a gift(s), kristi. wonderful of you to share your insight, wisdom and "gut feelings" no matter what.
I love this post. Okay, I'll totally not complain about the 3 hours of church interfereing with naptime anymore. Wow! What a day. You are so prepared to organize so many things on a busy day like that. I'm sure it was a lot of work for you, but what a blessing you are to those around you.
I've served at the chorister in all 5 wards I've been in since we've been married. It is a little intimidating, especially when you feel like you aren't musically inclined (I very much feel that way). I had so much fun. I've kept files of everything. Let me know if you need any ideas. There sure are a lot of church resources availabe at Deseret book, but I know you probably don't have one out there. I found a lot of ideas online too.
Yes, you deserve a medal for that kind of all-day-Sunday-at-church preparation! And then to get up and lead music...if you can do that (or at least attempt), you can do anything, right? Many people would refuse to try (I'd be just as scared as you). What a cool thing.
A great site for primary is www.primarytogo.com. They have all the songs needed for the presentation with pictures and words underneath. I was just asked to help in our primary too - our wards are very similiar. Although I play the piano, I really don't know much of the words to the songs. So the pictures/with words were really helpful in teaching the kids the songs and allowing me to cheat a bit and look at the words while I hold it up for the kids to see. Good Luck Kristi!
Honestly, Sundays are exhausting! but YOUR sundays win, hands down! I can't imagine gathering all those goods for the day at church! Love it! love that you are so thoughtful and organized! That is fantastic that you were able to follow your prompting and scoop those people up on the sidewalk! I am sure they had a fun story to tell their families when they called home!
This is great for your to document for your journal! The time will pass and your calling/assignment will be over. It will be a wonderful read!
(oh! Love the fun rainbow/clouds sunday project!!)
if you have to do music again, try this: bring beanie babies (or stuffed animals) that are known for how loud or quiet they are (lion-loud, cat-quiet, snake-ssssss). Have 3 kids come up and hold the animals. While you sing a song, have them raise the animal and the kids have to sing LOUD, Quiet, or make a SSSSSS sound. THey love it. Also, last week, I wrote the names of some action songs (look in the back of the book under action) on cards and put them in a box. I had the teachers come up and play pictionary- the kids had to guess what song they were drawing. Whoever guessed the song, they got the choose & lead how we sang the song: humming, just actions & no words, low voice, whisper, actions & words, etc. They also loved this and the time went by way fast.
Your Sunday's always sound so wonderful but exhausting! Just so you know, the kids don't care if you can't sing very well. They just need someone fun and energetic like you to make them enjoy singing time!
you need a pam beesly to help you run that circus
Hey since being in a branch you really have to S-T-R-E-T-C-H yourself. My family is from Utah and they just don't get it that I not only being the primary president, but also goes to being a primary teacher and doing sharing time or music time all on a Sunday if needed, since that is what you have to do, you really have no other choice. I have totally grown being away from Utah. My in-laws always say we remember when you wouldn't even say a prayer. Here I am today as the primary president. I have had to lead the music in primary and I don't know how to lead let alone have a good voice. I just get the kids started then do actions along the way that go with the song. You can only do the best you can do and like you said kids are so forgiving. They just love to sing and have fun along the way. I bet you did a wonderful job either way!!! Thanks for sharing bits about your Sundays.
What a great blog today. I know that you will receive many blessings for your service in the inner city ward. It is beyond hard, I know. Your enthusiasm and love of the children will more than make up for anything else you feel you do not have in the music department. I loved the time I spent doing Primary music -- probably one of my favorite jobs ever. When the kids feel your love nothing else matters. Darling picture of SJ, by the way.
Been there, done that, and would not trade one minute all these years later. We used to pack up our three little boys and drive through the sugar cane fields to a migrant farm workers Branch in the middle of the Cane Fields here in South Florida. What a humbling, exhausting, enriching time. My boys are grown, two returned from missions, on married, and one currently on a mission. It is a rare time that we don't refer to the memories and lessons learned from those days. We were called to help and teach them and we ended up learning so much more in the process. I rememeber feeling like I could not do this one more week, go be the one man song and dance for Primary in Engish and Spanish that I do not speak well. Thank you for your posts on this time in your life, it alway causes me to reflect on the blessings my family has received from a similar experience.
I am not Mormon, so I have limited understanding of a lot of the church terminology that you use, but I so enjoy reading about your service and experiences and your faithfulness.
In regards to your singing - I had a junior high chorus teacher who always said that if you were going to make a mistake, it was always better to do it as loud as possible. I am not sure what that meant, but it always made me feel so less self-conscious.
What in the world is frog eye salad??
The beautiful thing about primary is that the kids respond so well to the energy and love of their leaders, so it doesn't matter at all that you don't sing well. I have a terrible voice, but have thought before that I would enjoy being the primary music leader because it's so interactive with the kids. It would be humiliating for me to sing in front of the other adults, but I'd get over it as soon as I was doing my thing. I have no doubt that you did great and that the kids love you!
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