It has been really fun to find a new dimension to my blog. A way that I can journal about what I like, support a new business (a few years ago I had one of my own and it made all the difference to have friends who supported me - Jennifer F that means YOU, and I feel this is a way I can pay that support back) and make everyone feel like a winner, who does not love to win something.
Take a look at all her other fun ideas here.
I told Amanda I think tennis shoe with a race time, date and location on the laces and such would be awesome.
leave a comment and if you want share something that you think would make a great "monogrammed photograph"
and you could win one of the prints currently on her site! you only have until Monday.
and you could win one of the prints currently on her site! you only have until Monday.
My son just caught his 1st fish. He's four and was so proud! Anyway, what about a fish pic with the child's name and the stats (date, fish weight, etc) on it?! Sounds crazy but this fish he caught totally made his year!
natasha, that does not sound crazy, my daughter has been trying to catch a fist since she was 4 - it has been 5 years in the waiting. i can totally imagine!
Love the fish idea... my boys are fishermen too...
My son just earned his Eagle Scout Recognition... what about an Eagle Soaring with his name and date he earned it in the feathers or something. (it would be really cool to photoshop it flying over the train depot where he did the project).
I wouldn't want a gift that related me to being stuck at the computer (maybe a geeksquad employee would like that)... but a computer keyboard shot with something spelled out on the letters could make a cool picture.
Julia would LOVE the ballet shoes that say Tatum. Or even better the ballet shoes that say "Miss Julia" since that is what her little dancers call her.
Oh I love Beth's computer keyboard idea! This is going to be fun to see the ideas everyone comes up with!
I am dying over these - they are so darn adorable.
Here are some ideas for photos...
calculator w/ persons name in the window
board game
car or bike tire with name replacing the company name (ie. replace firestone)
mixer, replace kitchen aid
cookie jar with name instead of "cookies" on the label - this and the mixer would be adorable for anyone that likes to bake
I am sure there are a ton more ideas. I can't wait to check out the site and see what else she has - what a great idea, so creative.
Thanks for sharing!
Aimee loves her tea set, and I think a cute teapot with her name in fancy cursive writing would be beautiful and sweet and perfect for my girl.
My Ridge loves dinosaurs and I think it would be fun to have a picture with a Dinosaur roaring out Ridge's name! :P
oh how cool.
i would want something with stars, since they are important to scott and my beginnings...
perhaps our anniversary date written out in stars in the night sky? hmmm, got me thinking here! :)
the sky's the limit, isn't it? (pun intended!)
Very cool! I love new ideas! I don't know what I would have done - I'd have to think on it for a little while. There are so many possibilities . . .
dang posted before i meant to--
for me- carolynn somehow spelled out in the "rising steam" above the hot mug of starbucks
:) ok, over the top???
I know a litle girl who'd love a tiara with "Miss J" on it somewhere or a row of fingernail polish bottles & I'm sure my daughter would love some piece of gymnastics equipment personalized for herself.
Love her ideas- and so affordable for something so unique!
These are very clever -- I love the idea of monogrammed photographs! I think the piano is my favorite. How about a personalized camera? or an old typewriter? Maybe a stack of old books...
For my girls it would be neat to have a book with their name on the front or a row of books on a shelf that spelled out their name.
WOW! This is a fantastic idea! I am loving Carlo's ideas as well! For me, being a Mom of all active boys I think of snowboards, skateboards, motorcyles or biking boots. I love the idea for coaches and teachers! I will have to check back and see what else is suggested. Loving the photos on her site!
That is such an awesome idea!
as a dancer I love the point shoes!! It would also be cool with lighting on a stage floor somehow. This is so cool, I love it!
I am about ready to have my second little girl so I think that a little baby curled up and wearing a diaper with it's face away from the camera. I would put the weight, length, birthdate and name on the diaper. I think that would be so cute!
My husband and sons LOVE, I mean LOVE trains. It would be cool to photograph and old steam engine and have their names in place of the Rio Grande or whatever the name of the train is.
We are in the process of adopting our second child from China.
How about:
Chopsticks/Fortune Cookie with the child's name, adoption day/"Gotcha Day", and province monogrammed on them.
A blessing/christening/baptism outfit or wedding gown with the name and date.
I love everyone else's ideas. The books would be awesome!
I'll have to keep thinking.
I think your blog is a great place for these fun giveaways, you do a great job with this.
These monogrammed photos are pretty cool. I think something for a teacher would be great. Maybe a photo from the classroom , a close-up of her desk, jar of pencils or glue sticks.
They are so creative and cute.
I am thinking a birthday cake with your child's name on it that you could hang up during their birthday month.
Since we're from Canada & Canada loves hockey, I would say a hockey skate with the name on the blade. My little guy would love it!
I just think these are all fantastic ideas. Everyone's so creative, and I wish your friend lots of luck with her brilliant business!
This is so very creative! Monogrammed photographs- who knew?
How about a blessing dress with the name and date. Or wedding dress detail, tuxedo etc. with the anniversary.
I think a Book of Mormon with my in-laws name on it "Elder and Sister" would be a great Christmas present this year.
The Book of Mormon idea is fabulous!! I love it!
I have to agree with Elisa! Julia is probably dying to have some shoes monogrammed!
My kids names printed ANYWHERE is important to me because Saroya & Jaleigh are not easy names to find pre-printed! This is such a fun idea.
I would make a photo of a princess wand or fairy wings with the girls names in them. For my boy I would do a hockey skate with his name carved in the ice, or on the back of the skate. CUTE!!
i love this idea...what a great combination! i think a tube of tooth paste or dental floss with my hubbies name on it would be great for the office! do i order? anything for golf????
I wish I was creative enough to have an idea to share! I hope I still get to be in the contest. This is really cool.
I am trying to finish decorating my baby's western theme room. I think it would be cute to have an old pair of cowboy boots with the child's name in the stitching of the boots...maybe some fun funky bright colors like in some of the dressy cowboy boots!
I love the tea set idea too!
I may be too late..but what about a big green highway sign that said Cutler's next right, or an arrow one way to Nashville the other way to DC, or a mileage sign that said:
Cutlers 10
Crams 544
Buchanans 2387
Or "Yield-Samantha ahead"
Stop sign with "McKay"
Green street sign with "Cram Blvd."
Do you think I spend a lot of time in my car?! :)
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