Shopping List!
For those Saturday shoppers please add this to your list today. Tuesday is Fat Tuesday, Mardi Gras! I thought i would just give a few ideas of things you can think about doing with your family for that day. We used to live in New Orleans and try to still do something fun that day to remember our time there.
*Make a New Orleans dinner. These boxed Red Beans and Rice are cheap and really quite good. And I think you should be able to find them at any grocery store. Maybe in Utah they are in the ethnic isle.
* Order a King Cake. Call your local bakery and see if they are making them for the holiday or you still have time to order on online. Gabminos is a great choice. They come with a little mini plastic baby. Whomever gets the piece with the baby will get good luck for the whole year, or be the king for next years mardi gras.
* Get some purple, yellow, green balloons for your mailbox. (mardi gras colors)
* do a little mardi gras research and teach your kids a few trivia facts over dinner
* any party store will have mardi gras supplies. you could give your kids a mardi gras necklace to wear to school.
*eat moon pies. they always throw these from the floats during the parades (youwill be shocked to find out that i don't actually like these, i know surprising. i wish they threw pink snowballs)
*make Beignets I think you should be able to find a box mix at your grocery store as well .
* or don't do anything and send a dontation to the red cross in honor of Katrina!
As for us we will probably do very little. we are leaving the next day for a week and putting our house on the market that day. So i won't be able to spread glitter all over the house and paste things on the door. So celebrate for us!
I love beignets, we had those on our honeymoon in New Orleans (lame honeymoon, but good treats).
I was born and raised in Louisiana! Aquick substitute for beignets is to get a container of flaky biscuits and divide each biscuit in 2-3 layers and drop them in a pot of hot oil. Be ready to move quickly they cook really fast. Then sprinkle powdered sugar over the top.
I also have a yummy recipe for King Cake that is quick easy and yummy. You can even choose which filling you like and customize it to fit your taste.
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