gReen BelT!
Today Annie Kate got her green belt in karate. Since my camera was not working for the graduation and I didn't get any photos i had to post the photo of us on the way to Graduation. So funny all the girls zonked out! We had a long day full of fun surprises!
karate gallery
Great picture! That's a major bummer about not being able to get pictures at the karate event, but this one of them in the car is pretty fantastic.
I'd give anything to be able to fall asleep like that anywhere! Can you imagine the headache you or I would have, sleeping with our necks all kinked like that? Congrats to AK on the green belt!
Congrats to Anne Kate. Don't you just love when the kids are asleep like that? You can actually have a conversation with your spouse. I savor those moments!
Congratulations to Annie Kate. What an accomplishment. And thanks for sharing that funny picture. It really made me laugh!
Oh my! Sleep! I can't believe I am blogging away at 2.43 am...but that looks peaceful. When I am in the car, I wish both boys were asleep, but it seems as one sleeps the other one is awake or making noise threatening the sleeping one (oh quiet time) at least it is really quiet right now!
I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.
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