
Thursday, May 25, 2006

last day of school.
Today was AK's last day of school. i of course cried to everyone we gave the gumballs to. you should have seen me with the PE teacher, i love that guy.
We have loved our time at Huntersbend.


Anonymous said...

What great memories you will have of Tennessee -- church, school, neighbors, etc. I am sure that this is a bittersweet time. It is just so hard saying the goodbyes!!! You all will have special places in many people's hearts, and just remember that you have lots of new friends who are waiting for you.

Tasha said...

I love that picture of AK hugging her friend and you can tell she is giving her a BIG squeeze! I love it because I can tell that AK hugs like you! Big real full of love hugs!

michelle said...

School is over already? Ours goes until next Friday. How sad for you to have to say so many goodbyes. I hate saying goodbye. But I'm glad you will have so many good memories.

TX Girl said...

Those photos are so sweet. I love that she has the t-shirt for everyone to sign (such a great idea). I also love Annie Kate's freckles! She is DARLING.

How did the teacher like her cute gift?

Jill said...

Very cute photos, and it's so nice that you're so involved in the school and know her teachers and friends. That shirt you made for her is priceless and what a great way to celebrate the last day of school, especially when you're moving. (If I had done that for all of my moves as a kid I would have a closet full of those.)

Tasha said...

You know what I just thought of? When AK graduates you can use all these shirts to make a T-Shirt quilt!!!