life changing.
my life is changing. i see it. i want to be better. since blogging i have tried to read. I have read three books. I started a list of the books that i have read and since i can count all the other books i have read before this on one hand, i will be able to have a lifetime list to show my kids of all the books i have read. too bad this will start when i am 35. but such it begins anyway.
one of my good mail days that i wrote about was a libray of books from Jill. i sat and cried when i opend the box. Jeff, was in shock. The box was filled with them, it seemed they would never stop coming out. Jill, thank you again and again for having the confidence in me that i could actually read all of these.
What reading has done for me. now at night i can not wait to get in bed and read. My 7 year old has now started getting books that she can stay up and read with me. She loves to sit on the couch and read with me on Sunday's. She loves asking me how far i am in my book and how many more chapters i have to read. This skill has brought me and my daughter together and has sparked her love for reading.
Since I met Jill she has encouraged me to read! I really think I have picked up a habit (sort of) since her influence has reached me. I stil struggle when I love to see magazines and rather pick up a magazine than a book...but I am still motivated. That is great that you can share with your daughter.
I'm so thrilled that you're becoming a reader, and even more so now that Annie Kate is reading next to you. It's never too late to start and 35 isn't very far along the road of life, just think of how many books you have ahead of you in your lifetime! What a treat, a luxury, a gift, a pleasure.
Hey better late than never is what I say! I am right along with you in the book area that is. I made it a goal at the end of last year that I wanted to make time to read. I since then joined a bookclub (well read a few books) Sadly my daughter is an avid reader like her dad and stays up late at night in her bed reading all of the time. I guess I should have taken a lesson from her a while ago.
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