
Monday, May 15, 2006

oUr neigHboRs.
my neighbor just brought this photo over today from our farewell party on Saturday. I can't believe how great it turned out. Every single kid is looking at the camera! I know i already posted about this. But after I got this photo and then the photos of me crying my eyes out, I had to put them on again. Enjoy seeing me lose it!


Tasha said...

You're the only person I know who cries like I do, I LOVE it! We wear our hearts on our sleeves and the world needs people like that! (It balances out the calm, still waters of people like our husbands..) T

Amie said...

I loved seeing pictures of you...I think the cute real you should return to the blog.

Jill said...

You're so funny. I can totally imagine you crying in response to their thoughtfulness. I seem to be missing the gene for appropriate gift-receiving responses and would have been overwhelmed, but totally unable to show it. Sometimes I think it would be helpful if my tears would surface at times like that.

Amy said...

You have such great neighbors! I hope our neighborhood solidifies into something resembling yours. That's the kind of place i want my kids to grow up in!

Anonymous said...

I think it's a blessing to be able to cry and show our saddness. I'm the emotional one and this weekend has been a teary one and for no reason. Pass the kleenex. What a neat group of neighbors, but that also speaks to the kind of person you are.

Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!

Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.