there is an art to find the perfect walk in the door from church snack. When I was in NM, we had a great one.
Herdez salsa mixed with cottage cheese and scoop and eat with Fritos scoops. Sounds kind of gross but oh soo good!
If you have one I would love to know. or am I the only one starving after church and looking for something to eat before I change my clothes.
That sounds good to me. We usually have Lays Potato Chips with Ranch dip.
Grilled cheese was always the standard growing up. My sister inlaw, Steph, always makes nachos for her kids (a tradition she did as a child). We do that too. A cookie, or something with sugar, helps to just pop in your mouth when you home.
We have always bee lined (b-lined?)it straight to the fridge after church. Who are the crazy people who don't? It's raid the fridge time!! I like the idea of having traditional grub to chow into.
Chips, salsa, cheese are favorites of ours. Yours sounds good. The snacking usually goes on all afternoon at our house. :-) Our other Sunday afternoon tradition is naps.
Have you ever tried potato chips dipped in cottage cheese with a little cracked pepper? Also strange sounding, but so yum. I ate a perfectly ripe pear today, I was sure wishing for some fritos though...love those things.
We get soup and sandwich. Today was turkey and tortilla soup. I got the tortilla soup real hot, then chopped up too much lettuce and put it in my soup bowl. I couldn't tell if I was eating a salad with soup as a dressing, or soup with a bunch of lettuce. Who cares, it was good!
Every sunday after church when Dave is home we have grilled ham and cheese sandwiches made on 12 grain bread, cooked in our George Foreman Grill, so they are like panini sandwiches. Its the only think the GF Grill gets used for. I am sure George would be very proud, but we are very happy. Oh, we use grated cheddar and honey ham. Sometimes swiss and ham. Very tasty!
I am always starving after church even if I do get to eat breakfast. Growing up it was always cheese and crackers. Since I've been married it is usually quesadillas. Most of the time it is just with cheese but if I'm really hungry I put refried beans inside and sour cream and Valentina on the top. Today it happened to be chicken noodle soup and saltine crackers because it is FREEZING outside and Savannah was having that for lunch too.
Costco Hummis with peas, carrots, celery, and crackers or Costco spianch artichoke dip with crackers sooooo good.
grilled cheese sandwhich with jelly on top. I like the sound of the fritos with cottage cheese. Pretty much anything sounds good after getting home from church, why am I so famished?
I love Wheat Thins dipped in cream cheese! DE-LISH!!
Well leave it to you to turn after-church snacking into a tradition! We just grab whatever we can find -- maybe I should put more thought into it?
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