great catalogsI started a list of links of great free catalogs that I get in the mail. So if you want some good mail check them out... they are free.
this above photo is from Anthropologie.
If you have any other great ones let me know, I am always on the hunt for good catalogs.
I'm a total Anthropologie addict. I really need help!
Thanks for the links! Ggggreat. I, too, love Anthropologie. Do you ever get the Horchow catalogs? They are divine.
Thanks! I just signed up for 4 of them.
you know funny thing about horchow, i used to get it too, but when i went to sign up they charge you for it.
I don't get many catalogues, mostly gardening stuff and Pottery Barn.
OH MY GOSH I LOVE CATALOGS, I used to work for this awesome woman (when I was still in highschool and even throught out my college years) she was like my adopted mom would send me stuff to the dorms and great gifts...well she is subscribed to SOOOOO MANY! I just got hooked since then, but I can't posibly keep the annual fees on all of them, I LOVE HORCHOW that is funny I used to get it too! they have everything I LOVE! thanks for the links
I forgot about Chinaberry! You are such a great resource - you helped us so much as locals when we moved to your old Metairie neighborhood, and now help from afar!
I love Anthropologie!! I wish it were my closet. Their house stuff is so fabulous, too. I'll have to check out your new list!
As always, keep em' coming!
I know I'm a little late, but I just love the Warm Biscuit Bedding Company catalog at They have the cutest stuff! They have a children's Singer sewing machine. Check it out!
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