
Friday, November 17, 2006

size 11.5
Congrats to Stephanie F. who will be getting 10 yards of lovely ribbon for guessing the size of my shoes. To defend my large feet, I actually wear a size 10 shoe, but have such little heels that when I attempt to run my heels slide out of my shoe and my toes jam into the front of my shoe. So the running store suggested size 11.5 and they are awesome and work great, but still huge.
Thanks for everyone for guessing, that was kind of fun and may have to do it again. I just got back from the ribbon outlet (oh holly I thought of you) and have lots to share!


Anonymous said...

So Kristi, your feet are like twice the size of mine. I usually wear a 6 in anything, but I can wear a 5 1/2 in dress shoes. For some reason not many stores carry size 6 in shoes anymore; I have to get a 4.5 in children's sizes! So to sum up my life, my butt is too big for the cute clothes, and my feet are too small for the cute shoes. I think my body is confused!

Jill said...

Holy Crap, I didn't even know they made women's shoes in that size. I know feel stupid for guessing 6.5. I thought I was being tricky by guessing smaller than your feet actually looked. Apparently I'm clueless.

michelle said...

Aha! I was pretty sure I was right on with the 10! I used to wear a 7, but with each pregnancy my feet got bigger and wider... sigh. You lucky girl, you must find good deals in that size!

jenny said...

I cannot and still don't believe your feet are that big. Ummm pictures are very deceiving--

Anonymous said...

this is interesting. i have narrow heels and a wide toe box. and like michelle, my feet have changed with each pregnancy so much that i can't get them figured out anymore! i will have to keep this in mind the next time i shop for running shoes. my last pair weren't the greatet fit. of course, this would mean i would need start running again! ( :

i'm so jealous of your ribbon outlet! although i'm sure dave is unknowingly grateful i don't live near one of those.

LG said...

I wear a 10 too!!! And a 11 in my running shoes! And I'm just 12!!!!

Bond Girl 007 said...

wow missed it by .5! Now 11 is not that bad...I hear most models wear 11 which was really surprising to me! Just last week I tried some 11 leather flip flops and I WISHED i had bought them since they were white leather everywhere only for 24 I guess 11 is not that bad...I am really a size 8 1/2 after being a 7 for a long long time, but I have wide feet so I eventually do 9 and 91/2 sometimes! great post!