good mail.... backup post
I have been so slack on posting about my good mail. I don't ever feel like I have to, but thanks to Jill, good mail creator, I am always more grateful when I document it. Good mail documentation reminds you to send it and be happy for the little things in life. I have not posted about it for weeks, so this is many weeks in the making. I am ever so lucky. This will be totally out of order and I am afraid I am missing someone too.

Claudia sent me this wonderful note with the best stamp on the front. I had been searching for this 37 cent stamp for my christmas cards, but they don't make them anymore. I love the print of Williamsburg. Thanks Claudia!

Amie A.'s kids sent my kids these wonderful coupons for free frosty's. Yea! thanks so much that was so cute Amie.

Angie sent me this nice card thanking her for the laminated quote which I had made for myself too and having it hanging in my sewing room. I am grateful for her inspiring me to do more research on the wonderful duty of mothers.

I got this darling ornament from Kacey at Doodlebugs. She is a very talented artist have you seen
her stuff?
Mindy me her darling Christmas card and these very darling gloves. If you think her card is cute on the front you should see the photo, seriously their family is so stinkin cute!

I got this great surprise package from Heather S. I am saving the present to open on Christmas day. Thanks my Arizona friend.

I got this sweet card in the mail from my R.S. president. She asked me to take photos of her family while they were in town for Thanksgiving, not because I could take good photos, but just basically to hold the camera so they could all be in them. I had brought my camera thinking it was a good camera and they would be good. I had changed the lighting for the National cathedral that we had been to the day before and they were all washed out. Seriously I was sick for two days. She sent the thank you before she saw the photos. I hope she speaks to me again.

Melanie, sent me this awesome Christmas mix before all my family came in town. We listened to it non stop. Thanks girl I can't find any of my Christmas CD's so this will be great for the season.

Jill has sent me two things since I have posted about good mail. She sent this ever so darling circle card with an incredible CD mix for fall. We listened to it the whole time David and Lenessa were here. She also sent my girls a great Thanksgiving board book too! Thank you so much.

I had to post getting some of my favorite catalogs. They come a plenty during the holidays. And getting the one from Kate's Paperie is always a treat. See my sidebar for great free catalogs.

My friend Emily in MA sent me these wonderful pineapple ornaments and this darling Lori C. Mitchell Santa. I go crazy about this artist. So thoughtful. I really want to peer pressure my friend Emily into starting a blog, it would be incredible! Thanks em, the pineapples are all over my Christmas tree as I type.

You can get these Lori C. Mitchell items on
Bayberry Cove and I think she is giving my blog readers a discount this month... More on that to come.

Here is some good mail from my mom, which is so sweet. My friend Jill even made her some Good mail Labels.

She sent the girls Thanksgiving paper projects.

And some gingerbread house items. She sent everything even the powdered sugar. Thanks!

This is a BEAUTIFUL wedding announcement from Jeff's cousin! I am the most picky wedding announcement getter ever! So I always love when I get one that is so beautiful.

This little package was so incredible nice. It is from someone I don't know, Anna, she said she thought of me when she saw this pink ribbon with green trees. This is what the good mail is all about! Thank you so much.

Tasha sent me this awesome thanksgiving block. I love these little Tasha Treasures!
Want to be apart of some good mail, check out
Crystalyns blog
I'm so glad you took the time to catch up on some of the good mail coming your way. It's always great to see what other people are sending because it's inspiring to know that people are being thoughtful and to see that it doesn't matter what it is, just that they cared enough to turn thinking-of-you into something more. I love it!
Love all the good mail you got! I especially love the "blessings" block from Tasha! Cute stuff!
love it kristi. thanks for sharing. like jill said it's always great to see what others are doing...it's so inspiring.
thank you so much for linking me. i've had tons of hits from your site. i really appreciate it.
Glad you liked the ribbon I sent. Thanks for your nice thank you note in the mail. Keep creating and inspiring us all!
Glad you liked the cd. Getting in the mood for Christmas is so fun. I doubt you need much help though, your ideas are always right on track!
I could be a contender for the pickiest wedding announcement getter, too. In fact, Marc suggested we make a little scrapbook for the hall of shame. I love it when I get a tasteful one.
The santa from Emily is darling!
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