I have a full heart and don't where to begin with today so I will start at the beginning.
We have 9:00 am church which came really early this morning. I had stayed up until midnight with college friends(Emily and Holly) who were in town for the weekend. (blog recap post of weekend to come) We stayed up monogramming items for their girls and talking about my lesson that I was giving today.
The lesson was Tragedy or Destiny - and incredible topic. The more I have studied about teaching in the church the more responsibility I feel and seem to want more meat in my lesson and less fluff. I have felt more of a need to just stick to the manual and use no other sources. I also have felt that sometimes my handouts may detract from focusing on really feeling the spirit which is what causes us to want to make changes in bettering ourselves. It has been a good change for me and today's lesson was proof of that for me.
Teaching for me is all about asking the right questions and encouraging healthy conversation.
Today some of my questions were.
Our family has been called to serve a family mission and attend the downtown D.C. ward for a year. It has been in the works for a few months and today was our first Sunday. We are excited, overwhelmed, nervous and thrilled with this opportunity.
Before we even knew we would move here, Annie Kate used to say she wanted to serve her mission for our church in Washington, D.C. (normally at age 21) and it was thrilling last night to tell her that now in a way she is.
We had some great friends who watched the girls for us so Jeff and I could go down for the first time on our own and 6 hours of church with an hour drive might have pushed the girls over the edge.
The building is right downtown and smashed between two buildings. It is small and simple. They are building a new building for this ward which will take a few years.
We walked in as they were singing the opening song and with tears just streaming down my face. The small room was packed with what felt like a world wide gathering. This made my New Orleans ward look like one from BYU. There were people from all over the world.
Whenever anyone says "Good Afternoon" from the pulpit the entire congregation says "good afternoon" kind of like aloha in Hawaii. The two speakers did not show up so they had impromptu speakers, impromptu musical number that Jeff sang in and then Musical Testimonies.
Anyone who wanted could get up and share their favorite hymn and then the congregation sang a line from that hymn. The stories that everyone told were amazing. They were from all over the world and had amazing experiences.
After the meeting ended they had anyone that was new stand up and introduce themselves. It was wonderful to her Jeff say who we were and that we had just moved in the ward, it felt like our new home.
We had many welcoming hugs. this one man from the Congo squeezed us both at the same time. We scoped out the primary which only has about 8 kids, Annie Kate will now be the oldest in the primary. This will be a change as our ward has the biggest primary in the area/stake. They meet in the basement that didn't feel like it had any or much heat.
It is a 30 minute drive to and from church. One may remember the reason we picked our neighborhood was because of the beauty of the church that is 3 blocks from our house This will be our hardest challenge, but after the feeling we had today, worth it.
We are still learning what our responsibilities are and what we will do. I assume we will get callings in the ward at some point. But I know we are not there to lead but to teach many of these new, members to lead.
It is going to be a wonderful new experience for us and after yesterday Jeff and I both said, we need them much more then they need us.
We have 9:00 am church which came really early this morning. I had stayed up until midnight with college friends(Emily and Holly) who were in town for the weekend. (blog recap post of weekend to come) We stayed up monogramming items for their girls and talking about my lesson that I was giving today.
The lesson was Tragedy or Destiny - and incredible topic. The more I have studied about teaching in the church the more responsibility I feel and seem to want more meat in my lesson and less fluff. I have felt more of a need to just stick to the manual and use no other sources. I also have felt that sometimes my handouts may detract from focusing on really feeling the spirit which is what causes us to want to make changes in bettering ourselves. It has been a good change for me and today's lesson was proof of that for me.

Teaching for me is all about asking the right questions and encouraging healthy conversation.
Today some of my questions were.
- What makes you wonderful and who you are? What trials and tragic events have made you that person?
- How can over indulging our children cause them to struggle having a relationship with their Heavenly Father?
- If after church a 6 year old child asked what you President Kimball teaches about death what would you tell them
- Why is it so difficult to see love ones suffer? What can we do to not become bitter or discouraged?
- How does one gain an eternal perspective during trials?
Our family has been called to serve a family mission and attend the downtown D.C. ward for a year. It has been in the works for a few months and today was our first Sunday. We are excited, overwhelmed, nervous and thrilled with this opportunity.
Before we even knew we would move here, Annie Kate used to say she wanted to serve her mission for our church in Washington, D.C. (normally at age 21) and it was thrilling last night to tell her that now in a way she is.
We had some great friends who watched the girls for us so Jeff and I could go down for the first time on our own and 6 hours of church with an hour drive might have pushed the girls over the edge.

The building is right downtown and smashed between two buildings. It is small and simple. They are building a new building for this ward which will take a few years.
We walked in as they were singing the opening song and with tears just streaming down my face. The small room was packed with what felt like a world wide gathering. This made my New Orleans ward look like one from BYU. There were people from all over the world.
Whenever anyone says "Good Afternoon" from the pulpit the entire congregation says "good afternoon" kind of like aloha in Hawaii. The two speakers did not show up so they had impromptu speakers, impromptu musical number that Jeff sang in and then Musical Testimonies.
Anyone who wanted could get up and share their favorite hymn and then the congregation sang a line from that hymn. The stories that everyone told were amazing. They were from all over the world and had amazing experiences.
After the meeting ended they had anyone that was new stand up and introduce themselves. It was wonderful to her Jeff say who we were and that we had just moved in the ward, it felt like our new home.
We had many welcoming hugs. this one man from the Congo squeezed us both at the same time. We scoped out the primary which only has about 8 kids, Annie Kate will now be the oldest in the primary. This will be a change as our ward has the biggest primary in the area/stake. They meet in the basement that didn't feel like it had any or much heat.
It is a 30 minute drive to and from church. One may remember the reason we picked our neighborhood was because of the beauty of the church that is 3 blocks from our house This will be our hardest challenge, but after the feeling we had today, worth it.
We are still learning what our responsibilities are and what we will do. I assume we will get callings in the ward at some point. But I know we are not there to lead but to teach many of these new, members to lead.
It is going to be a wonderful new experience for us and after yesterday Jeff and I both said, we need them much more then they need us.
I can't think of a better suited couple for this calling than YOU TWO!!! We love you and can't wait to hear about all of your inspirational experiences! You're incredible!
Wow, what an amazing calling to have. I love your attitude toward it. Your family has so much good to share, and you are right you will gain so much from the people you serve with/around.
What an amazing experience you will have! You have a great attitude about it, and I'm sure that will go a long way into making this great for you and the people in your new ward. I can't wait to hear about all the wonderful people that will come into your life through your new adventure.
I could not resist making a comment today. You and Jeff will truely bless the lives of those you rub shoulders with in your new ward. I can honestly think of no one better suited for this special calling. You and Jeff have a maturity in the gospel that others will not only learn from and aspire to have themselves. But above all, they will feel your genuineness and your love for them. My heart is overflowing with excitement for your family, and for those families whose lives you will touch forever.
I am so excited for you all, this will be such a great experience..especially for the girls!
WOW how neat!! again..im living thru you girl!!
Kristi, this post really hits home for me. After we had been living in New Haven for a year we got a call in to meet with the Stake President who called us as members of the singles branch. It was really hard for me at first because I was in a Stake calling that I loved and this meant that I would be released. We also had uncertainty of exactly what our role would be since we weren't called to leadership positions but really to be there like any other member of the singles branch and accept any calling that was given to us. In the beginning I didn't know what to expect or what my role was. However, once I got over that and just really put my all into my calling in the Relief Society it was the best thing. I'm not sure that the perspectives and things that I offered to the single adults could ever compare to what I gained from them. I've never been in more uplifting and well prepared meetings...every week. It was hard to leave that branch when we moved here and occasionally Paul and I say to each other: "do you think we can still go to the singles branch when we go back?" I hope you have an equally good experience with this unique calling.
Wow! What an amazing mission for your family. Your girls will remember it forever and it will change their lives forever. Blessings will come to your family as well as those you will be working with in this new ward. Best of luck.
Oh my! How wonderful for you guys! You will gain so much as you give so much. And what an experience for your girls! They will learn so much about the "true gospel" there. You both have such amazing testimonies to share and open giving hearts. This ward will be so blessed to have you there. Can't wait to hear about the highs and lows of this testimony building calling. We love you guys!
Wow, what a cool experience. You guys will be great at it because I always remembered you to be so outgoing. Can't wait to hear the updates.
Wow, what a great experience. I am so excited for your family. I hope this will also be a great opportunity for your girls.
I felt a little the same way when I first moved to Manhattan. When we had the jubilee for the opening of the New York Temple at Radio City Music Hall, President Hinckley had to remind people not to clap during his talk!
Congrats on your new mission! I think that it is fantastic and as soon as you are feeling totally comfortable - your year will be up and you will be torn to leave these wonderful people. What a great experience for your family! A year will go by super fast. As I am certain that you and your family have so much to offer such a ward, what wonderful blessings and experiences you will have serving with these people. What a great opportunity to do this while your girls are little. Choice blessings to follow! Fantastic!
Kristi- Had to comment on your post today (usually I just enjoy anonymously)...What a great experience!!! My parents are currently serving an "inner-city" mission is Salt Lake and have extended 3 times..they love it!! You will learn and give so much. What a great opportunity for your girls as well.
we did that hymn thing too like 2 weeks ago...that is so funny! We totally loved it, it was a great thing to do with a ward. There was some interesting stuff that comes out when its centered around hymns, its cool to hear what people know about general authorities and how they are tied with certain hymns.
What an amazing opportunity your family is going to have and what a great responsibility you will now shoulder to teach others to be leaders. From the little I know about you, I can't think of a person better suited for this calling. You loved and envelope all those around you and you reach out to people in a loving and non-threatening way. I sounds as if your first sacrament meeting was inspired. Music invited the Spirit so quickly and with such strong and lasting memories.
I'm excited about your new adventure, your family will only benefit from this.
Hi Kristi - being Church of England, I don't always understand the 'structure' of your faith, but I also lead Bible Study sessions here in the UK and understand completely the great onus on the 'leader' of that study to ask decent questions and to listen and encourage. Your new ward will definitely benefit from a leader like yourself.
In terms of the challenge ahead of you, it reminds me of a great book our church is always being encouraged to read: 'If You Want to Walk on Water, You Have to Get Out of the Boat' by John Ortberg. Whatever name we put to our faith, I think the underlying message about comfort zones and sacrifice are ultimately the same.
Congratulations and god bless!
What a cool experience and what a huge contrast to the "wealthy" ward you're in now. I'm excited to hear reports on your experiences with this new mission and to learn from them right along with you.
As for your lesson, thanks for sharing it. I don't get to go to Relief Society any more so I love to hear about the good lessons and the things taught and learned. You're definitely right about wanting more meat in the lesson and less fluff. It's fun to have cute handouts and cool things, but it's much better to come away from a lesson feeling happy and refreshed because you were touched by what was said and were able to feel the Spirit. Good for you!!
Hey Kristi!
That's an exciting new calling for your family--it takes us 30 minutes to get to church and that's normal!! I, too, enjoyed yesterday's lesson as it has recently hit home with our loss. Thanks for keeping up the great example!
Oh Goodness!!! We have a some families in our ward that are serving in downtown wards. They have mentioned how it has truely given them a whole new perspective on life!!! And thanks to you, we will all be able to learn and grow with you!!! Isn't it funny how we do something, like start a blog, and at the time it may not feel significant, and through time Our Heavenly Father can use it for something signifiant!!!
Kristi - I don't know you well, but when I read this, I thought, "That's perfect for them." I wish you much happiness in your new ward. You will likely remember the day you first walked in your "new" building -how I remember the first time I walked into our NOLA church - and how you didn't know it then, but there were so many friends waiting. You will be a blessing to them, and they will be a blessing to you.
I love what you said about teaching your lesson. You hit it right on, Kristi. I tend to get caught up in the little deatils (great handout, nice visuals, etc.) and have to remind myself what's really important. You will be missed in this calling, I'm sure.
Can't wait to hear about your new adventures! This is surely one of the reasons you are in the DC area.
That sounds so great. It reminds me of the times that on my mission I served in downtown wards and in neighborhood wards (this was in England, Scotland and Wales). It is a different world, huh? It will be great for your kids and your whole family. We served in the Spanish Branch in our stake for a few years (they pair up a member that has been in the church for awhile w/ the newer, spanish speaking members for leadership positions like YW, YM, RS, etc). It was amazing what we learned and the friendships we made. Good luck!
What a great experience you are going to have as your family grows together in this calling.
I love when everyone in the congregation repeats the greeting. It is one of my favorite things about going to church in Hawaii. And all the hugs.
I love how you said 'healthy conversation'. That rings very true in my ward, some people can steer my lesson off in a second. I love the questions you asked. I loved this lesson.
What a great attitude you have about changing wards. You have so much to teach your new ward. I know your family will be great. Can't wait to hear all about it!
What a great experience for your family. I love how positive you are about it and everything. I don't know you personally but just by being able to read your blog I know this is perfect for you. Let the people in your ward teach you whil eyou teach them. What a blessing to experience!
Oh Kristi-
I love the questions you asked in your lesson and the approach you took. I know the ladies in your RS are going to miss your great lessons (and I will miss your posts about them).
I can’t tell you how excited I am to hear about your mission call. What a wonderful opportunity for you and your family to serve. I know this is going to be much harder then you will ever let on, but your family will be blessed. I have such a strong testimony of accepting callings no matter.
I can't wait to hear about all the wonderful people you will get to know.
I can't think of anyone better to do this than you. It will be an amazing experience for your family. You will surely be blessed. I can't wait to here how it goes from week to week.
When Adam and I were only married a year we found ourselves in a ward downtown that was pretty much being run by missionary couples. They ran every organization as there weren't enough leaders to do the jobs. It was such an eye opener for us.
I hesitated to comment on this post since I'm not Mormon and some of this I don't understand what it really means. But, I have to say that it sounds like it is a great honor to have been chosen to do this and I am very happy for you.
You and Jeff are about the finest people I have even known and it warms my heart to know that others recognize the wonderful things about the two of you and your family.
Such nice words and I am so GLAD that you did comment.
i will tell you that one of the many amazing things about our chruch is that leadership is not always based on skill but more on what the leader may need to learn. this opportunity for our family was given to us I know just as much for our family to learn and grow as it may be for us to teach and help others.
ok.. so when are we going to be neighbors again.. we need to make some plans!
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