A night at the museum
and I am not just talking about the movie
On this president's day weekend we opted out of going to Mt. Vernon (the home of George Washington,) and hit a Smithsonian. We picked the Natural History Museum. The rest of the city and tourists must have had the same idea, it was packed. I think even more so than when we went this summer with Davis girls.
As we walked in we noticed they had two special showings of The Night at the Museum at the IMAX and we got tickets right away. All of us had seen it except Jeff but it was the perfect setting to see it. (the setting is the Natural History Museum in New York. I have been to both and they are similar)
As we walked around the museum we kept teasing Annie Kate that something was going to come to life. Caroline kept going up to totem like statues saying "Hi gum gum!"

There was some great exhibits for Black History Month and a wonderful Orchid exhibit that I wish I could have taken photos of, but the crowds and holding a 2 year old made it near impossible. (our friends the Zollingers would have loved it!) If you live close by and like Orchids, don't miss this exhibit.
There was also a great exhibit that ends on March 19th. It is Natures Best through the art of Photography. If you enjoy nature photos, don't miss this link to see some of what is on display.

After the movie it was just getting dark and we had parked close to the Washington Monument so at Annie Kate's request we walked on over. It was beautiful and the sky was seriously purple. No photo shop in this photo! (unlike the top flag photo)
It was just a perfect way to end the day and begin President's Day weekend.
What a fun night at the museum. We are planning a family trip out there in the next year or two. I can't wait to visit all the great museums.
It sounds like you all had a very fun day! I would love to live there and get exposed to all of that history!
Kristi, Your mom has probably told you this but one of the Mathis children (Grandma and Grandpa R's neighbors) works in the Smithsonian in the bug part I believe. At least he did when Erik went there to compete in the History Fair. He gave them a special tour.
Fun day out!
the last time we were at the musuem i had the front desk call Wayne to see if he was in his office, but he wasn't.
i didn't have them call yesterday because it was a Saturday. I wonder what he is up to with the bug section being closed, they must be doing something awesome and new
I'm so glad they decided to show Night at the Museum at the appropriate museum. How fun! Love your pictures!
That flag photo is breathtaking! And yes, night photos are terribly tricky. What a fun outing. We haven't been to a good museum in a long time, and we have never taken Eva to a movie -- how did SJ do with it?
michelle, sj did well it was her second time seeing it.
she has to go out in the middle sometiems and get a little run around time. we usually take her when she is really tired and it helps.
That sounds like a really fun day and such a great idea to see Night in the Museum at a Natural History Museum. That museum is one of my favorites in the Smithsonian.
Did you happen to use the blur tool or impressionist brush in photoshop to adjust your flag picture? So cool.
That sounds so fun! We have not seen this movie yet, but what else is new? We never go to movies these days.
That sky is very cool!
You see, THIS is what AK should've been writing about in her weekend report isn't it? :-D
Love the snow monkey picture. I thought it was one of your Good Mail postman at first, trudging through all that snow you've got. How is he coping with all that slippy ice and your packages, by the way?? Poor fella!
That picture with the sky purple is unreal, so cool. I thought Night At The Museum was a really fun movie, so I'm sure seeing it in a Natural History Museum on IMAX made it that much better.
The flag picture is great too!
kristi i LOVE your flag picture. i just LOVE it! sounds like a fun time. what a great place to explore with our family.
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