"To love and be loved is the greatest joy on earth"
A few years ago I was visiting Jeff's family in Seattle and his mom had a framed piece of embroidery sitting on the floor behind a table. I pulled it out and said this is incredible and could not believe she didn't have it hanging up. She told me she had made it for her mom as a wedding gift when she remarried in 1984. Jeff's mom said oh you can have it. I of course did not want her to think I was complimenting it because I wanted it and said no way I can't take it. I of course am a fool for heirloom items especially ones that have been sewn . The embroidery work was really amazing , it is a bunch of french knots to make the pattern and also some ribbon embroidery work.
Well jump a year ahead. I am at a garage sale in Tennessee and what do I find in the bottom of a box, but a pillow that has been handstiched in the exact same pattern, colors and everything. I could not believe it! It had stains all over it and was only $.25 cents. I hugged the lady selling it and told her the story. I even offered to pay more because I was so excited about it. (she was not as excited as I was) I bought it took it home and cut the pillow apart to just have the embroidered piece and put it in the wash and bleached it. It came out perfect!

For Jeff's graduation from his residency his mom gave me a gift. It was the framed work of art that she had made 19 years earlier. I was thrilled. It hangs now in our home and the pillow sits on the girls bed.
I had wanted to post this story around Valentiens day.
Another icy day here in the east and no school again. Can't get my car out of the garage so a fun filled day at home. If we don't have school tomorrow we will be having a Valentines party on Mardi Gras at her school . It is going to be fun filled snowy weekend.
very sweet story. i LOVE your trash to treasure tales!
How sweet is that little pillow? I just want to squeeze it! You have a great eye.
I love that Jeff's mom realized the work and dedication YOU had put in for Jeff to finish his residency and by presenting you with that very special gift, well that says a lot.
After 2 days off my girls went back to school today so I hope AK gets her party tomorrow and doesn't have to wait until Tuesday!
I can't believe you found the exact copy at a garage sale!! Amazing story!
This is a great story! I love how you appreciate so many things in this world.
You have crazy skills for finding things at garage sales/thrift stores. That's so neat. Love the embroidery.
What a great story! It is a beautiful pattern and nicely worked, I just can't believe you found an exact duplicate -- apparently it was meant for you to have! I love it.
That is so beautiful! I love that you found an exact copy of one at a garage sale!
We had a delay day today, so everything starts 90 minutes later. We got lucky and someone plowed our driveway for us!! So nice!
Enjoy your day! Oh, and thanks for the cute, cute card!!
What a sweet story, it's those things that mean the most in our lives. Thanks.
That is an amazing story. What a great tokens of love you will be able to pass down to your girls.
It's clear that you must've really loved that framed version of the design for you to have instantly recognized it again at the garage sale. It must have been imprinted on your memory (or stitched in? LOL).
It is a lovely design, I agree. I can't keep looking at the 2 images! They ARE identical, aren't they?
Yikes to being snowed in! Liz, what's a 'delay day'? It sounds like very good sense...
amanda, they are exactly the same.
a delay day is when school will start two hours later.
What a beautiful pattern. I can't believe some of the stuff you have found at garage sales.
Okay, I think this must have been your embroidery of destiny, if there can be such a thing! It turned into such a cute pillow, and I love that Jeff's mom gave the original to YOU for a graduation gift. Much deserved! What a fun story.
sweet story... I love the pillow.. and the wall hanging.. what a thoughtful mother in law you have!
That is a wonderful story of love, Kristi. You are fortunate to have a very caring and loving Mom-in-law.
Wow, that made for a gorgeous pillow!!
Great trash to treasure story...you seriously find the best stuff!
Such a sweet gift from your mother-in-law, too...and identical...what are the odds?!
Do you know what they call that type of needlework??? Is it Candlewicking?
What a great story! It makes me happy thinking of you rescuing that needlework from a garage sale and even offering to pay more than the .25 cents asked.
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