The pink envelopes have now all left my home. They did not all go on the same day but little bits at a time, so some of you may not have yours yet but by the middle of next week I am hoping they are all in your mailbox. (to our Canada, France, Australia and Great Britain friends it may take a little longer)

I am not sure if I would have ever finished these if it would not have been from the help of Anne who did lots of typing, mail merging, key chain making, copy and pasting and give me the kick I needed to stop getting overwhelmed by the project and just finish it. So thank you friend.
Also a huge thanks again to our Pink Christmas sponsors who are listed on the Pink Christmas website. Take a few minutes to check out their sites and forward them to your friends, without them this year Pink Christmas would never have happened.
last but not least if by the end of next week you have not received your envelope you can email me, but if you never sent me your profile sheet and address and only posted you wanted to join, keep in mind I had no way to contact you. I tried, trust me on this one, to get everyone in.
got mine two days ago....full of fun surprises and I am having fun planning my Christmas gifts shopping with your sponsors. You are amazing to organize all this, it has turned into quite an event! Thanks so much for making it all happen, I have to get my creative juices flowing and start working on my girlfriends gift! Love you. Heather
I will miss getting my pink envelope this year - you amaze me by doing this, Kristi. You're an incredible person. Next year I won't be feeling pukey. I feel like I've been in a black hole for the past 4 months. Here's to another year!
Just got mine today. My very first piece of good mail ever. Such a delight. Thanks for doing this Kristi!
Yeah! I can't wait to see that color pink in my box. You are so awesome for doing this.
Kristi, you are great. Can't wait to get mine.
Not to be Debbie Downer but...
My last 2 mailings have required an extra $.17 it's crazy! I use to send the biggest bulkiest embellished cards all with a normal stamp. Julia's shower invite had 2 flat flowers, and then Bub's announcements had that little circle with a tiny pin with a vellum envelope, and they charged extra. The post lady said it was because of the new sorting machine they are using. Sometimes technology is such a pain.
Okay I am done ranting, but my homemade card days may be over.
Do I know how to ruin a happy post or what??
I really don't know how you managed to coordinate all of this. I wouldn't be surprised if you were cursing your idea-filled brain and wishing someone would take over for you. Thanks for doing so much!
I got mine today and was THRILLED. I had no idea that over 100 people were involved & when I read that in your letter, I realized that it must have been an enormous undertaking. It is SO appreciated. And I'm sure your niece will appreciate it as well. What an amazing concept and something I am excited to be involved with. THANK YOU!!!
Yipppeee! I can't wait for mine to get here. Thanks, Kristi, you're amazing.
Woo hoo! I will be watching my mailbox! You are so amazing to be able to coordinate all this and have a life. Thank you so much! :)
Honestly, I was overwhelmed when my pink envelope arrived yesterday. That is quite a bit of information to pull together! SO many people participating - wow! Thanks for all the treats and I was excited to check out all the sponsors! - The key chain was a cute idea!
YAHOO for Anne coming to help you! SO nice!
Thanks for pulling this together. I am afraid to see how many PINKS you will have next year!
got mine yesterday! Thanks Kristi
Tell me; HOW DO YOU DO SO MUCH? And with three little ones underfoot! You are amazingly generous, pulled together and talented! Not to mention a natural beauty!
Sorry my info was SO slow getting to you.
I have to know where did you get those pink envelopes?
Rachel. don't be too impressed my kids have eaten lucky charms for a week so i could get these done.
envelopes are from
thanks everyone for your kind words. i am just so worried that someone will have gotten left out.
I'm SO EXCITED!! thank you thank you thank you. I really do want you to know that all the work (heart, soul, hands, feet, etc) you do does not go unnoticed!
Cant wait for my envelope to arrive. Thank you, Thank you for the hours and hours and hours you have given and will give to this!
Thanks to Anne and your family, also!
What a blessing to have someone like Anne to help this year. If its popularity continues next year (which I'm sure it will!), you'll probably have to consider putting together a 'Pink Christmas Team'?!
Hope you remembered me, but even if you haven't Kristi, I will just look forward to everyone posting images of their gifts. Last year's bounty was so much fun to look at!
Hey! I got mine yesterday! You did an amazing job this year, and I guess that has something to do with all of these fabulous sponsers! I am so excited to peruse their sites! Thanks for doing all this, and thanks to all who helped you!
ok well my postal carrier better watch out~I'm stalking them this week for that pink envie! I'm so excited to participate this year!
Thanks Kristi for putting this together! And Anne for all your help!
Yea, I got mine yesterday and was so excited! Thanks for the work Kristi, there is no way it wouldn't take over. Lucky Charms has vitamins and nutrients doesn't it? Thanks for helping Anne, what a great friend you are!
Hooray! So excited!
amanda:) of course i remembered you! you are our GB representative!
I will be awaiting the pink envelopes arrival!!! I too like the idea that Amanda posted of having a Pink Christmas Team! What a great idea! Looks like you may already have one on board- Anne! That is awesome you had an extra set of hands to help you out. As you can tell we are all really excited for this and the great contribution of helping others out too at the same time! Thanks for all your efforts!
I am looking forward to getting mine! What a huge job, you are great to organize such a fun thing. I agree with Amanda, maybe a Pink Christmas Team might be helpful for you! Thanks so much for adding a little extra fun to life!
Thanks for emailing me to include me at the last minute. I was going to be a little bummed, but I am so excited to be in it as well. Thank you so much for all your hard efforts. I am getting my check into the mail today:)
I got my pink envelope (no extra charge, btw) and WOW! What a way to get us all excited! This is my first year and I didn't know what the 'pink envelope' meant, again, wow! thanks so much for all you and Anne did.
Wow. What a LOT of work, Kristi! You are amazing. Thanks to Anne for helping out, it's so nice to think of you having back-up way out there...
I will be patient, I'm sure I'll get mine last. Kristi, really, I hope everyone is thanking you for this. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for taking on this enormous project. Look how you pull people together!
hey kristi count me in the pink team if you need...i woudn't mind wearing a pink uniform. hey thank you for doing all this work, and to me, i wouldn't mind being at your home, I love lucky charms...or should I say CHUCKY my husband calls them, apparently I like to have them when I am pmsyy.....great job...I haven't gotten mine, but no worries with the 17 extra
you are amazing and thoughtful and dedicated.
and if anyone missed out (like me!) it is our own fault, not yours! you gave plenty of notice and plenty of time-- you are awesome to do it. no need for you to feel guilty if WE did not get our stuff to you on time.
awesome job...
I can't wait to get mine. I am rushing to the mailbox each day hoping I will see a burst of pink popping out!! Thanks for organizing all of this. You are great!!
Hi Kristi,
What a wonderful way to start the week!
I received my "Package of Pink Perfection" today. I love all the goodies.
You are truly amazing. Thank you so much.
I can't wait 'til Christmas!
seriously impressed with the whole package! girl, you are on fire!!
My pink envelope came today - I hope my 'secret sister' doesn't have a statcounter or visit tracker, but I am totally going to get caught as her newest lurker and then she'll suspect me! Thanks again!
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