
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Don't tell my husband,
but I think I
CAN cook

I have told my husband forever that I can't cook. He has witnessed some bad disasters. Like the year for his birthday I made him an Apple Pie because he loves them so and I forgot something and it was gross! I always say, "oh I can't cook" But in the past week I have made yummy homemade rolls, Mindy's yummy granola and today egg rolls. I just may be blowing my cover.

but even though I made an awesome dinner Sally Jane went for instant Oatmeal instead and took apart the table's center piece during dinner

when i said, "does anyone else want Oatmeal?" Caroline raised her hand

Annie Kate was smart and ate the egg rolls.

Yesterday I went to pick Caroline up from school and the car would not start. I called a bunch of people to help me and found someone to give my battery a jump. I even printed out instructions off the Internet to make sure I did it correctly. The first line of the instructions read,

The first thing you want to remember when jump-starting a car is that a slight possibility of explosion does exist.

Well, I totally failed and did something wrong and it didn't start, but when Jeff got home it did. Next on my list is to learn how to jump start my own car. Good thing - there was no explosion.

Kind of funny...
Jeff flew out of town early this morning and flew back tonight. It was so funny because I thought the whole day he was in San Antonio but he was actually in Minnesota - I need to work on my listening skills.


Jennifer (mom of four) said...

You will have to email me the recipe or if you have already posted it direct me to it. THe granola sounds great!

Rachel said...

Way to go on the egg rolls! They lookk delicious! And props to Annie Kate for saying NO to oatmeal! Funny about the car and Jeff's trip. He must leave town a lot to lose track of his where abouts!!! :)

Liz said...

Hurray for making some yummy dinners! I think my kids opt for bread and butter even if Ben and I like the meal. They don't know what they are missing.

Jump-starting a car scares me so much! I tried to help a friend several weeks ago, and while we could get it to work, her car would not stay running. Glad you got your car to start finally!

everything pink! said...

rachel. jeff has never flown anywhere for the day, he never travels that is what is so freaky! i wish i had the constant travel as an excuse.

Michelle Alley said...

When Craig travels I usually only know what city he's going to, but the hotel, when he's living for the next place - usually goes right over my head! Those egg rolls looke really good - where did you find the recipe? Cute pictures of your girls!

Anonymous said...

Jump starting the car always freaks me out for some reason -- glad you didn't explode!

And go Kristi with your stealthy cooking skills. The egg rolls look delish!

Jill said...

Great first sentence Kristi! I won't tell Jeff, best to have him keep his expectations low eh?

I make dinner so rarely that Randy is delighted whenever I do, it's a good plan for us. Tonight we ate out after Landon's football game, so we're all happy about that.

everything pink! said...

the egg roll recipe is on my mom learned from a lady who was from hong kong, they are so easy to make and deilish for days!

Lauralee said...

the egg rolls look yum.. better than the cereal we all ate tonight.
good to hear other kids refuse dinner.I have never jumped a car..

Tasha said...

Those eggrolls look delicious!

I highly recommend getting a battery pack with cables for your car. That way you can jump start your own car if you need to, without another person. I got one when I was working in a questionable neighborhood and didn't want to have to rely on waiting for someone to help me. They are like 50.00 and go on sale at Christmas time at places like JC Penny's.

michelle said...

Oh my, the warning about the possibility of explosion would have scared me off of even trying! Glad that didn't happen. Your egg rolls look great, and I've heard enough about yummy things you've made to know that you CAN cook. Love the photo of Caroline's arm in the air!

Bond Girl 007 said...

oh can i come for dinner?

Anonymous said...

Those egg rolls look awesome- that is something I still have never made.

I used to be wary of jumping my car but am a pro at it now and have helped a lot of people out. It feels cool to be the girl with the cables in her car helping the guy out.

Jules said...

I am so glad that there was no explosion. When I read that I laughed, even though it is a little dangerous to do. You have to know how to do it. I am glad that your egg rolls turned out, and your rolls. Yeah. I laughed about the last part where you didn't even know where your husband was. Thanks for the unintended humor! I have made egg rolls, they are fun to make!

Amanda :-) said...

I do believe half of good culinary skills is based on sheer confidence, and it looks like you're gaining it by the day!

Please take a proper picture of your table display - it looks stunning!

Good you mentioned the car thing, as I'd had it in the back of my mind to suggest at church that we run an evening for the 'ladies' of the church (or any clueless men!) on basic car maintenance, e.g. how to jump start! We're always trying to think of new and orginal things for women's events that DON'T involve the usual cakes and fashion shows.

Oops to mistaking where Jeff was! Paul is on a course today, and I haven't a CLUE where it's being held! It crossed my mind as he walked out the door that I should enquire exactly where he was going!

Bek said...

We need the eggroll recipe. I should try and make them instead of cheating and buying them at Trader Joes...

also, I stink at bread. I need a fool proof roll recipe... did you post it and I missed it?

RoRo2 said...

I love egg rolls, had them for lunch yesterday! And yours look so yummy! Please! Please! Please! will you post the recipe? (I think that is better than emailing me because then more can benefit from it but you have my email if you don't want to post it).

I have jumped cars so many times but still never remember which car you hook-up first! And that battery pack that Tasha was talking about sounds like a great thing to have I'll have to look into it, thanks Tasha.

Tip Junkie said...

Great post! I wish I could cook. ;) Those look seriously so yummy.

Creole Wisdom said...

Minnesota is the place to be, I hope he had a nice time!

Oh, and I'm glad no explosion either. LOL!

jenny said...

I have SO done that printing out thing (on the internet) about the jumper cables. I remember second guessing myself and totally freaking that I would explode the car. Too funny.

Hey I made bread today as well!

patsy said...

So impressed by those egg rolls! You definately can cook. I have never jumped a car~ I would be scared to death.
I have almost stopped cooking. I am in a major cooking rut. Thanks for the inspiration.

Anna said...

He was in chance did he come to my neck of the woods in Rochester/Mayo Clinic?

Barb said...

That last thing is funny. When Ken goes out of town, I don't think much of it because if I need him I call his cell phone, not his hotel!

mimi said...

Those egg rolls look so good I can smell them. Oatmeal instead? The little ones are missing out big time. You can send them our way. Way to cook, Girl!

Rachel said...

ok are you kidding me? I always look forward to your cooking! I have ALWAYS loved your yummy food. I am sure the egg rolls were amazing, and the picture of the rolls made my mouth water. Watch out MarthaStewart!

Missy said...

How funny about your car not starting. I had the same problem last week. I had left my keys in the ignition, with it turned to accessory. I have never done that before! I couldn't believe it! Anyway, I had all 3 girls all buckled into their car seats, and had to unstrap them, unload the stroller and load the babies into the double stroller so that I could walk to a neighbor's house. She and I were feeling like capable, empowered women, so I called a friend for a quick tutorial, and we got out the jumper cables and hooked them up! We were able to get the car started (on the second try!!). Good thing I didn't read the disclaimer about explosion beforehand or I would have chickened out!