so I met someone famous
and you could win something so keep reading
and you could win something so keep reading
A couple of weeks ago a met a famous new artist. Sarah Jane. She may say she is not famous, but I think she is. I had read about her on many blogs and had been waiting for her new online store to open. So I was in Target in the toy section and there she was with her kids.
I had just purchased two of her prints to hang in my girls rooms the week before.
She is amazingly talented not only as an artist but boy can she sing! (My husband has heard her sing before and still talks about it) Anyway, she has a new online store and offered to give a $40 gift card on my blog. Of course I said yes! Do you realize that means if you win you could buy a print for you and one for a friend.

So to win one $40 of Sarah Jane money on her site and in honor of this beautiful print of a child reading...
{What was your favorite book as a child?}
Sarah Jane will pick the winner on Monday
she has a really great blog here....tell all your friends
Sarah Jane will pick the winner on Monday
she has a really great blog here....tell all your friends
My favorite book as a child was Charlotte's Web. I read it before I went to kindergarten, and now I've started reading it with Addie, my own little girl. I hope the love I feel for it will overflow to her and make it one of her favorites, too!
My favorite book was Three Billy Goats Gruff. I'm not sure why I like d it so much, but I still like it. I still have the very tattered book to read to my daughter.
My favotite book as a child was The Rainbow Fish!!! I still love it! =)
My favorite book was "Harriet The Spy" I read this several times in the third grade. In the book the artists illustration of Harriet reminds me of Thelma on Scooby Doo. Her adventures in the book kept me reading and of course the book has a valuable lesson about judging others. Also, be careful what you write, perhaps unintentionally, others may read it. :)
My favorite book was "Blueberries for Sal" - I loved it even more when my grandmother read it to us in her wonderful British accent.
Oh man, I don't even remember my childhood! I can tell you my current favorite childhood book...Snowmen at Night by Caralyn Buehner. The story is so fun and the illustrations are darling. There are even hidden items on each page to make it even MORE fun to read and look at.
I've been admiring that halloween print at your house! I really should get one! Or maybe I'll just win one. :)
She probably felt like she was meeting someone famous too!
I loved Charlotte's Web as a kid, and also a book about an elephant who was too big to fit in the house for a birthday party (I can't remember the name though #$@!).
my favorite book was the Secret Garden.. My 2nd grade teacher read it to us.. I loved the suspense... I have tried to read it to my girls.. they aren't as interested.. but I still love it.. and I got to see it acted out 2 summers ago in West Yellowstone at the Playmill theater.. my girls did enjoy that!
My favorite book was "The Box Car Children". I think I made my mom read it to me a dozen times. I think I should go borrow my moms copy and read it for old times sake.
I have too many childhood favorites to name just one! Here are a few: "The Sleep Book" and "If I Ran the Circus" by Dr. Seuss. I used to read them at my grandma's house when I stayed overnight. "The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles" by Julie Andrews Edwards was a big favorite. "Green Eyes" about a little white kitten that grows up through the seasons. Also the Madeline books and "Bedtime for Frances". Now I have a whole new bunch of favorite books that have come out since! I just love children's literature.
My favorite book was A Special Trade. It's out of print now, darn! It is a sweet story about a girl named Nelly whose older neighbor, Mr Bartholomew, pushed her around the neighborhood in her stroller for walks. As they both grow and age, Nelly pushes Bartholomew in his wheelchair for walks around the neighborhood. He tells her corny things like "don't be saddish, have a raddish" but I just love that book. I know it by heart.
What book wasn't a favorite. I devoured everything I could get my little hands on. Hopping from dream world to dream world.
My favorite book/s were the Little House on the Praire series. My mom bought me the box set when I turned seven and I devoured them within a month. I read them, in order, time & time again growing up. I read all sorts of other books too, but especially liked those with several books, like Ramona Quimby, The Littles, and eventually the Anne of Green Gables series. I loved Anne and Marylis, and how Anne and Gil went from fighting to falling in love down the line. But, as a shy child, growing up with only a few close friends, I connected more with Laura Ingalls and her tight knit family. I wanted to roast a pigs tail, to make a corncob doll, and to have a waist like Ma's that could be circled by Pa's two hands. :) As I grew older, I couldn't wait for the day when I'd meet my Almonzo and get married and have children together. My dreams of a tiny waist fell by the wayside, but my "Almonzo" and I, after years of infertility, now have a cuddly 18 month old baby girl through the gift & blessing of adoption. I can't wait to see her fall in love with reading and good books too!
My favorite book was Tthe "Velvetine Rabbit" was my favorite book as a child.
When I went to college, the first Christmas that I came home, my mom had made me a Velvetine Rabbit and gotten me another book to have at school.
I still have the rabbit and it is in Abigale's room.
It is such a wonderful story!
My favorite was Little Women. I still have the copy I had when I was little. The pages are so frayed from reading it so much. Now that you asked, I may go read it again!
My favorite book as a child was "little red riding hood".
"b is for betsy" the entire series. the elementary librarian finally told me i couldn't check them out any more!!
Ohhh-I just love these prints, I have been debating which one to choose since you posted her link earlier on this site...and now to have a chance to win two!!! I think my favorite book that I remember is Make Way for Ducklings...I always loved the illustrations and when we went to Boston a few years back, it just hit home to see the inspiration for the story...love those ducks!
My favorite book as a child was "A Little Princess" ... and I still love it!
The first that comes to mind is "Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel" by Virgina Burton. Her other books are right there with this one.
My mom used to read us a series from Sweden, one about triplet boys Snipp, Snapp, & Snurr and triplet girls, Flicka, Ricka, & Dicka. I have posted about all of these favorites at one point or another.
When I could read chapter books by myself I read everything by Carolyn Heywood and Beverly Cleary.
My favorite book is called "The Story about Ping". My little brother and I lived with my grandparents when we were very little because our mother was often in the hospital and my grandfather would read this book to us almost every night.
Thanks for inspiring me to think about this and look it up on line!
I loved "Sleepy Time" when I was a little girl. I can still even remember the words. "I'm tired, me too. Let's go to bed. First there's bath time, or a shower, to get clean!..."
I also loved "The Indian in the Cupboard" in elementary school because I always wanted some of my toys to come to life.
I loved The Three Little Kittens and have loved reading it to Mya and can't wait to read it to Kaylee.
Sarah Jane is famous-- I fell in love with her illustrations just the other day, and now here they are again!EverythingPink is famous, too-- because I keep coming across links to you everywhere.
My favorite book as a child was an old book of classic French fairy tales that my Grandma would read to me, with those gorgeous, rich colorplate illustrations. I loved Beauty and the Beast, and cuddling up together during the creepy and thrilling Bluebeard. Happy memories... :)
My favorite book was the giving tree... Those pictures are beautiful!
My favorite book has to be "Mr Willowby's Christmas tree", it has stayed a christmas family tradition to read this book on Christmast eve every year since I can remember. We thought it was out of print until my mom found them in soft cover a few years ago. Love, love, this book! Sarah Jane is definately very talented!
Okay my favorite was "Marvin K. Mooney, will you please go now" I think the best children books have certainly got to be Dr. Seuss books.
My other favorite is "Green eggs and ham"
Later I found this story out - "Green Eggs and Ham is one of Seuss's "Beginner Books", written in a very simple vocabulary for beginning readers. The vocabulary of the text consists of just fifty different words, of which 49 are monosyllabic (the one exception being "anywhere"). A rumor has it that Bennett Cerf, Dr. Seuss's publisher, wagered $50 that Seuss could not write a book using only fifty different words."
Cool huh?
I'm still loyal to my childhood favorites, Beauty by Robin McKinley and The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery. I reread them once a year. These two were/are my favorites but I loved to read anything and everything. I still do.
Iloved Nancy Drew, Little House books and one called "My Wolf, My Friend." I have tried to find that last one recently and can't, so maybe I made it up!! I still love to read!
I loved anything by Beverly Cleary. Especially Romona & Romona the Pest. I reread them this past summer just for the heck of it. They are so cute, really the only books I loved.
I just love these prints!
~ thanks Kristi
The American Girls books! I loved them, I love them, and I hope one day I will have daughters who will love them too! I loved exploring the worlds of other girls in different parts of the world and history!
My favorite book is called "The Ordinary Princess". I read it about every year. It's about a princess who isn't pretty like her sisters who are all named after jewels. She has dull brown hair and freckles, and she's a tomboy but she gets her happily ever after. Another amazing book is called "Izzy Willy Nilly" by Cynthia Voigt. I also read a lot of stuff by Christopher Pike, sort of scary books. My favorites were "April Fools" and "Witches".
tough choice. when i was younger, i loved "Green Eyes" by A. Birnbaum and "The King Who Rained" by Fred Gwynne. when i was older, i loved "from the mixed-up files of mrs. basil e. frankweiler." as an adult, i have LOVED reading "Now We Are Six" and "When I Was Very Young" by A.A. Milne to my children.
i know you just asked for one book, but there are TOO many wonderful children's books. (i just did a quick scan and saw others that i love(d) as well as someone else who loved "Green Eyes". what fun!!)
I loved the Bobsey Twins. I now have the set that were my mother's and her sisters' - what a treasure!
I loved Amelia Bedilla books. She was a maid and was always doing something crazy! I remember waking on Christmas mornings and excited to find books left for us from the Big Man himself!
I so love that Halloween print- too cute! Which prints did you get for your girls?
I loved the Boxcar Children Series...my mom loved them so it was great to share that with her. I was a pretty voracious reader as a kid, but I don't remember favorites from when I was read to. These prints are just wonderful...i clicked a link recently to her Esty shop that someone, somewhere had posted!
The first books I remember loving as a child were the "Little House" series. I loved the descriptions and the stories in the series.
Oh my, this is so easy to answer.
I can remember my mother reading this to me when I was a child. Whenever I was sick she would sit on bed and read me the story. Then when I went off to college I was given a fresh copy to take along with me. I, in turn, have read the same book to my children and each of them have their own copy. And I still cherish my copy.
The secret garden. Still wish I had my own secret garden!
My favorite children's book was Baby Dear - a golden book by Eloise Wilkens.
I mean Eloise Wilkin.
The Boxcar children series was my favorite. I had a rough time as a kid, and needed to escape. The children in the book live in a boxcar in the woods and take care of them selves after being orphaned. I loved their self-reliance and the world they made for themselves. I escaped to their little boxcar alot.
Hands down - Charlotte's Web! Second place would be Harriet the Spy, followed by the Babysitters' Club.
Say Hello Vanessa it's about a shy mouse who learns to make friends by just saying hello. First she says it too quiet, then she shouts it too loud and she decides it just isn't working. In the end she does meet a friend Morris the Mooose.
My second favorite book was Disney's The Rescuers and I insisted that my parents call me "Penny".
I hope I win!!
oops I said Mooris the Moose, but his name is Quincey the Moose!
Hands down, as a small child, my favorite book was Le Petit Prince. One of the best storybooks ever. When I got a little older, I loved Heidi. But Le Petit Prince is my favorite children's book.
hmmm, this is a hard question! Almost impossible to narrow it down... It really depends on the time of year, but since it is fall I will have to go with The Finches Fabulous Furnace. I read it almost every year and still love it. It is out of print, but head on down to your library, I bet they have it. The author's name is Richard Drury. I loved everyone else's selections too!
My favorite books of all as a child were those by Shel Silverstein: The Giving Tree, Where the Sidewalk Ends, A Light in the Attic, and Falling Up.
I think Where the Sidewalk Ends being my #1. My favorite memory was in second grade my teacher played us a tape of Shel Silverstein reading his own poems. I was in heaven!
I loved the serendipity book collections...like "Leo the Lop" and "Gabby" both By Stephen Cosgrove. I loved the vivid images. In fact, I think these are the only books I can remember up until I liked the babysitters club variety.
Ok, I lied...the other one I loved was "Peter Rabbit". I think Beatrix Potter and Sarah Jane illustrate similarly. Both very pretty and enchanting.
I had so many favorites that I read over and over! I loved Charlotte's Web, Stuart Little, The Boxcar Children, Beverly Cleary and all of the Little House books. What a great post to remember all of these books!
I love Sarah Jane's prints!
I have a different favourite book for every stage of my childhood. These pictures make me think of young childhood memories, so when I was very little my favourite was Big Dog Little Dog by P. D. Eastman. I was so excited to find a copy of it after I became a mommy, and now I read it to my own. So wonderful.
Also, I got the ribbons in the mail today! It is the most delicious thing ever! I kept taking them out and feeling them. Tying bows, untying bows. Wonderful! Thanks so much!
i think my favorite book/story was the frog prince...i just think it is magical and everytime I SEE a gold ball....in the woods....never! but I love the imaginery that i felt as a child...mystical.
her illustrations are wonderful and beautiful. I must say I collect children's books as a hobbie...but I do go by illustrations most of the time...sad...but true...I judge the book by its cover..but not really, now by its illustrations...and most of them I love....HER illustraitions are a definately one in my book
My favorite book was Goodnight Moon, because I really thought I could read it myself (I had it memorized).
Not a book but...my Father used to always say to me "There was a little girl who had a little curl..." I don't even know where this saying originally came from but I say it to my curly haired little Lucy all the time. I LOVE the print that you made with this saying!
My favorite book as a child was The Night Before Christmas. I have vivid memories of being in my room and my mom reading it to me in the rocking chair and of my sister and I reading it together, giggling. I loved the illustrations and remember my joy and anticipation hanging on every single word.
LOVE the artwork! My favorite book as a child was Where the Wild Things Are. I love how these ferocious beasts where tamed by this one little boy. I think I wanted to do that too.
I loved the Giving Tree. I just recently bought my own copy!
My favorite books were a series that all started with girls first names. It began with A and went to Z. They all were set in a different period of time.. loved them and still have them at my moms...
When I was really little (before I could read myself) I loved "Where the Wild Things Are". When I could read myself my favorite books were the Little House on The Prarie series.
I loved when my mom would recite "Sick" by Shel Sivlerstein by memory to us. "I cannot go to school today said little Peggy Ann McKay..."
I can vouch for this artist's work. I got the Happy Halloween cards and I am blown away. I totally want to decorate my girls rooms in her stuff!
I love "The Best Nest", a book that I loved to red to my children when they were little. I also love it because a loving daughter remembered it when she was grown and replaced my ragged copy with a new one fit to read to my grandchildren.
My favorite book was "Runaway Bunny". I love reading it to my kids today.
my favorite of all books was one about a cute little witch (a nice one) who wasn't allowed to participate in the witches' council because, at 127 years old, she was too young to do so. Also, she was too nice...all the other witches were mean, except for her.
"Die Kleine Hexe" by Ottfried Preussler
(Engl: "The Little Witch")
My favorite book as a child was The Velveteen Rabbit. When I learned to read on my own, I loved The Secret Garden....which I just had my daughter finish reading to me last night! I love the prints!
My favorite books were Anne of Green Gables and the Secret Garden. I still love them...
I loved all the books that have been mentioned, but was kind of glad no one else had mentioned my favorite. It is Monkey Face by Frank Asch. It is not one that many people know. I love the simplicity of the illustrations and the message the mother sends in the end. I'm so glad I wasn't too late for this. I've been trying to take some time off blogging to balance my life a little.
Of course I also have to say that I LOVE her name. I'm Kara Jayne, and my daughter is Nora Jayne.
My favorite book to read growing up was The Giving Tree. My dad speaks German and he wrote the German translation on every page. I used to pretend like I could speak German too. I can't. A few years ago we were staying at my parents house and I was waiting for my daughter to fall asleep so I could go to bed. I went to check on her and she was laying down with my dad's old copy of The Giving Tree. She had picked it out herself from the bookshelf! That was a tender moment for me, but probably moreso for my dad.
My favorite book was "The Princess and the Pea." As I got older I really enjoyed the Amelia Bedilla series and Ramona series by Beverly Clearly--and I have to admit, I read every Babysitter's Club book!
My favorite book in childhood (and now maybe even in adulthood) is called
Ohmygoodness! That book is amazing. The pictures and the colors were almost too much to look at as a kid, but I couldn't take my eyes off the pages. It is a great story about how these goblins plot to drink the whole rainbow but the roots at the roof of the cave overhear them and warn the valley. It is amazing! Very worth owning!! The author is, Ul de Rico.
Oh, SO hard to pick just one book...
The first Boxcar Children book where they lived in the boxcar and found broken china at the dump...for some reason, it all sounded so glamorous to my eight year old mind! I love the books that are timeless...
I have sj's 'polka dot wellies' print...and I adore it! (I'm hoping she'll make a print for each season...hint, hint.)
Oh definitely Anne of Green Gables!! I remember fighting over the books with my mom (She started reading them after me, and got ahead of me!) I love the movies now too! My dream is to one day actually make it to PEI!
One of my all time favorite books is Heckedy Peg by Audrey Wood (author) and Don Wood (illustrator). It is the most fabulous children's book. I think this is one of the very first books I loved.
My favorite books to read when I was a kid was, "A Lite in the Attic", "Falling Up", and "Where the Sidewalk Ends." All by Shel Silverstein. I didn't like to read when I was a kid and still don't as an adult. But for some reason when I pick these books up I just fall into them and can't put them down until all poems are read. As a family, now we will sit and take turns reading atloud the poems. Great family fun!!
The Monster At The End of This Book by Jon Stone. My mom always did Grover's voice when she read it to us and we all loved it.
Mother Goose nursery rhymes. Rosemary Wells illustrates them with great color.
my fave book was prob "are you there God, it's me maragaet" by Judy Blume.
reading it i felt very grown up because i could relate to all the girls trials and tribulations as pre teens. that was an awkward stage in my life and i felt at east to know that i was not the only one worried about my first bra, or my first kiss, or getting my period. I've given the book to my niece, who also enjoyed it. i can't wait to share it with my 2 daughters one day.
My favorite book as a child was Charlotte's Web. I read the book so many times as a child that my mother had to often tape the book back together. As an adult I still love the message from the author that we should never give up on our dreams. I plan to read the book to my daughter in hopes that she will always strive to reach for the stars.
i loved reading the little house on the prarie books. my mom just bought the set for my daugher and i can't wait for her to love them too.
ps. those prints are amazing
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