I cant' believe how much I am in love with Red and Green this year. My Christmas cards are red and green (they have never been red and green and are usually pink) and all my gift wrap is in red and green. I have been wrapping gifts all morning and getting boxes ready to send. Woo hoo for me!
So in honor of my new love for Red and Green for the holidays and I am selling over 20 yards of my best Red and Green ribbon for $.25 cents. Yes you read right only a quarter! But not just any quarter

Annie Kate collects each quarter from each mint and has them up to date (thanks to my brother Ryan) but we can not find a Mississippi P. Because it is one of the older ones it is tricky to find.
Annie Kate is getting a little iffy on the whole Santa thing and seems to be asking new kind of questions (more to come on that for sure) So she said, "This year I am going to ask for a Mississippi P quarter from Santa, because that would be a miracle if I got that" I am glad she wants just one, remember the Christmas Miracle Rebecca did last year with the 1000 bunnies!

So, look through your change and if you find a Mississippi P and want to trade it in for a luscious pile of red and green ribbon, email me at pinkeverythingpink@yahoo.com and I will make that trade.
Sorry, Kristi -- we have a ton of quarters so I thought we might have one, but no go. Hope Santa brings a miracle!
cass is starting to collect them too so i will give a look.
annie k = smart cookie!
and i love your red and green.
ho ho ho!!
i have a missisippi quarter with a "p" on it!
Lelly, the ribbon is boxed (in the coolest clear box by the way so everyone can see what you are getting) and on it's way today!
thanks so much.
i love blogging!
I can't believe I just missed out on that ribbon!!
congrats Lelly!
oooh I hope I find one. I am going to check everyday, not just for the ribbon (although that is spectacular) but because I REALLY want Annie Kate to get one for Christmas.
oh hello...I should read comments before I comment:)
Happy day!
i am so thrilled to be santa's helper this year!
Yeah for blogging is right! I'm so happy for AK. Her Christmas miracle. Great job Lelly!
Such a cute story I'm sure Annie Kate willl love hearing when she's older. Yay! I love the spirit of Christmas!
So fun!! I hope it makes Ak's day!
what a cute idea! congrats lelly!
I love your wrapping paper. Where did you find it?!
Yay for blogging and Mississippi P quarters!
anne, green wrap from Harris Teeter of all places, it was only $1.99 a roll and i loved it!
i bought a bunch because it will look great with pink ribbon too.
You have the bestest ribbon stash. Lelly is one lucky gal!
get it on ebay, for $1.35
Hurray! Santa rides again... one more year, at least. I loved catching up on you today - what a great Thanksgiving holiday! I can't wait to see how you package the quarter - I love that she thinks it would be a miracle!
Hey Kristi...I have yet to tell you about my thanksgiving run...but I will. Also, just thought I would post on your blog because so many people read it.
For those with little girls that like Polly Pocket, Mattel has coupons that you can print of their website for $5.00 off any Polly Pocket purchase. I just happened to use them last night and I had 6 Polly's that I was purchasing all at wal-mart for $4.98. The cashier let me use 6 coupons at the same time and I ended up getting all the Polly's for free...I only had to pay taxes. What a Deal!!!
I'm so glad Lelly found one. I had a Mississippi D, but no P. Fun to dig for it though--my heart was racing. The quest is accomplished!
I have a Mississippi P too. Maybe next time. too slow.
Your red and green packages make me love it even more. Yah for Lelly!
It's funny how things that seem rare and almost impossible are rapidly 'sorted' within a blogging circle. How encouraging is that?
I was immediately out of the running with this, being in the UK. Pah!
Does AK want a 50p piece??
I can't believe you found one by the 3rd commenter!! How cool to have your Christmas miracle guaranteed and it's not even December yet!!
I loved all of your pictures from Thanksgiving! And the bundles of gratitude you shared!
Love the ribbon, and Lelly, of all people, deserves it for sure!
Oh man! Too late! Hooray for Lelly! I was certain I was going to be able to track one down for you! My boys have a collection, too. Speaking of my boys, I am pretty sure my Hayden would think Annie Kate is the coolest girl EVER in that jersey! And memorizing the team roster, too? He does the SAME THING!
Ask and you shall receive! Glad you got your quarter!!!
what a fantastic thing to do...the only thing is that I just took a ferry and I had to pay 3.50 with all my quarters...so I will have to go and dig again...nevertheless it will be a fun thing to look out for.
Interesting fact.
lucky you.. glad you found it!
Hooray for blogging and the Mississippi P!
I love red and green packaging too. I bought blue wrap one year, and I just couldn't stand it. I love finding especially cute paper for Christmas. Has to be just right. I have the cutest tree skirt with different shades of green and red buttons and then colorful buttons. I just love it.
Maybe you should come visit me and wrap our presents too? Pretty please?
HOw fun to be able to find one for her!
i looked through all our quarters and no mississippi! sorry. your packages look really nice, i love all the red and green!
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