Everything Pink is now hiring
All of us at Everything Pink (that means me and my many personalities who blog in my basement) are hiring a personal assistant. looking for someone who types fast, doesn't mind following me around all day and blogging all the ideas that are constantly popping out of my head, is willing to carry around my big camera so it will stop bonking my kids on the head when I swing around to pick them up, keep me from going days without blogging and read my friends blog and tell me what they are up to.
Will pay 3 yards of ribbon per hour and a few vintage buttons.
Oh my when did I ever find the time to keep up on my blog - So if I could hire a personal assistant to follow me around all day, I so would right now. In one of those modes, do I just start from tomorrow or try to play catch up. (how can I resist another opportunity to use my Ketchup bottle from Denise?) I have so many fun and exciting things going on, I must find time tomorrow to share them all. I just love Christmas time!
I find that when I have the most exciting "blog worthy" things going on in my life is when I just don't have time to blog them. Every day right now I have so much I want to share and the time just gets away. The photos don't get taken and I just dont share so much that I was sure I would.
It is so hard to know whether to go back and "ketchup", ignoring the current blog posts or just start from now and move forward.
You are the only person I know that has a mind creatively stirring ALL day and ALL night long! It's amazing. You're right- you do need an assistant! :) Don't worry about catching up- just blog your great thoughts/happenings for today and move on!
oh my...i just lost a huge post with all the pictures...and blogger is being a pest...I need an assistant to figure out what is going on....loved this post and can't wait to see all you have been thinking of
You never cease to amaze me with ALL that you do! You MUST tell me your secret!!! Can't wait to find out how you're spending your time now!
I hope you find someone to fill the position because it's just not the same when you are missing from the blog world. Plus you're always doing so many fun things, it's a shame not to share it all.
I can't wait to hear about it all. I always amaze me with your creativity and all you do.
I'm just glad your absence has not been down to illness. I was wondering if you'd all been laid low by a bug again.
Crystal did a brilliant thing, which I'm probably just being a bit slow about - maybe everyone's doing it and I'm just not aware? She did a 'Wordless Wednesday' yesterday - just a picture. That's a fab idea if you're stuck for time.
Anyway, you MUST blog about your Christmas crafts to give us all a chance to gather our materials together and copy them -ermm, emulate them, I mean!
I'm in the same boat. No time for blogging these days. I get overwhelmed if I try to do catch-up posts, so I always start fresh after each little hiatus. Hope you are having a great holiday so far!
Great idea! I need one too. I wonder if we can find anyone willing to work under those conditions?
I'd like a bloglines right into the creative center of your mind. Taking the job would be the next best thing.
It isn't the same without you here around the holidays- we need the ideas! I think all mother's- especially the creative ones- should get a personal assistant.
Maybe you could entice AK to help you out by taking pictures of things you are doing, all the while learning about photography?
I'd love to be your personal assistant, but then I'd need one too. I hope you find the time to get some blogging in! :)
if you have an overflow of good applicants, send a few my way.
i am not too demanding and i will supply the starbucks...
My mom always mentions the same thing, saying I want a "me clone!"
Do you cover travel expenses? :)
No pressure - but you know how much we all love reading about your creative adventures and what fun you have been up to.
But, no pressure! HA!
I don't think that I need an assistant. I just need to be able to freeze time for a few hours a day. That would do the trick for me!
Ha! I so agree with the personal assistant thing (though I can't claim to be half as busy as you are, I'm sure!). I always tell my husband that when I win the Publisher's Clearing House $10 million, the first thing I'm doing is getting an assistant.
I totally feel the same way! Good luck and I am sure you are creating some amazing things in the process :)
The ribbon and vintage buttons ARE very tempting.
My I am missing your blog, but I completely understand & relate- wish I lived close & I would be your assistant at least for an afternoon.
Applicant: Marie
Qualifications: Admires all your ideas
Requirements: Need a travel allowance to get to DC.
References: See my blog sidebar
Pick me pick me!!
Amen, Sista! I made a comment similar to your post to a couple friends and they looked at me like I was inane. But I really do need a personal assistant!! I'm so glad you did this post. I'm glad I'm not alone. ;)
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