Why they call me mom of the year.
at 10:10 tonight my kids are doing this

making a snowman.
we have had our first snow storm and today it rained ice all day. Yuck.
we have had our first snow storm and today it rained ice all day. Yuck.

I took Caroline and Annie Kate to see Mr. Magoriums Wonder Emporium. As always I miss the end of all movies as I am out in the hall or in the bathroom with someone, so I am not sure how it ended but Anni Kate said it was good. Really I loved it for two reasons. I want to cut my hair short like Natalie Portman, I have for years. and I love Jason Batemen. Silver Spoons got me hooked on him, then Arrested Developement rehooked me. One of the things I love about his is he is SO my brother Ryan. He looks like him and his personality is so much like him.
It was just nice to see a G rated movie that was really G rated!
Yeah snow! Would you like some of ours? I think it's great that you are letting them enjoy it while it's their. I haven't seen Mr. Magorium, but the previews look really cute. So understand about the short do's, but it takes so long to grow out!
I LOVED Mr Magorium too. We saw it Thanksgiving week. Also saw the Bee movie that week and didn't care for that one at all. (me, that is. Kids approved.)
You ARE a fun mom!
This qualifies for mom of the year! Hard to even imagine in my 85degree weather today!
I've been wanting to see that movie too for the same reasons you like it. I have a serious crush on Jason Bateman!
Building a snowman at 10:10pm is awesome!
There is cute short hair and THEN there is Natalie Portman's hair in that movie. DO NOT cut your hair like that.....just my thoughts...look into other short hair styles.
You ARE mom of the year! I lOVE that you let the girls build a snowman at 10:10. Those are the fun things they will remember!
ok, i am totally cracking up on the annonymous comment - it is well taken and probably good advice - thank you!
I remember Silver Spoons but I don't remember Jason Bateman's part. What did he play?
It's funny when we have relatives who look like famous people - although I don't know who Jason Bateman is and had to Google Image him!
My brother looks very, very like Eric Cantona. Now watch Kristi Google Image him! Hahaha!
That's fabby that you let the girls play in the snow so late.
Building a snowman at 10pm is right up there with grilling at 1am! So fun to do something so out of the ordinary!
I loved that movie! Sorry to hear you were out at the end!
Thanks for the movie review! It looks like a fabulous movie!
Gotta love the snow! It can be fleeting, though so you have to take advantage of playing in it...even if it's at 10:10pm!
It's dumping, and dumping snow here and I am LOVING it!
You got the same snow as us! :)
We took the kids to see "Enchanted" yesterday, and loved it! Patrick Dempsey is hot!
I thing Mr. Magorium would be fun to see also!
Loved the movie too! Natalie Portman is a cutie! Loved her hair too!
I'll have to see that one -- I enjoy Jason Bateman as well. Your kids will probably never forget that you let them make a snowman at 10:00 p.m.! (I know mine wouldn't!)
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