It's a Spring Thing
Dana from Charmed Designs is doing a great fun Spring Giveaway to get us all excited for Spring and also to hopefully get spring to the places that are still experiencing winter. Dana was a Pink Christmas Sponsor and is training for her first Marathon. You go girl!
She also made me my Pink Christmas bracelet.
If you can dream up the jewelry, she can make it!
Check out her site for her custom orders and her awesome creations.
If you can dream up the jewelry, she can make it!
Check out her site for her custom orders and her awesome creations.
The winner will get to choose from one of her 4 new Spring Bracelets. (really generous these are valued from $75 - $90)
So leave a comment in the next week telling us
What is your Spring Thing?
When does it feel like Spring?
What do you love about Spring?
When does it feel like Spring?
What do you love about Spring?
Dana will pick the winner next friday
for me my spring thing is getting out the Easter box to decorate and make Easter Baskets
My "spring thing" is being able to (comfortably) run around outside with no shoes on!
Spring to me represents the rebirth of all living things. The beautiful trees and flowers begin to bloom and it is also the season for all kinds of precious babies to be born. Spring for me is the beginning of the most beautiful time of the year.
Happy Spring!
For me it's the tulips poking up, the lilacs blooming and spreading their fragrance everywhere, and having the windows open. Guess what, I saw some tulip leaves yesterday!
My spring thing is cleaning. I LOVE my house when it smells like lemon and bleach...with sunshine pouring in the windows.
To me, Spring is when I can keep all the windows open in my house. Especially when it is smells like rain outside!
I love spring because it makes me feel free after being trapped in the house all winter.
Spring for me is like a new beginning. I feel like we all need to be more gentle with ourselves and others and have new beginnings each day. Spring is such a great reminder of that and hopefully we can take that with us throughout the year.
"The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created Spring." ~Bern Williams
My Spring Thing is when there is no snow on my lawn anymore! Hurray! Yesterday I noticed that I could hear birds chirping outside, which is another great sign. I also know it's Spring when I start worrying about having to be seen in a bathing suit!:)
My spring thing is being able to be outside soaking up the warmth after a long winter. It starts to feel like spring to me when the temps start coming up to the 50's and the sun is shining. My favorite thing about spring is seeing my tulips and daffodils start poking up through the ground. I love it when they are all in full bloom. It just makes me so happy!! It is kind of like the rainbow after the rain...only it is the green and regrowth after the long dreary winter! Happy Sping!
Warm weather, flip flips and Easter!
My spring thing is seeing the crocus, tulips and daffodils start to pop out of the ground. They take me by surprise every year and make me giddy because it means winter is really going to end and everything will come alive again.
My spring thing is Tulips. I love tulips and they always remind me of the beauty of Holland and hope!
Spring is: sandels, toenail polish, shaved legs, a new, shorter haircut, bike riding, capris, an open window, a picnic, fresh, smilier, planting a garden, the smell of dirt, the sweet smell of sweaty kids, eating dinner on the patio, eating breakfast on the patio, putting away the coats and jackets, washing windows, deep breaths, and blogging about it all!
Spring is planting!!!! We start are veggie garden and start the planting of our flower gardens.
It is boys with dirty faces and dirty hands!
It is reading a good book outside in the sunshine with a glass of sweet tea!
It is picnics, camping and fishing!
It is sitting in rocking chairs on the front proch!
Spring is living outdoors!
My spring thing is finally being able to go to the park!! I can read while the kids play and not feel guilty about a messy house or paying bills or anything else, because you can't take it to the park with you!! (And then we all sleep better when the kids have been running around and not sitting on the couch watching the same DVD 5 times in a row.)
My spring thing is wearing capris and sandals--so refreshing after all the sweaters, boots, and coats. It is also pastel Easter candy (irresistible) and Girl Scout cookies.
My thing for spring is not having to wear a winter coat. It makes me feel so free. I live Northern half of Alberta, Canada, so I've been wearing my coat since about the beginning of October some years. It just feels so nice to be free of it and it has happened earlier this year as I have gone out without it but I don't hold my breath that it is time to put it away yet.
By the way I amone of your lurker (probably one of many) who loves your blog.
I love spring! My spring thing is hanging up my one spring decoration on my front door "Welcome Spring".
To me, spring is when the weather changes from ski jacket to sweatshirt weather.
I love spring because it lifts up my spirits - there is life after being trapped inside all winter!
To me, Spring is a crisp, clear, day with a slighty cool breeze. It means brighter, happier colors along with glimpses of white (in clothes, not snow). Capris and flips. Tuilps. Enjoying the outdoors without freezing or melting. Oh, yeah, bunnies and candy too.
Spring? Can you hear me?
My spring thing- is probably spring cleaning! It feels so good to get rid of all the winter dust bunnies and open windows and doors to let the warmth and sunshine in!
I know it's spring when new green grass and little new flowers start to sprout all around and the snow is melted away with a bright sunny day- that I hope never fades!
My spring thing is the 5K heart run in april, we do it together as a family every hear to help bring in spring, (last year my 7 year old averaged 11:30 miles!!!)
Here in Alaska, it's not called spring...it's called "Break -Up" A 2 week period of solid melting and overnight the trees bloom..It starts to feel like spring when I run by the highschool and see all the high school track athletes shoveling off the final bit of snow for the first race of the season, as well as all my flower and vegetable starts in the garden window in the kitchen!
I love the fact that during spring, everyone is always so happy and upbeat, with the sun shining more than 4.5 hours a day the mood is visable! Not to mention, I get to finally take my flowers that have been hibernating in the garage all winter out so they can start blooming....LOVE THAT!
My spring thing is getting my hands in the dirt and working in my yard- there is nothing like it after the long winter hiatus!
My spring thing is THE BEACH. I will go, when I can do so without icicycles forming on myself or the wee one. I love the newness of Spring, and all the promise it holds.
For me, spring represents a whole bunch of things that I love and enjoy:
Spring is when I get motivated to start on house projects that have needed to get done such as painting, inside/outside household repairs, etc. I feel energized in the spring!
We always take a family vacation during "spring break" and have done so since the kids were little little. Love it!
I'm always sooo happy when I can break out my shorts. I love wearing shorts!
I love decorating with all of the cute pink/green/yellow spring and Easter goodies!
You know it's spring when my neighbors see me outside planting and working in the dirt...love it!
Love walking for exercise in the neighborhood and seeing everything for a fresh new perspective!
Last but not least, you know it's spring when you have a box of thin mints in your hands! Love em!
How funny is it that living in Texas it has pretty much felt like Spring all Winter? Our weather is so silly warm down here sometimes.
I love Spring because it means more picnics & playdates. It is also wonderful to have it getting darker later so we can sit out in the front yard with neighbors while the kids all play in the front lawn.
As a Texan, it also means some beloved rain...we just don't get enough & when we do, it's like ahhhh!! at last!!
My spring thing is wheat grass. A little green inside before the grass outside turns green lifts the spirits! It feels like spring when I don't have to wear a jacket outside, and can feel the sun shining down. I love spring because it's the end of the bleary days, my birthday, and all about renewal!
Living in Arizona we don't have to drastic changes in weather and spring is so short lived before we have the heat of summer so we take advantage of the beautiful weather. My Spring thing is enjoying to last few weeks of being able to leave our windows open and enjoy the fresh air. The other part of spring is the Easter decorations, Easter candy and of course NEW Easter dresses!
Spring is when the air smells like flowers and we can be at the playground without needing coats. And when the local farms open the ice cream stands - yummy!
My "spring thing" is taking out all my patio furniture that has been hiding in the basement all winter long. It starts to feel like spring to me when we do our family Easter Egg Hunt. It is the first occasion that we do out side. Hoepfully with Easter so early this year our weather will cooperate. There are so many things I love about spring is to be able to walk around barefoot.
What a great give away!! Spring really starts for me on Easter. There is something about wearing white shoes to church and t-shirts in the backyard that just screams spring!!
Spring is looking through packets of seeds and imagining that I am a fabulous gardener.
Spring is bike rides with my husband and kid.
Spring is having the back door open.
Spring is also Kleenex season, crazy nights of back-to-back T-ball games, and planning lots of birthday parties (my husband and THREE of my kids have April birthdays!).
Spring means making Easter dresses, (sadly my girls don't want cutesy matching dresses anymore)
and seeing all the flowers popping up!
It's lovely to read all the comments, because it really gets you in the mood to welcome in Spring.
I'd have to agree with all the comments about the plants, but, my big sort of *sigh* of relief that Spring is here, is when the girls are able to play in the garden after school because it's still daylight, and I can do some craft in natural light! Hurrah for UV!
Gorgeous jewelry!!!!!
It is spring when I put my over-sized plastic Easter Eggs out in my yard. They are so festive.
Living in South Florida, I love to head to a northern climate where the bulb flowers are popping up and blooming. Tulips, daffodils, crocus, and the likes just take my breath away. Everything feels fresh and new.I really appreciate the definite change of seasons when I don't live in them
Spring is also the time we hit the beach (along with all the spring break tourists), re-stock our sunscreen, beach and pool toys, and any other gear we will use all spring, summer, and fall here in the tropics.
Spring ring's in my mind when I finally get to start my new batch of spring seeds.
I plot out how my garden is going to be on graph paper(usually when it is the most dismal). Then I order new seeds, and when they finally come in the mail I can plant those little teeny tiny seeds in flats of dirt, that soon will hold all of the joy of summer within.
There are few things as therapeutic as placing those little seeds in the dirt and watching before me as they sprout to life.
This is my way of getting some green growing before our bulbs greet us with all of their spring beauty.
Oh, and being able to loose the running tights and going back to shorts!
My spring thing is being able to open the windows and let the perfect outside weather into my house. I also love the opportunity to work outside and in the garage with the perfect weather. I always seem to have so much organizing to do in the garage. I also love that the citrus on my trees is fully ripe and I can use my abundant supply of lemons to clean with. Nothing beats the smell of a fresh lemon (and they are really good for cleaning). The best thing about spring is the smell of the orange blossoms all around. That smell is spring to me!
My "Spring thing" that I'm especially looking forward to this year is my new baby boy coming April 2nd!
I couldn't ask for anything better this Spring!
Spring means the green shards of grass daring to come through the melting snow and hoping they wont get that frost again. Bouquets of jelly beans lighten my mood. The pastel colors of spring are music to my weary eyes...telling me to awaken after the drab of winter has worn on a bit too long. Though, no matter what season is dangling just beyond our grasp, I'm excited for it when it does come, and I am LOVING the promise of spring this year.
My Spring Thing is to clean out the mess in the garage leftover from a messy/dirty/snowy winter.
Does it feel like Spring? Nope. Today we were minus 15 below zero. That is just wrong.
What do I love about Spring? I love when the tulips come up, although for me in MN the tulips do not come until the middle of May!
Hurry Spring!
bird chirps, dry sidewalks, tree buds, grass green, open windows,a clean house, smiling at the people you see because 'it's just a good day to be alive.' the stir of the soul means spring to me. to be inspired by the blooming of nature and the new growth that life brings to earth. the soul is shaken to the very core of our being and we know that we have a great God who loves us and blesses us with simple pleasures, like spring.
My "spring thing" is being able to wear shorts, capris, & most of all flip flops anytime I want! Also, the most important getting a pedicure every 2 weeks!
I love not having to wear a coat too! And most of all seeing the flowers in bloom!
hmm. spring means putting the winter stuff away, and getting out the sandals! I think it is still a long way away up here in Canada!
My spring thing is my three spring babies, the last of which will turn one on the first day of spring. I have three children born within 13 days of eachother all between Mar 21 and April 3. There is always one birthday somewhere near Easter and Spring Break and I have three big parties to plan. So for me...spring starts when my children come up with their theme and I have to get creative thinking of all things "Nascar" or "horses" to have an extra special day for them. My favorite thing is to have their birthday photo in front of our house under our blooming spring blossom willow...the kids always wonder if they will ever be taller than the tree...so far it is has always been in bloom for their special day. That is when I know it is spring! Heather Cook
i love seeing the green starting to pop out of the ground. it starts to feel like spring when that happens.
I love the flowers! I love planting flowers.
To try and usher in spring, we are having a "Pink Party" next week. We're inviting the other little girls in the neighborhood, they are supposed to wear pink, we are going to eat pink food, make a pink craft, and drink pink milk. One of my friends in PA used to do this every year andit swas a really fun tradition.
Wow, I'm drooling over those. So beautiful!
My "spring thing" is the beautiful buds on the trees. We have a peach tree in our yard and it's covered in pink blossoms. We live in AZ so our spring started earlier. I love opening the windows and blinds and letting the light and song of the birds come in. I LOVE laying in the hammock with my pants pushed up to my knees and enjoying a good book and soaking up the sunshine and just feeling the gratitude overwhelm me of the beauty God created.
green grass
flip flops
Spring is that amazing fragrance of fresh air as you open the windows and breathe in everything the blossoms, buds and sunshine have to offer. It's new life, new chances and a fresh start.
My Spring thing opening the windows and doors. It is the warmer weather. It feels like spring when it is pleasantly cool outside and the sun is shining. The kids are running and playing and the Daffodils are starting to bloom. I love the buds on the trees and the early blooms of Forsythia. Finally being able to open the windows and doors and the fresh air to clear out the house that has been closed up for winter. I search for beautiful bulbs to plant and look for things to plant and grow. I would have all trees in my yard be ones that flower. I love the cherry blossoms in DC. I think the festival marks the beginning of Spring for me.
Spring to me is: spring cleaning, and the fragrant smell of the orange blossoms in bloom! (That is a smell I wish I could capture in a bottle to smell all year round!)
My Spring thing is bubbles...there is nothing that puts a smile on my face faster than seeing my 3 little boys chasing bubbles. I know it is Spring when we can set outside and watch nature in action, the grass greening up, budding leaves on the tree, the 1st butterflies and if your lucky maybe catch a ladybug. I love Spring because we begin getting the benefits of Summer without the heat!
Hmm, I wish I had an Easter box! My spring thing is to replant all the pots by my pool. I love to mix the types up and make them look like the ones at the nursery. I live in Florida, so there is only a short time for them to look fabulous before the heat kills everything!
Hmm, I wish I had an Easter box! My spring thing is to replant all the pots by my pool. I love to mix the types up and make them look like the ones at the nursery. I live in Florida, so there is only a short time for them to look fabulous before the heat kills everything!
My spring thing is when I can take my two little girls out in the stroller on walks and to he zoo. I love that it's not too hot and not too cold. It's just right.
spring for me is cleaning.. I love to clean anyway.. but really deep down cleaning.. windows.. and closets..and trips to the Goodwill.. dropping off "stuff"
love your braclets! so cute!
My "Spring Thing" is picking tulips from the yard and making indoor boquets. It feels like Spring when I can open the windows and have the house smell fresh. I love the sense of renewal most about Spring.:)
My Spring thing is, being able to open my windows and get in some fresh air, then to wash the dirt and grime from the winter off my windows and go and buy fresh dalfodils. Ahhhh, Spring.
My spring thing is flip flops, capris, and letting my one year old shed all of those layers of clothing and run wild just in his diaper. So what if there is a bug crawling on him, we'll get it off, but not until we watch it crawl for a little while. Spring to me is the smell of bar-b-q coming preferably from my backyard, with my husband adding cheese to those tasty burgers. Now that is when I know spring has arrived. Ohhhh, I can see it now!
My "Spring Thing" starts with picking out coordinating Easter outfits and taking our annual family picture. It's fun to see how we 'blossom' from year to year!
Spring is in the air!!! It is my favourite time of year and when I see green grass, little buds poking out of the dirt and new leaves on the trees it means that spring is finally here.
I live in Alberta where we can still get snow into May and you never plant flowers before May 24th so I look for the little things to put a spring in my step!
My spring thing is getting to go out and play at the park with my kids. Hearing their laughter and seeing the joy in their eyes as they run around and play and swing is worth the wait through winter! It makes me feel hopeful for the future when all the news around is bleak and depressing :) I love spring!
Spring is garden time at our house. I feel like a kid looking through a catalog of new toys when I am picking out plants and seeds for the garden. We run around in the backyard, play in the dirt and just enjoy the warm sun. My most favorite is opening up all the windows in the house and letting the cool breeze blow through. I watered my garden this morning and all of my windows are open. It feels so good!
I don't think that I can say all the blooming flowers...although they are beautiful, and I adore them- I don't adore the allergies!:) I would have to say the Easter decorations that I have from my grandparents, all sorts of little bunnies, eggs, etc. They made and painted their own ceramics. Seeing these decorations at Easter time, remind me of them, and bring back sweet memories.
My "spring thing" is finally being able to play comfortably outside again. Hooray for fresh air, a gentle breeze, picnics at the park, and SUN (I live in Oregon :->)!
Come on Spring -- Get me and the kids out of this house and to the park! We want to play!
My "spring thing" is to be able to open up all the windows in the house and air out all the "sick" germs that have been hovering in the house all winter. I LOVE seeing tulips starting to come up in the flower garden!! I'd love a new bracelet to help me look "springy."
When I walked into my yard Sunday after church, I noticed tulip leaves starting to peek up from the dirt! Hooray! Such a refreshing, welcome sight after a long, cold winter!
My "spring thing" is watching for any hint of my flowers getting ready to poke their heads up out of the ground. I know it's spring when my kids go outside and ask if they can run through the sprinkler when it's still only 50 degrees.(LOL)
I probably missed this--but having been meaning to get this posted all week. Spring for me is:
driving with the windows down in the car, feeling the spring breeze on bare skin (legs and arms--nothing crazy!), the smell of the grass being cut the first time and it staying dark later, signing up for swim team, and flip flops and sandlals for the family. (no more folding socks until fall!)
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