As we were getting on the plane there was a bit of confusion so we had to wait at the doorway for a minute. I looked down and there they all were giving the plane a good luck rub. I was thrilled that life paused for a minute so I could grab this photo.
kristi this is such a cute tradition! Your girls with have sweet memories of this when they're older :)
How fun to get to go back to NC so soon. I am so regrettful that we didn't get down that way!
Love the plane rub!
I love it that you all do this!
That is adorable!
Can't wait to hear about your trip. Love you guys!
I like "last minute" trips -- then I don't stress over what to wear and such. Just going sounds fun to me. Love you all.
I love that you got a photo of this! Perfect:)
This is so cute. I love all your traditions and when you have pictures to go with them!
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