they say, "Sister Power" and raise their arms up. They will usually do it three or four times in a row.
It has been a fun distraction and encouragement of the power that they can give each other. I even have a smumug gallery just for times when I see the power in action. Sister Power Gallery
Kristen, had commented today on how she likes my girls names and it got me thinking on the sister power tradition in our family. (doesn't makes sense why, but it did)
My husband named each one of my girls. It was a very important to him to just pick the perfect name. He always thought long and hard about each name. I appreciate how serious he took giving each of them a name and each of their names fit them perfectly!
Something to think about :
If you could rename yourself what would it be?Do you have any fun "Sister Power" like things you do in your family? I would love to know and always need more fun traditions and distractions.
Gotta love the "Sister Power!" We have "Team Dahl." I agree, I think it is so important for kids to know how much they can rely on their family and how to work together as a team. There is strength in numbers and what better numbers to be had than sisters. We always tell our kids family is first. Mine often fight, but nothing makes me happier to see those moments of best friends in the making.
Sister Power is such a great idea, you're a good mom to be teaching them to love their sisters while they're little. I try to remind my kids that they should be each others' best friends and that they will be friends for life.
we had 'pallies' growing up. in my family of four sisters, two of us were close in age, then a 4 1/2 year break, then the younger two are close in age. i don't know how it started, but we paired up, one older and one younger, and became pallies. to this day, when we find ourselves doing something with another sister, we call 'illegal pallies.' we even had a pally dance. nice memories
I love the "sister power" idea! Whenever my girls start getting out of hand with each other, especially if their is any name calling - or teasing, I tell them to say - "Whatever Sister, I love You!" They think I'm very silly - but it usually breaks the mood.
My sister and I have "girl's week", she brings her daughter and I mine and we get toghether with our mom at each other's house. It's great fun, great to catch-up face to face, and something to look forward to.
That is fabulous! I love it! Now that I have three girls, I will teach them to do that too. I love that they will learn that there is power in the love of their family.
I have never thought that I had a great name, but it fits me because it is mine! And, I can't think of what I would rename myself. If you had asked me during my teenage years, I probably would have come up with some exotic choices like Alexandra, or Victoria or something that sounds like so much... more than Missy. But, I am happy with who I am, name and all!
You know what came to mind when I read this...You can make up a song of sister power to the tune of "Scripture Power" the primary song. That would be cute!!!-ciao
Growing up with 4 sisters was really special to me. Of course I appreciate them now more. I love your "sister power" idea. That is so neat.
It makes me a little sad that my daughter doesn't have any sisters. We always say to each other that we are sisters and she really likes that.
funny you say that Jeff made up a song to that tune, he changes the words everytime, but great idea to make one that sticks.
My sisters and I used to have girl talk. Every night we would gather on someones bed and just chat. When my older sister went off to college, my younger sister and I became really close. We would go on "adventures" together, we would go shopping or to a movie, or sometimes we would just drive around and talk. We still call each other for girl talk all the time, but it has gotten a lot harder now that we are both so busy.
I really love my first name, but I don't like my middle name so much. I can't think of anything I like better though. hmmm
love that sister power.. I need to do something like that for my kids.. great distraction!
I wouldn't change my first name.. even though it is long.. and combined with my last.. I have a super long name to sign all the time.. but I like it!
I was supposed to be a Kristi but when I was born my mom knew it wouldn't fit. I never wanted to change my name, it's just me.
Sister Power is awesome! I'm always telling my kids that if they can't be friends with one another they wont make friends other places. I say, 'We are friends with our family first.'
You do have great names. We are in such a name "blank" right now and absolutely have no boys name chosen for our baby if it is a boy. Nothing!!!!! If any of your readers have come across great boys names, I would love input. They all have such great ideas about everything else, I am sure their children have wonderful names like yours! BTW-thanks for the "good mail" pregnancy check in! You are so sweet. Doing fine, 4+ weeks to go!
Love, Heather
Ooh, I've always wanted some 'enigmatic' Scandinavian-sounding name like 'Inga' or 'Eva' or 'Petra'. LOL!
I love that Jeff gave so much thought to naming the girls. Erin is 'Erin Estelle' because my parents are Irish and I cherish my Irish heritage, and her middle name comes from a dream I had the night I conceived of a single star in a black sky (Estelle means 'star').
Isla was just another gaelic-rooted name that absolutely felt right. Her middle name is Constance because I had a miscarriage in between the girls and absolutely put all my trust in God having a better plan for me - so I wanted to remember 'constancy of God's love' in Isla.
As the girls are still so young, I've still to find ways of establishing their 'sister power' but I cannot wait for it to kick in. I love that your girls have that little 'sister power' hands thing! The pix are fabby.
Heather, if we'd had a boy we were going to call him Lachlan. You may think that's a bit of a mad name, but I just had to pass it on! It's still a very uncommon name here. My last boss was called Rennick, which is a very old Saxon English name (I think, Saxon?). Anyway, very very old name. LOVE baby name debates! Hope smthg 'speaks' to you soon! 4 weeks??! *puts Big Thinking Cap on Heather's head*
In my family there are five girls. We were like our own family, each with our assigned roles. We didn't play much together, but we always worked together and helped each other out. We also had quite a few fights, but we always knew that we could count on the others.
What a neat thing, that your husband named your girls! I think that is so sweet, and he has come up with the greatest names!
My mom tried to name all four of us girls Betsy. Thank heavens my dad was able to pursway her to something else. I have never wanted to change my name because I was named after my mom. Her name is Linda. When I was born my dad said I looked like his Linda, he said "my Linda" and that is how they got Melinda. I love my mom dearly so I feel special for that.
My mom tried to name all four of us girls Betsy. Thank heavens my dad was able to pursway her to something else. I have never wanted to change my name because I was named after my mom. Her name is Linda. When I was born my dad said I looked like his Linda, he said "my Linda" and that is how they got Melinda. I love my mom dearly so I feel special for that.
I love the idea of sister power and love thinking of starting it with my girls. I have always hoped, since having all girls, they would be close. Perhaps the sister power would help. Thanks for sharing. Cute photos.
Sister Power is a great idea. I need something like this for my three girls. When they are teasing one another or telling each other they don't want to play with one another I tell them they'll never have a better friend than each other. That always calms the chaos. I like Michelle Alley's idea on "Whatever sister, I love you". I may be trying that.
As for the name game. I don't know if I would change it now. I liked the name Lindsey Brooke when I was in middle school. I am just glad my parents didn't name me after my two grandmothers though, Gladys Bell just wouldn't have fit me.
He-Man. I would change my name to He-Man. And I would change my nemisises name to Skeletor.
I don't know what I would change my name to, but it always disconcerted me that I was going to be "Kelly" whether I was a boy or a girl.
Can't tell you how much I LOVE "Sister Power!" With 4 girls, we can totally use this. I think they would love it. It's one of my favorite things to see them form a little united front. My mind instantly started singing a "Sister Power" song, too.
I love the Sister Power idea.
I have tried to explain how important Sisters are and sometimes I think they "get it", but sometimes they try to kill each other.
We had a whole FHE lesson about triangles and how each side is just as important at the other and how you need all 3 sides to make a triangle. We related this to our 3 girls and how each one is wonderful and special and needed in our home. (I think I got this idea from one of the Nanny shows).
This was especially helpful when Lucy asked me if we could get rid of Ruby. I reminded her of the triange, she looked at me said "oh ya".
We say, "Brothers make the best buddies," and I have the boys say, "I love you Brother," all the time (or at least I have the one who can talk say it and I say it back for his little brother). Names are a wonderful thing. We have used family names, and I love the legacy of strength and righteousness they carry for my boys.
Such cute girls. I loved the photos of CB and SJ sitting together on the step... precious!
Love the sister power idea! Always a bonus to start such things when they are so young! Would love to see the lyrics to the song you come up with!
I love it that Jeff named your girls. My dad named me too and it's a good thing or I would have been Augusta, which is a pretty name but NOT me...I would be a Gus for sure. I told my mom once that I wanted to change my name to "Sleeping Beauty" or "Penny" and she told me that my dad had picked my name way before I was born, and it was one of his most favorite names. I loved my name since that day.
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