
Monday, February 19, 2007

Nothing Presidential

I think this is Jeff's first President's Day off in years if ever. President's Day was not a holiday in New Orleans, so he didn't have off for school. We loved being together as a family and this may surprise some even us... we did nothing Presidential. No monuments, no memorials, no museums. WOW!

Jeff spent the morning with Annie Kate building an ice fort. They even sprayed it with water to get it to really stick. "When life gives you ice make forts!".. get it lemons - lemonade.

We went to the Washingtonian Center and had lunch, visit to Barnes and Noble kids book section, which I love doing, and had fun in the snow and looking at the big frozen lake. I can't believe I didn't bring my camera, I kept thinking in my mind, "oh great shot there and there" But the reason it stayed home is because I was in denial about dropping it face down on the lens on the cement on Saturday night. photo of my UV lens smashed. I knew it had something wrong but didn't really want to deal with it. (it is now in the shop for 4-6 weeks, good thing for insurance!)

At lunch we looked over our FANDEX Presidents set. It was fun to read about different Presidents. These are great educational tools. I found mine at a garage sale for .50 cents. they have a great one on D.C., maybe I should head to Value Village and look for it.

We also made cookies with the new cookie cutters that Anna sent our family to welcome spring. I hope it works and thanks Anna for the kind gift, we will put them to more use I am sure.

and a nice surprise was getting good mail from Montana from UPS, especially since it was a mail holiday. Thanks Mandy, I will post photos soon

And for Family Home Evening that night we copied a great idea off of Stephanie's blog of a snowflake cutting fest! We loved this idea and had plenty of snow to send to some of our family.


  1. It's funny that holidays vary from state to state. I didn't know that. Actually, that happens here, too. In Alberta we have 'Family Day' which is a statuatory holiday that doesn't exist anywhere else in Canada. This year it fell on the same day as your President's Day. Maybe that happens every year and this is just the first year I've been aware of it.

    So sorry about your camera!

  2. I just get so cold looking at all that snow. I remember being snowed in for DAYS while on my mission out there. We just went around shoveling driveways for service.

    Love Fandex. I think we have one for dogs, birds, and capitols. They are fun trivia to use in the car.

    SO SAD about your smashed lens :(

  3. CRAP! I mean capitals--I really should learn to spell and then spellchecK!

  4. I'm so sorry about your camera. That is just awful. I really don't know what I would do if something happened to mine? Maybe the camera fairy will send it back to you sooner than expected?

    I'm glad my good mail got to you. I never seem to know how long it's going to take.

  5. Did you buy anything in the Barnes & Noble children's section?? Children's books are a real Achilles Heel for me. I can't resist them!

    Arrgh! to dropping your lens!

  6. amanda, funny you said that. i wrote down a ton of books i wanted and then went and ordered them used off of amazon..

  7. It sounds like you still managed to squeeze some presidential stuff into your day!

    I love children's books. What a fun outing...and a great idea to write them down and order them used off amazon!
