
Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Outwit, Outplay, Outlast

I have some very exciting news that I can now share with everyone. Without even auditioning, I was chosen to be on Survivor - "Home Edition". If you have not seen the show you can get the low down here of how it works.
Here are some photos of what the experience can be like

So. Ok so there is no Home Edition but that is what last week felt like (without the tan and losing a ton of weight) - I was truly in survival mode. Which is good for me since I always have so many things I want to do and schedule out my day to get them done. (ie: today I knew I wouldn't have time to get Valentines stuff done and do the laundry so I got up at 5:30 am to get fit it all in)

Prior to Jeff leaving for his meetings in Vail for a week he had been gone for a week before that. So I was seriously getting myself worked up about him being gone, which I really not like me. He has been busy with school for many years and I thought I had become super woman and used to him being gone. Oh no, I realized I am no super woman.

He left on Saturday morning with already one man down. Sally Jane was getting sick. Sunday came and Sally Jane was getting worse and her fever would not break with medicine. By Monday morning Caroline joined the troops with a fever. We had some serious wailing and gnashing of teeth for the 48 hours.
Annie Kate came home from school Monday hit with the same bug and did not return to school until yesterday. In a way it was good to have Annie Kate express her symptoms because I figured they were the same as the other two who could not.
I have some great friends and neighbors who brought in reinforcements so I didn't have to go to the store.Linda brought me milk and my favorite Cosi salad.Kimberly saved me all week along with bringing me milk, shakes for Annie Kate and flowers

I also got some great mail.Elizabeth sent me this very nice note with some Hershey chapstick. Annie Kate said, "this is really all the way from Hawaii" Thanks! And your good mail label was bright and cheery on our cold snowy day.Jill sent us the box for all the girls in the house. The wrapping paper and ribbon were just as great as what was inside. I loved her "Hang tough Kristi" card. It was full of yummy movie treats and three DVD's for us to watch. And watch we did. Thanks Jill.
I got this very nice card in the mail from my Stake Relief Society President. We had had a great conversation on the phone recently about our new calling downtown and I so appreciated her taking the time to write me a note about it. I post this to remind me there is nothing too small to send in the mail. I kept thinking how thankful I was for her note but didn't want to send a thank you for a thank you. (now that would some great stationery Stefanie and Kacey) So I came up with this idea that took me 2 minutes. I had some R.S. seals that I put on the top of some blank embossed edged cards (you can get these so cheap from your local paper distributor, because so many people make their own wedding invites these days.) with white envelopes and tied blue ribbon around them and put them in the mail that day. I also made some for another friend who is R.S. president thinking with as many notes as they must write it would be fun to have Relief Society Stationery.Eleanor sent me this incredible package with Red Beans and Rice, Beignets, treat bags, sprinkles and these gifts for each of the girls. What a wonderful surprise. Thanks and so thoughtful. Eleanor has a new blog and is FULL of ideas so don't miss them.I got this Valentine package from Carlo. I used the the picks for the cupcakes on made on Sunday and was so grateful to have them. Very thoughtful and I know many of us are grateful to get to know her. I had also got a card from her earlier in the week on the most beautiful stationery. I even looked up the company from the back of the card.Jordan sent this great CD in the mail of Valentine Songs. What is so great about it, other than the fact she took the time to make it and send it to me, is I have only heard two songs before so it was like a whole new world, (not the Aladdin kind) of music. Thanks so much and so generous with your time and your three little ones. I love her new profile photo. Amie is so right that the real thing is so much better.
Liz B. sent me this Valentine goody pouch with dark M&M's (something i have never had before) hot chocolate and stickers that I put to good use. Thanks Liz, I know we are all grateful to you and your great resource websites you have on your sidebar. I use them often. And if you have any ideas for her upcoming dinner let her know.
Chanel had seen my comment about her blog about my LOVE of their birthday tradition. Have you seen it?
It is one of the greatest I have heard this year. So in a matter of days without even asking Chanel sent me the "information" on how to make this a tradition in our home too. Thanks girl. Ok and have you seen the birthday party of the year that she just did. Be inspired!One of the biggest surprises this week was a birthday package I got from Melinda. Really I don't even know what to say. She sent me some toile stationery, the cutest card and some glass pineapple taper holders. It was from Williams Sonoma, their logo being a pineapple so the whole package had the greatest theme. Check out the minature tin tied to the top of the package. Really it was a so generous and I really appreciate your sentiment.
So really during my hard, crazy, sick week how could I not pay it forward. The gals sent me their time and talents and I needed to share some with others as well. So I sat down to make some Valentines. Thanks to Kacey's ribbon and Holly & Emily's birthday gift I had everything I needed right at home.
I used my Sizzix to cut a bunch of heart out of wool felt (my favorite) and used my red and white string to make some heart ornaments and send out the Valentines. I made some Valentine Good mail labels with printing on plain paper and ran them through my xyron machine.
Friday's mailbox of outgoing mail
So, what started and continued as a week of survival, how could I not just be so grateful for the love given me this week. We missed Jeff so much and was happy to see him home, even if he did come home with an AWESOME ski tan from skiing every day. (very jealous but he is very deserving)
I don't know how well I did out outwitting or outplaying, but I did last until he got home.


  1. You and Jill have really hit the jackpot lately with good mail! I hate to say it, but I am a little jealous - ha! You are very deserving.

    I got my valentine good mail yesterday and I have to say, it was SO needed. Yesterday was a poo-poo day for me. Opening my mailbox to find something good really turned me around, so thank you!!

  2. You had me there for a minute and all I could think was how does she have the time to do that. She must be super woman. I'm glad you survived the week and yes I still do think your super woman.

    It's awesome you were spoiled with goodness all through the week...especially with sick kids. It's like your birthday all over again. It must be a celebration of gratitude everyday for you when you go to the mailbox.

    thanks for the valentine!

  3. I am glad you were able to get so many fun thing during such a hard week! My husband travels for work and the kids always get sick as soon as he leaves. It is so hard to be cooped up all week with the sick kids.
    I hope they are all feeling better!

  4. Ok, really, should I be in tears right now? Because I am.

    I just can't get over the love and support and POSITIVEness (am I making up my own words now?) in this circle of incredible women. This is what it is all about. Support, positive thoughts and love go a long way in helping us get through a hectic week. This is proof!

    So glad you were showered with love and even if you weren't on Survivor (great hook by the way!!) you are a survivor champ/SuperWoman in my book!!

  5. Anonymous9:44 AM

    You have the greatest ideas!! I love that RS stationary! This blog is like a gold mine for me - thank you for sharing your creativity and love for serving others.

  6. Love your bounteous good mail! Thanks so much for the valentine! I love it! I have it hanging from the light over our kitchen table.

    I'm sure you are so happy to have Jeff home again!

  7. I haven't read your latest posts yet, Kristi, but I just had to say 'Noooo!!!' You have SO MUCH news (and it all looks great) and tonight I have a deadline, so how am I going to read all your news? Arrgghh! I lay out my parish magazine every month, and I'm really behind this month, so I was going to absolutely hammer it tonight. Burn the midnight oil. But I so want to read all your news too! will I explain to our 1200 subscribers that their magazine was a tad late because of 'pink things' :-O

    Pix are great! Pink things = good times? So glad for you!

  8. We are on week three of our daddy being gone (but we have stayed healthy...knock on wood). I feel your pain, but I didn't get NEARLY as much done as you did. I need to get moving on Good Mail.....

    Glad he is home and everyone is feeling better... Happy V Day

  9. You are super woman to me. I had intended to send you good mail while Jeff was gone, but then we were still in the depths of sickness. I'm glad things are looking up for you and I loved your valentine!

  10. Anonymous11:50 AM

    I bet your mail people love going to your home, it's a treat every day. I love that you share. I can't begin to express the giddiness that I feel when I see a hand written card in the mail, it just makes me smile. I hope the girls are on the mend and I'm glad that Jeff made it home safe and sound. Good for you, you made it and you made it look easy.

  11. It's fun to see all your happy surprises this week and to see all your cute valentines pop up everywhere. I am glad your husband is back with you.

  12. Survival mode is right (at least for me right now) Sorry to hear the kiddos were sick. Angie is in your exact same boat...fever, throwing up, etc. Glad to hear Jeff is home. Glad you got good mail throughout the week. It can't make Jeff reappear, but it does help to know people were thinking of you.

    You are a super woman!

  13. I am so glad you were loaded up with good mail during your Survivor week at home. I can't believe you were able to make all those cute heart ornaments. I love the picture of your mailbox stuffed full of goodness.

  14. Anonymous2:07 PM

    I had no idea you were in that predicament when I'm calling you over and over about the jambalaya and such!!! Kristi, you are an amazing and giving woman. Never did you let on that you were in survivor mode and did not have the time to deal with it. You inspire me and make me want to be a better person. I'm so glad your good mail showered you with some sunshine on a sick-cloudy week! Love you!

  15. I am so happy that you were remembered during your survival week. I can only imagine how hard it would be to have Jeff gone and on top of that the girls being sick you are a survivor!
    I received your Valentines Card today, it really brightened my day. Tuesdays or so long. Lou leaves before the kids are up and doesn't get home until after they're in bed so receiving good mail is just what I needed.
    I haven't received a pink christmas gift yet.

  16. diana, oh my. i wrote that on the back kind of as a after thought thinking for sure you had gotten it by now... oh my it may be a pink st.patricks day for you my friend.

  17. WHY do they always get sick when the dad is out of town? It is the unwritten rule of the universe, as soon as the pilot flips the take off switch, the kids start dropping. We've had broken bones, emergency room visits, two with pnenomia at the same time, you name it when the dad is gone.

    Aren't friends a wonderful blessing?

    PS Loved the advice you gave Jenny and Jill today. If you made it through last week not biting your nails then you ARE Super Woman!

  18. I enjoyed your good mail, particularly the sweet note along with it.

    I am so glad to hear you survived with so many fun deliveries. I enjoyed reading your comment for Jenny today. Such good (though tough for me to do) advice about when the hub is away.

  19. so glad your week was lined with much silver. the good mail has to bring so much to smile about. i got your card today but am waiting until tomorrow to open it as i'm flying solo this week. so thank you!

  20. What a great treat for you! I can get so down when there is no husband and sick kids to boot. Love the happiness that was sent your way!

  21. After eight moves, and a husband who is gone at least a week out of the month - I know it is hard when you're on your own. Even with friends, it's not the ideal. I've enjoyed reading some of your blogs. DC is a great area, we lived in Alexandria, VA for five years. If you haven't tried the hamburger place - Five Guys- you've got to try it! We have some other great places we frequented.

    I'm a new blogger and would love for you to check out my site.

    Look forward to hearing from you!
