
Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Self Portrait Tuesday

Theme: Put your Best Foot Forward

my right foot is my best foot, the nails grow better, it is not at dry and cracked and it even says so right on the foot, "Best"
my toe nails are never painted, if I ever get a pedicure I have them painted clear. My feet are size 10 but wear an 11 1/2 in a running shoe. They are not as cracked this winter thanks to Anne who sent me the best foot creme ever! I love ribbon especially when it is pink and green.

what is this post all about? check out Lelly's challenge. try it you will like it.


  1. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Only you could make a foot look adorable! Hope you are well! It's fun to catch up on your family- we miss you and your gang! Send them all hugs from Tennessee.

    Take care, Kim

  2. Kristi this is a great photo, it's so fitting that you would have ribbon and the word best on your foot (I never would have thought of that). Why don't you ever paint your toenails? (Mine are ALWAYS painted.) Interesting.

  3. I laughed out loud when I saw this! This is so funny! I don't really know you that well, but to me - this is totally YOU! How fun! How creative!

  4. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Oh my goodness, Kristi! I had to wipe tears from my eyes from laughing so hard. That is the cutest thing ever! The things we do for our blogs. I love it! I'll be chuckling about this all day.

  5. it's a good thing i was not drinking water when i opened up your blog. otherwise, it would have been all over the screen! nice interpretation!

  6. LOVE IT!! So fitting you put ribbon on your best foot. Very creative.
    I love to have my toenails painted and it is a sad day when they aren't. Even in the winter I try and keep them painted.

  7. Darling! I love that pink and green ribbon! I think my right foot is my best one too, I don't know why...

  8. How cute is that? You are so creative, Kristi -- how did you get such a pretty bow tied on your foot? I would have struggled with that!

  9. I love your photo. It is so you!! I'm glad the foot cream is working for you. It's a miracle potion that's for sure!!

  10. Cute! Why do you never paint your toenails anything but clear? You seem like you love colors in every other way?

    I like my toenails painted and I haven't done it in a few months since I haven't worn sandals since last fall. But I will be painting them soon.

    I've never had a pedicure.

  11. You crack me up Kristi. It wouldn't be you if it didn't have ribbon right?

  12. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Love it! Totally fabulous!

    I, too, took the challenge, but didn't come up with anything quite as cute!


  13. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Stupendous! Adorable! Stunning! Am I talking about the Oscars? No! We're talking about Kristi's foot! Great pic!

  14. Oh, poo. I missed this Tues thing again! Well...what can I say about a foot, Kristi?? It's lovely. (Does Jeff know you spend your mornings tying ribbon to your toes? Tee hee!)

    Yet more evidence that Kristi is loopy! :-D

  15. Love it! You have a gorgeous foot, dah'ling....or is it the ribbon? I like how you tied little bows around your toes...I bet you could start a trend with that one!!

  16. The picture took a little while to load and I had no idea what you meant about the ribbon. When it finally loaded, of course that's what you meant. Ribbon on your toes, I love it!

  17. Okay Kristi, you are creative even with your toes! Love it!

  18. You are so cute to adorn your feet with you.

  19. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Now that's a cute portrait of a foot, and a cute foot is hard to come by.

  20. That is a great picture. Did you read her post about the Soup Swap? What a great idea!! I am totally going to do that!!

  21. cute foot! love the ribbon.. I never paint my toes either.. always clear! I love that you have big feet! I do too! I wear a size 10.5 or 11, have since I was 15- that is no fun when you are young.. but I survived that!

  22. You totally made my day!! Check out my blog. My first official good-mail...I never thought it would be like this, it's even better (pause for emphasis) than I ever (pause again for more emphasis) imagined it would be.

  23. Ok this is the cutest interpretation I have seen today.

  24. I think my feet are equals, but I do have a best eyebrow!

  25. I love painted toes but don't do it during the winter. I love the ribbon. My sister just sent me a bag for FHE that is the green with pink polka dots. I love it.

  26. great picture! very fun to see such an interesting picture pulling up your blog! too funny.

    were you able to open the picture i sent you?
