
Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Wax Museum

Annie Kate's recent project in school (2nd grade) is a 2 month biography of sorts on a famous person. They have to pick a famous person, write their biography, come to school dressed as that person and give a 3 minute memorized speech speaking as that person. Monday was they day that had to decide who they would be. The teacher encouraged them to pick 3 people in case their first choice got taken.
Here was her list.
  1. Clara Barton (civil war army nurse who was the founder of the Red Cross. Last year I read her biography and her home is near our house so we could do some great research and we are never short of medical gear)
  2. Lilly Pulitzer (rich to riches story of a fashion designer, she has a great story and Annie Kate could wear a dress from the fabric that Amy W. had sent me... hmmm I wonder who thought of this one.)
  3. Milton S. Hershey ( perfect after our visit to the factory and she could hand out chocolate)
I was so hoping that the Lilly Pulitzer one would have worked out but she got her first choice. Which is good because she really wanted to do someone with some D.C. history.

It should be a fun project, i just hope I don't get too carried away. I can see myself now monogramming red cross first aid kits for the class.

darling new dress from Lilly P.

and have you seen the Lilly Pulitzer Barbie.


  1. Awesome project! Clara Barton will be a good one. There is a great Civil War Medicine museum just South of Gettysburg, by the way.

    I had not seen the L.P. Barbie. Too cute!

  2. tasha, i am glad you said that, that reminds me there is one on Walter Reed campus that we have not been to. it will be part of our research.
    thanks for the reminder

  3. Sounds like it is going to be a fun project. I am sure that AK will learn a lot about Clara Barton and have fun along the way...especially with you involved! I love that you sound so excited about helping your daughter do this project. How can she not love learning with that kind of environment? You are a great example. Good luck with the research!

  4. I have no doubt that Annie Kate will do a great job on this project and that you will bring this person to life for her.

  5. how cute, I love it. I love the L.P. barbie too, I just love all her stuff...her shoes, clothes, is such a treat for the eye...and a good combination of pink always!

  6. What an amazing devotion to something. I'd never heard of Clara barton, but now I have!
    Did she never marry or have children? She just appears to have given over everything for her vocation. AK's presentation should be amazing - won't you want to sneak into the back of the class to watch it?? I know I would!

    Did CB teach ppl about first aid? You could do a small laminated First Aid chart for her classmates to take home. When I had Erin, I got myself and the grandparents shop-bought, laminated F.Aid charts to display at home, so that we all knew what to do in the event of any choking, scalds etc. thank God, we've never had to use them yet!

  7. Very cool choices!

    PS- Watched a show on Hershey, PA and the Hotel Hershey and thought of you. I shared your blog entry from your trip with my girls and they loved the candy bars at check in. :) The show also featured the spa-- we were so intrigued by the chocolate spa treatments.

  8. I remember doing a report like that in fourth grade. I chose to learn about Mark Twain. It was such a great learning experience-- and I even made a cake shaped like a riverboat.

  9. Anonymous12:57 AM

    I just loved this post and just love Annie Kate's assignment. I was cracking up thinking of how no other child would most likely have a coordinating outfit :) L.P. Barbie huh? Will check out!
