Good Pink Mail
Yikes! I am so behind in posting my gratitude and fun good mail that has arrived in my home lately. I am truly amazed at these women's creativity and generosity. I hope posting it will remind me of how lucky I have been and give ideas to others for sending goodmail and just thinking of others.

Even thought these are self sent good mail I had to document these great books I
received in the mail. I had ordered the three pink books from Amazon after our visit to the Book store for Presidents
Day. My friend Liz had
recommended one of them and they are just great. The
Pinkalicious one is our favorite.
Laurie sent me a sweet thank you and only reminds me that I wish we were neighbors.

I got an awesome surpise in the mail. The company that makes
Scrapbook Max!, a scrapbook program sent me a copy of their software to try out and let them know how I like it. They found my blog and thought I might like it, so I am really excited to check it out. I will for sure let you know.

I got this thank you in the mail from my friend Jordan who recently had a baby girl and it just made me really miss Nashville. She was barely pregnant when I left, so it weird to think I have now been gone long enough for someone to get pregnant and have the baby. Some days if felt like we just barely left. Congrats to her and her new little one.
Susan sent this incredible package. Yummy m&
m's repackaged with a paper topper, the most amazing hand sewn card, paper clips and some handmade stationery. She even sent he pineapple stamp that she used, which i am excited about. She stamped a pink pineapple on all the
envelopes as well as the card, which is watermarked behind the K. Susan had sent me the most incredible VT story of strength a few months ago and now sends me this wonderful package which was such a surprise.

My friend Julie had twins and I just got her announcement and loved it. (could I be any more behind on my baby gift giving?) But how cute one girl is Sally and the other is Jane.

Then I got a great little surprise from
Barb. She sent the template to make these bunnies and said that she was going to make a bunch to line up on her mantle. I just love this idea of sending a project, the pattern, a cute little note with her blog address. Really great mail.
tasha sent me this St.
Patricks day ribbon.
Every time (i kid you not) we are on the phone with each other one of our sewing machines are running. We always ask each other what projects we are working on. I told her I was trying to come up with some St.
Patricks day thing... more to come... and so two days later she sent this. by the time I got it I had already "pocketed" the idea and thought maybe next year. Sometimes for me just creating
something is the best part. But her ribbon motivated me to finish it and so I did last night! Thanks girl it was good motivating mail.
Amy h. sent me two great books. One was a kids book about d.c. and I was thrilled to see we had done
everything in the book, which makes the book more fun because my kids love looking through it. The next books was one about Ben Franklin. I will start it immediately after I finish my book club book. I am really excited to read it. We just said yesterday our favorite field trip so far was Philly and so it is a perfect motivation to go back, that and the incredible hot dogs & pretzels on the side of the street.

My generous friend
Chanel sent these three pink
Christmas ornaments she had got on sale. She wrote that she hoped my Christmas storage was easy to get to, but girl I am keeping these out all year. They will be perfect to put out on birthday's for the girls on their name hooks. thanks so much!
Melanie sent me a thank you note for her lotion and
yummies. It was so fun last month to pick one blogger, go through their 100 list and find a few things just for them. Please make it easy for me by putting your 100 list on your side bar!!! you might get rewarded for it.
Natasha, sent me some
Mardi Gras goodness. I love the beads with the US flags and will wear them this 4
th for sure.
She also sent me the "Think Pink" notepad and it is much needed since the one I got for my birthday is almost out. Thanks Natasha, you are spreading the New Orleans love.
Kristen sent me this nice note but I feel it should have gone to Jane, since it was all her idea for sharing her ribbon winnings. Thanks Kristen.
Shawna, was so nice to hobble out and send me this great "Love" package. Annie Kate loved the Dove Chocolates and kept saying they taste so creamy. It was a wonderful surprise. Thanks
Angie sent me a nice note for helping her find a song code for her blog. Thanks Angie and of course love the Doodlebug stationery.
Amanda S. sent some of her now famous magnets. They are on my fridge making my to do list look pretty!
Amy W. sent this great article out of a magazine along with her very purple stationery. I scanned it and saved it in my inspirations and put it in my
Smugmug gallery. Thanks I am doing it!

I got my first issue from Holly and Emily of Everyday Food, which was a wonderful birthday gift. I especially love how they give me the grocery list to take to the store. Thanks girls I will think of you every month.

All this good mail is just amazing to me and I am sure it only helps that Jill sending everyone awesome good mail labels to encourage the good mail goodness. Thanks so much girl and everyone... it inspires me to send a bunch myself.
That is a huge load of good mail! Fun for you. I wish I knew how to sew. I have tried a few things but I just don't think it is my thing.
Hey I am first to comment! Yahoo!
Hi, I love to read your blog you have great ideas! I found you from my friend Cara from her friend Jennifer(I think). What is good mail?
Ahh- I love those bunnies. Too cute.
It looks like you got quite the amazing stash.
That is a lot of good pink mail. How fun for you. Do you ever wonder what you mailman thinks?
amy m. i asked him once what he thought of all the pink envelopes i sent out for pink christmas and he looked at me like i was crazy and he had no idea what he was talking about.
i think he sees so much mail he doesn't get as excited about cute stickers and such as i.
My magnets our cheering up my to do list also. That Amanda is an artsy girl!
Has your blog made you love pink all the more? I love all your pink good mail; I'm intrigued by your new books. I REALLY like the idea of hanging the gift ornaments for birthdays.
That's an awesome stash of good mail, thanks for posting it! It's totally inspiring.
WOWOWOOWOWOWOOW, what awesome goodmail!
We love Pinkalicious, too. My Ellie was in a "pinkeverything" phase for a long time. Good to see that never leave that pink phase! :)
I love pink too but you jump to my head whenever I see something pink.
What a wonderful blog. Good mail! What a delight. You've inspired me. I'm going to start sending.
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