
Tuesday, March 27, 2007

She Photographs on Tuesdays

This weeks challenge was Spring Fever!

On a walk this past week I saw one of the many fields of daffodils in our neighborhood. They seem to be every where. We have not lived here in the spring and I am just amazed at it's beauty. The cherry blossoms are coming out and it is just incredible.
I thought to myself, perfect. I will lay down in the field of beauty and take my photo.

I took two photos. I am glad I did. i thought the one behind the flowers would be more artsy.

but I am glad I took the second because it reminded me of what I love about myself.
  1. i love my eyes
  2. i love that i have brown hair even though i get blonde highlights
  3. i love my nose
  4. i love my freckles
  5. and i love that i have nothing on my lips but that they look pink!
Now all of this really has nothing to do with Spring Fever, but I have so loved having a fun challenge every week and the self discovery I seem to find out something new about myself.

Thanks again Lelly for our fun challenges every week. I have been on the hunt for the perfect gift to send you as a thank you. And yesterday I found it at a second hand shop. It was exactly what I had in mind. As I was cleaning it to send to you,(that will teach me to clean) it slipped and fell on the floor. The mirror and the plastic broke. I was crushed. It was vintage, great color, two sided mirror and the perfect symbol to thank you for encouraging me to look in the mirror every week!

So, untill I find the next one, this photo will have to do! Thanks again.


  1. How funny. I did almost the same thing. Although haven't posted mine. It's still in a draft.

  2. Lucky you to have blooming flowers already! Our daffodils and tulips are just starting to poke up throught the dirt! In another few weeks I guess! :)

  3. isn't it interesting that only half of the mirror broke and the other side seems to be ok? hmmm.

    love the pics and your Loves about yourself. we all need to love ourselves a bit more most days...or at least i do!! thanks!

  4. ps- the cherry blossoms are such a beautiful sight to see. i can't wait to see the wonderful pics you take of your girls with them. you will be amazed.

  5. Artsy! I've been noticing spring flowers more this year then I remember years past. It makes my heart skip a beat with joy!

    So pretty. I agree with Carlo, you will take Cherry Blossom enjoyment to a whole new level!

  6. ouch! i love the thought behind your gift, and i am touched by the sentiment. thanks for sharing the 'after' photo. another little reminder of the little things in life.

    love your 'artsy' photo. spt is bringing me so many gifts, most of them unexpected. just knowing that there are other bloggers out there taking time to think about each challenge is amazing gratification for me.

  7. LOL! I'm much too finnicky to just lie down in the dirt, Kristi! I wish I could just 'let go' and do things like that, but I'm so pathetic with things like that.

    Luckily, my husband is much more gung-ho and outdoorsy and Erin seems to have taken after HIM! *phew*

  8. The daffodils really are everywhere. I passed a ton of them on my run on Saturday. It's so pretty. Just wait another week or two and you will be totally blown away.

    I love that you got down and dirty for your SPT this week. You're much braver than I am!

  9. Anonymous8:46 AM

    I like both pictures- and liked reading what you love about yourself.

    The mirror is looks like it was beautiful before the fall.

  10. I love the daffodils. I also love how your self portait reminds you of the things you love about yourself. Great photos.

  11. What a fun idea for your picture today. I have yet to get out, and do mine. I will here in a while. I think the mirror idea was so perfect. Sorry it took a fall!

  12. Cute pictures Kristi. It's nice to read about things you like about yourself, instead of so many posts (not yours) that list all the things disliked about themselves.

  13. Truly, that is your natural lip color? I've notice your pink lips in other pictures, and thought 'what a great shade'. The flowers people are posting are giving me an advance case (a month early for where I live) of spring fever.

  14. I can't believe you don't have anything on your lips! Amazing. I enjoyed both photos, and I cannot wait to enjoy cherry blossom time vicariously through you!

  15. Before I read your post, I looked at the pics and thought to myself, "wow, Kristi has great eyes." Funny. I am too loving the flowers and spring blossoms. Aren't you so excited to go downtown and see the cherry blossoms in full view? I wish I could be a mouse in your pocket!

  16. I love that you laid down in them.
    Beautiful lips. They should make a shade and call it everything pink.

  17. Anonymous12:45 PM

    I love Elizabeth's idea of making a shade of lipstick your color and calling it Everything Pink! Cute photos! I love that you got right in there with the flowers!

  18. I am in awe of this idea of photographing yourself. I take millions of photos and I am rarely in any of them. Even more, I love your ability to list the things that you love about yourself. I need to do that more. It would be great self discovery for me and REALLY a positive for my daughter to see. Thanks for sharing!

  19. We don't have ANY flowers here in Chicago! None! I can't believe your lips are so pink with nothing on them--they are a pretty color, too! Cute pics!!

  20. darling kristi! You have been busy!! I love the tuesday picture! Spring is in the AIR for sure!

  21. Adorable Kristi! What an awesome list about yourself. And I heartily agree with every single one! Especially the lips!!

  22. Wow - those daffodils are so beautiful! Hope to see some outside of our grocery store soon!

  23. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Like everyone else, I cannot believe those lips! And yes, I concur, Everything Pink should be the name of the lipstick colored after them.

    Like you, I think it's amazing what I'm learning about myself through the lens. I love to see what you've learned and the pictures you take.

    I liked the first picture of you lying in the daffodils...and how you thought it would be a bit more artsy or romantic than it was. That line captures the essence of SPT for me, I always envision something different than how my picture turns out.

  24. Cool gift for Lelly. Sorry it broke. I have always loved daffodils too. To me they are one of the first symbols of spring.

  25. You have nothing on your lips? Oh my lands. That is awesome. I'm a little jealous, but happy for you. :-)

  26. I love that you included both pictures even though the first didn't quite fit what you wanted. And I love that you listed what you like about yourself. We could all use some of that!
