
Monday, April 23, 2007

Toad Hat

Until I play blog catch up, this is what we found on our walk today by the lake. Sally Jane was going ga-ga over this toad. We brought him home and now will provide hours of entertainment for sure.

don't miss Chanel's great home pet story!


  1. She's brave! I don't want to pick up one up now, so I can't imagine holding one as a 2 year old.

  2. Eeeek! Stinky toadicus! I'm amazed SJ let a toad sit on her head. She's like Dr Dolittle!

  3. That is great. O love that she is not afraid to hold it. One day a bird...the next a frog, she has a busy little head. How fun!

  4. WHat a sweet girl to let all those animals sit on her head. How darling.

  5. I like the toad hat look. And I that love you actually let her take it home. My husband took my little girls to the park, where one of them found a frog. She was crushed that the frog needed to go "home", as her daddy put it. Very cute!

  6. I love frogs and had many as a child. I love Sally Jane's little red cheeks!

  7. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Those are fantastic pictures! Sally Jane looks quite enamored with her new hat/friend.

  8. Cute pics, my kids love playing with the toads around here.

  9. So cute, and gross at the same time! I love that Sally isn't afraid of squishy animals.

  10. I'm impressed! There's absolutely no way I'd allow such a creature anywhere near my head!

    On a separate note, I don't remember the details, but you and Sally Jane were in my dream last night.

  11. Too cute!! All kids are pretty much brave in my book...I would never touch half of the things kids bring in to show me. THANK YOU so much for such a cute piece of "Good Mail". I love the pop rocks gum but more so it was nice to be thought of. Thanks again!

  12. So cute and so brave. Great pictures :)

  13. It seems to me that SJ is starting to look alot more like AK in recent photos...have you noticed that or am I dreaming? Caroline is definately her own woman though.

  14. Kristi...
    I knew you were someone special the day i met you. I am blown away at all you do! I'm glad my mom has kept in touch with you! You're little girls are so darling!! I would love to hear from you... what is your email? mine is
    Love Heidi
    ps I don't really understand the whole blog thing so I know I shouldn't write you under a comment on a picture, but I don't know how else to get a hold of you:)

  15. That is the cutest thing ever! So cute.

  16. way cool, i hope my kids are like that, they will have to be with the 2 siberian huskies we will get when we get a house.
