
Saturday, June 30, 2007

I made it out!

After being in the sick house for 4 days straight I finally had to break free. Even though the whole time I was out I felt as if any minute I could be in a ball on the floor I needed to get some fresh air and cleaning products.
I threw everything I could think of in my cart. We ran out of detergent washing every sheet, pillowcase, towel, rug, feather bed cover, duvet imaginable. I have scrubbed every corner thinking there is something in this house that is causing us 6 days of vomiting children. (fortunately Jeff has not seemed to be affected, knock on screen)
Just when we think they are getting better and all the sheets are clean, it comes back. I just hope are better by the 4th this week.
On kind of a funny note Annie Kate has been hanging her swimming ribbons on the back of her door. It is funny how they seem to be multiplying and she doesn't even really care. She hung them all up and then said, "Ok now I have a 1st, 2nd & 3rd, next week maybe I can get a 5th and 6th to complete the set". I was laughing so hard. I love it! She was so sad to have missed her swim meet and at 6:30 am while throwing up she thought she could still make the 7:20 am swim meet.
Also, the new Hallmark Dreambook is out. This is a favorite flip through for my girls for months!


  1. The picture of the cleaning products in the cart is so pleasing. Did you get a little bit of the cleaning bug as you tried to disinfect your home? Anything?

    Annie Kate's ribbons are cute on the back of her door, I love it that she wants a complete set. Will she be trying to come in last place? How funny is that?

  2. jill, i know that is what is so funny! i don't think she realizes what she has to do to get those ribbons.

    the cleaning bug may have given me a little bite, seriously my cleaning skills can only get better!

  3. Thinking of you and your clan... love those ribbons - her goals are in the right place!

  4. i agree with jill and the cart of cleaning looks wonderful, too bad you are getting them because you run out of them...hopefully this week will bring no more sickness

  5. Anonymous8:27 AM

    glad you were able to get out. Spraying cleaning products all over the house will help you feel like the house is clean, and it will probably make it not smell like "death" inside too! I am so sorry. I love the Hallmark catalog too!!! It gets me in the holiday mood way too early! We are headed up to the lake, so have a great 4th!

  6. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Hope things will continue to improve -- those bugs can be really nasty. Getting out of the house must have felt good -- fresh air is always a good thing. Love Annie's attitude about her ribbons, and I hope that she is swimming again soon. Good luck in getting rid of the bugs. Love you.

  7. i hope you are all out and about for the fourth, dressed in your red, white & blue finest!!

  8. Too cute about the swim ribbons. Luci used to always want to trade her blue gymnastics ribbons in for pink, which was definitely not 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place!

  9. She wants a 5th and 6th place ribbon. How cute is that? I love that she is doing so well competing but that she is not overly competitive. Well-done!

  10. I absolutely sympathise with the fetish for bleaching the hell out of everything when there's a bug in the house. We have a clamp-down on thorough hand-washing here and all the door handles and light-switches and bannisters get a sloshing of some kind of atomic-strength bacterial spray!

    Would it help to burn certain scented candles, I wonder? Lemony scents to suggest cleanliness? Ginger? It calms a dicky tummy, so maybe it'd clear any nauseous feelings?

    Can't believe you've posted an image of Father Christmas in July! Shoo! Shoo!
