Are you a blog commenter, a glancer, lurker or glurker? Do you ever say I don't know them why would I comment? I don't have a blog so I can't comment? Have you read Jill's post about to comment or not comment. I also saw on one girls blog that in her profile she said, "comments required if you read" I thought that was kind of a funny way of saying - I want to hear from you.
Jill has commented on all 810 of my posts, her theory is if you are going to take the time to read why not take the time to just say something.
One thing I think is interesting about blogging is that I could write 500 posts about something that everyone agrees with or happy and cute, and hear nothing from someone , but as soon as I write about something they don't like or disagree with, they and their friends come out of the woodworks to in my opinion "give it to me". It is so interesting to me.
I used to be someone who was a complainer! If I didn't like the customer service at a store, I would call or write a letter, I was queen of let me see your manager. I used to hang up on telephone sales people and be kind of any angry driver. Then one day I thought what a waste of energy and took all this energy and turned it around 180 degrees! I now have a hobby of complimenting anything I see that is good. It really has become a hobby. I often sit in the car and pull the number of the store off the bottom of my receipt and say, "I was just in your store and had to let you know how great _____ was" It is so much fun to do, because they totally think you are going to complain. It only takes 2 seconds. I have written letters to Burger King because the teller at the window was so nice, I have even bought a diet coke for a checker at the grocery store and went back to give it to her because she was so cranky. And I figured instead of telling her manager she was mean, I would do something to make her day better. I often say "you can catch flies faster with honey that vinegar".
So, I am firm believer of emphasizing and seeing the good in others.
But back to my point, boy that was a tangent.
A few weeks ago when my kids were sick, Jill made a comment on my blog about Annie Kate being bored and she said, "too bad Annie Kate does not like to read" It was one of the blog comments that really got me thinking. The power of a blog comment! I thought to myself how sad is that at 8 years old I am telling people she doesn't like to read, how sad she doesn't like to read, and she will probably never like to read if I keep talking like that.
I knew if a passion for reading for her was going to come it was up to me to introduce it to her and not wait around for her to become a book worm.
I had checked a bunch of books dealing with subjects for a recent trip we are taking and pulled one out of the pile. It was called The Third Grade Detectives - The mystery of the stolen statue.
I sat down with her one night and read the whole book to her and snuggled up in a soupie. We then went downstairs on the computer and looked up the statue they talked about in the book and googled a few other things they talked about Museums, that we may be going to on our trip. She was on cloud nine tell Jeff about what we read. We then googled the Author and found his email and sent him email about his book and what we liked about it. The next morning we woke up to an email from him and it was very fun. He wished her well on her trip and glad she enjoyed his book and would be forwarding it on to his publisher.
And all that happened because of a BLOG COMMENT. Thanks Jill - it was the kick in the pants that I needed.
The other blog comment that has stuck with me was on my 100 list from Annalisa. I have never forgotten what she said and it has made a big difference for me this year.
I have often called myself a chameleon, but have learned to embrace that aspect of my personality instead of look at it as a weakness. It means you are more understanding, easy to get along with, great at reading people, and find a way to relate to everyone you know. You may be easily persuaded, but it does not mean your values are low, it means you want to be more like the people you love and are constantly looking to emulate the qualities you admire. I love that I can be goofy with one person, serious with the next, be so many things to different people, and they are all me. It makes me complex. Happy birthday fellow chameleon.
So here is a question and a challenge.
Question: do ever hold back comments on a blog, why do you or don't comment
Challenge: in the next 7 days write a letter or tell a stranger what a good job they are doing. Email a company, call the manager, give an extra pat on the back to someone who needs it. (but to a stranger that would not expect it) Then blog about it and see if it will become a hobby for you too.
Jill has commented on all 810 of my posts, her theory is if you are going to take the time to read why not take the time to just say something.
One thing I think is interesting about blogging is that I could write 500 posts about something that everyone agrees with or happy and cute, and hear nothing from someone , but as soon as I write about something they don't like or disagree with, they and their friends come out of the woodworks to in my opinion "give it to me". It is so interesting to me.
I used to be someone who was a complainer! If I didn't like the customer service at a store, I would call or write a letter, I was queen of let me see your manager. I used to hang up on telephone sales people and be kind of any angry driver. Then one day I thought what a waste of energy and took all this energy and turned it around 180 degrees! I now have a hobby of complimenting anything I see that is good. It really has become a hobby. I often sit in the car and pull the number of the store off the bottom of my receipt and say, "I was just in your store and had to let you know how great _____ was" It is so much fun to do, because they totally think you are going to complain. It only takes 2 seconds. I have written letters to Burger King because the teller at the window was so nice, I have even bought a diet coke for a checker at the grocery store and went back to give it to her because she was so cranky. And I figured instead of telling her manager she was mean, I would do something to make her day better. I often say "you can catch flies faster with honey that vinegar".
So, I am firm believer of emphasizing and seeing the good in others.
But back to my point, boy that was a tangent.
A few weeks ago when my kids were sick, Jill made a comment on my blog about Annie Kate being bored and she said, "too bad Annie Kate does not like to read" It was one of the blog comments that really got me thinking. The power of a blog comment! I thought to myself how sad is that at 8 years old I am telling people she doesn't like to read, how sad she doesn't like to read, and she will probably never like to read if I keep talking like that.
I knew if a passion for reading for her was going to come it was up to me to introduce it to her and not wait around for her to become a book worm.
I had checked a bunch of books dealing with subjects for a recent trip we are taking and pulled one out of the pile. It was called The Third Grade Detectives - The mystery of the stolen statue.
I sat down with her one night and read the whole book to her and snuggled up in a soupie. We then went downstairs on the computer and looked up the statue they talked about in the book and googled a few other things they talked about Museums, that we may be going to on our trip. She was on cloud nine tell Jeff about what we read. We then googled the Author and found his email and sent him email about his book and what we liked about it. The next morning we woke up to an email from him and it was very fun. He wished her well on her trip and glad she enjoyed his book and would be forwarding it on to his publisher.
And all that happened because of a BLOG COMMENT. Thanks Jill - it was the kick in the pants that I needed.
The other blog comment that has stuck with me was on my 100 list from Annalisa. I have never forgotten what she said and it has made a big difference for me this year.
I have often called myself a chameleon, but have learned to embrace that aspect of my personality instead of look at it as a weakness. It means you are more understanding, easy to get along with, great at reading people, and find a way to relate to everyone you know. You may be easily persuaded, but it does not mean your values are low, it means you want to be more like the people you love and are constantly looking to emulate the qualities you admire. I love that I can be goofy with one person, serious with the next, be so many things to different people, and they are all me. It makes me complex. Happy birthday fellow chameleon.
So here is a question and a challenge.
Question: do ever hold back comments on a blog, why do you or don't comment
Challenge: in the next 7 days write a letter or tell a stranger what a good job they are doing. Email a company, call the manager, give an extra pat on the back to someone who needs it. (but to a stranger that would not expect it) Then blog about it and see if it will become a hobby for you too.
I probably shouldn't be commenting on posts. I never read the middle just the begginning and end.
ReplyDeleteI try not to leave complaining comments. I am afraid to complain too much, because I am a Sprint customer, and I don't want them to drop me as a customer.
bevan. i love you you are so funny!
ReplyDeleteI am so delighted that my comment served as a kick in the pants for you. I didn't mean it to serve as one, I was just thinking how much more entertaining life could be for Annie Kate if she could escape to the wonderful world of reading in times of "boredom," like when her sisters were sick and you were all stuck at home.
ReplyDeleteBut then when you and I were talking on the phone last week and you said that if you wanted her to be good at sewing you had to teach her how to sew, so if you want her to be a good reader you need to teach her how to love to read, that seemed so brilliant and logical. You're a great mom!
I am officially accepting your challenge. I'm always nice to cashiers and service people, but I never go out of my way to contact companies to tell them what a good job they're doing (though that seems like something I would do). Hmmm.
I failed to mention that I think everyone should always comment. I prefer thoughtful comments, as opposed to "hey that's great" comments, but I would still rather have that and know they were there than to be wondering if everyone was totally uninterested or out of town.
ReplyDeleteYep - you've described me to a 't' - I'm a definite lurker but not a commenter. I love reading your posts because they are all inspiring to me. I feel like you have such an optimistic outlook on life and even when it's hard, there is something to laugh at or take a picture of to document it. The point being that there is always something happening in life - it's up to us to take what we can from it.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad that Annie Kate loved that mystery book. I had never heard of them. My daughter loves mysteries and was hooked on Ron Roy books but now we need to find something a little bit older. I will definitely look into this series - thanks for sharing!
I am so going to try your challenge to offer positive feedback to stranger. Great idea & I hope it'll become second nature for me.
ReplyDeleteHow awesome for AK to get fired up about the detective book AND how awesome for the author to email back---sooo cool!! It's fantastic that you are helping her discover a love of reading.
Obviously, I've burst out of my commenting shell. I enjoy reading comments, they accesorize the post.
Loved your post. I think I will take on the challenge too. It is better to look at the bright side- it's always greener there too!!
ReplyDeleteI used to be quite scared to leave comments, but for some reason I came out of my shell and try to leave comments now. I Think you may have said on a comment ot my blog- comments are always free!!!
You're so right, Kristi, it's better for your heart to take the time to praise than to criticise. I had an online grocery delivery once (you can count on one hand how many times I've had my shopping delivered!) and as the supermarket delivery bloke was handing me the bags at my door, a postman came up with my post and tutted and said, 'Bone bloody idle'. !!!! Can you believe it? The car was in the garage for a service, that's why I was having it delivered. But I was so gobsmacked I couldn't speak. Eventually I blurted out, 'I haven't got a car. How do I carry all this home?' And he smirked, 'Use the bus, like everyone else'. !!!!! The supermarket guy's mouth was open in disbelief.
ReplyDeleteI rang Royal Mail and RANTED at them about the postman. But then I took the time to phone the supermarket and said how GREAT the delivery guy was. And he was. He was such a help.
So (after all that blather!) I agree. We must all endeavour to spread some praise as much as we can.
Sorry for incoherent comment. Am about to dash out for school run, and am listening to a radio show online at same time. Multi-tasking!!
I love your idea on calling stores back and telling them something good. I have tried to leave great comments on comment cards at restraunts when we have great service, food, etc... But I never thought of calling a store and doing the same when someone or something made me smile.
ReplyDeleteI often visit blogs, including yours and find your posts intiguing, insightful, interesting, and lots of times familiar but often at a loss for what to say and think surely someone else thinks how I do about a post and will comment kind of via Angie. I'll try and do better at leaving thoughtful comments on others blogs. I should seeing how sometimes I decide on not posting something inparticular because I;m always sure(in my mind) that no one will care and.or leave a comment. Thanks for opening my eyes, once again.
Kristi, recently I was one the phone with an employee of the socoal security administration, trying to get help for a client of mine regarding his disability check. (He has AIDS plus a long list of other diagnoses as well.) Anyway, this woman was so pleasant and helpful over the phone that I asked her what her supervisor's name was and as soon as we got off the phone I faxed him a letter on my letterhead describing my wonderful experience with his employee. He wrote me back about a week later, saying that that because I took the time to write the letter that employee would be recognized at he next staff meeting and given an award.
ReplyDeleteSo often the people at government offices that I encounter daily are rude (in my opinion) and I am so glad that when I encountered such a pleasant one I went through with my plans to alert her boss that I had caught her being good.
I guess this turned out kinda long and i could've made it into a blog post, but all this is to say "I hear ya!!"
BTW, my CEO was pretty pleased with what I did too. He knows I tend to do things like that and probably used to think it was goofy but is now accustomed to it.
Kristy, you always inspire me. I agree with the posting, people should post if they read! I have 3822 hits on my blog but only 4-5 people post a comment. Where are all the hits comming from. My friend did a role call and asked everyone reading to post it was cute. She had about 20+ comments that day instead of her normal 6. I love that you got Annie Kate excited about reading. I am stuggling with my soon-to-be third grader also. Last night after reading to her (The Tale of the Tale of Despereaux-so good BTW) she asked if she could lay in bed and read a different book!!! It brought tears to my eyes because we have been struggling with her reading and she even fell asleep reading with the light on! It was a Mom's dream! So happy Commenting, happy reading and happy complementing! I love this post!!!
ReplyDeleteI honestly can't imagine you as a complainer, especially not hanging up on people! Are you sure you weren't making that up? ha!
ReplyDeleteThis is an interesting post for a couple of reasons. I will admit, that there have been occasions when I will call in a complaint, or become frustrated with other drivers, but I don't think I do it that often. It probably happens more often than I give a compliment to a stranger... and I should change that. (Sidenote: I've just had an epiphany! Details later.)
I think blogging is great, and I like to read, and I try to comment, but I don't always. Sometimes I just don't have anything to say and don't want to waste time (mine and everyone else's) with a 'me too' comment and other times I get sidetracked or run out of time and forget to go back and comment later.
This all leads me to something that I've really been bothered with lately. I rarely get comments on my blog, which is discouraging. I think people read my blog, but few comment (thanks to those who do). I have actually thought about posting about this, but I just haven't yet... I'm afraid that I will come acrosss as, well, a complainer. But to be honest, I feel like I'm standing in a room full of people talking and no one is listening. It leaves me feeling like (to some extent) what I say doesn't matter, so why say anything at all.
So I ask you, dear friend, am I being selfish? Was it something I said? Am I interesting? Should I just stick to reading and commenting and give up on trying to have my own?
love your posts... really they are inspiring.. I probably don't leave that interesting of comments.. but I try to comment on every blog I read.
ReplyDeleteI will totally take the challenge.. I try to be kind to everyone.. sometimes that is hard.. but I think it works out better than the alternative.. I use to work as a cashier, and teller and boy I know those days get long.. I love that you have done something to cheer them up when they are having hard days.. I remember you bought a chocolate bar for a lady in one of your posts too.. didn't you? anyway..thanks for sharing your life.. totally inspiring.. you are a great mom to help AK with her love of reading.. I really think that can be learned by example and encouragement..
ReplyDeleteI am not really a "lurker" anymore as I have commented I think only twice, now this is my third comment! Anyway, I read your blog daily. It is so inspirational to me. We just moved into a new house (well, new to us...the house is 30 years old) but oh so neat! Often times, I'll be doing laundry, raking the leaves that the former owners chose not to rake :), etc. and I'll think about things that you've said on your blog. I thought of you alot last summer as we traveled out west to Santa Fe, NM and then on to Farmington and then to Ship Rock, Mesa Verde, etc. I adore your ribbon too, but buttons as well with the ribbons! I would much rather have something passed down to me from family that has history than something new from the store. I just wanted to "comment" on the "leave a comment" post. Thank you, Ashley from Tennessee
First of all...this is a great post. I love when people comment...although I have yet to get negative ones, but I think that's only because I tend to avoid controversial subjects.
ReplyDeleteSecond, I second what Jill says about being a chameleon.
Third, I had an experience last week at The Cheesecake Factory where are server was absolutely amazing. In fact, so amazing that I said to my brother, "Wow, someone should really tell the manager how great this server is." Duh! So, I got up the nerve (funny that it took nerve to pay a compliment), asked for the manager and proceeded to tell him how great our server was. I felt so good, I was almost in tears.
And it's just so fun to give someone a pat on the back for a job well done!
This post really made me think...I need to stop and think more often:)
ReplyDeleteWhen I don't comment it is because I am afraid people will think I am lame. Which is lame in and of itself because I NEVER think comments on my blog are lame. I am just glad someone commented. Something to think about. Some of the blogs I love the most I never comment on for fear they won't like me back. I don't think I would have ever commented on yours except we are family and whether or not I am lame we are related and you have to deal with it.
I love this post Kristi! IT made me think about while in Utah how extremely friendly the clerks were in the Shopko I went into 3 different times! I was so pleasantly surprised at how nice they were and genuine too. I am taking your advice and calling to tell them that it made a difference in my day! Thanks for being you!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I am so glad you found a book to light AK's reading fire! Lindsey loves to read, and we have a hard time getting her to go to bed because of that. What can I say, I'd rather read sometimes than go to bed myself!! Has she heard of the Magic Treehouse series? L really loves those!
Hi Kristi,
ReplyDeleteI always read your blog but never leave a comment...mostly because I don't have my own blog so I figure why leave a comment. I will try to be better about it. My sister has a blog and says it is very annoying to her when people don't leave comments!!
I will definitely take your challenge and try to compliment people more for the work that they do. I think positive reinforcement is the way to go!!
Thanks for your time in posting such great ideas, tips, and things that make you think.
Also, have you read the Phillip Pullman trilogy for young adults? The books are great, and maybe your daughter would like them. The titles are: The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife, and The Amber Spyglass.
Have a great day!! Stacey in Washington
I love these posts - that make me think. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE how you approached your little with reading, then to go to the computer to research, write a letter, etc. SUPER MOM!!!
ReplyDeleteI have been great with writing letters/notes to those in my ward regarding talks, songs, just because. But it has been few and far between with others. I did call while in college about help at a resturant that resulted in that person getting a raise!
Love how you brought the grumpy check out lady a diet coke. I *must* try that with one at our store! Thanks for the thoughts today.
Hi Kristi,
ReplyDeleteI love this post. I do read your blog everyday and I don't comment each time, I will have to change that. It is so true that if I take the time to read someones blog I should leave them a comment. I am going to be more aware of that.
I think we are going to buy the Wal-mart greeter a soda. He is so sweet and nice to my kids. My Rebecca was so upset one day when he was not there...she thought something had happened to him. Anyway we saw him the next week. So I think she would be thrilled to get him a soda or something!! What a great idea!!
Whenever I log into my Bloglines I always see if you have posted something first!!
So funny your post today - only because I have never commented on a blog and yesterday I came so close (I even signed up for a google account) and then decided I really had a million other things to do that could not wait the two seconds it would take for me to comment. Besides I felt as if I would have to write a letter of introduction since I don't know you or any of the other bloggers out there who comment. Rarely do I read the comments but when I do I think I would need to come up with some clever or witty bit to add and that's just too much pressure. Then there's the whole aspect of if I comment then I'm going to need to check back and see how it's been recieved and I truly can't imagine spending so much time worried about a computer.
ReplyDeleteSo those are a few reasons why I read your blog but do not comment.
And since I've already written a book of an explanation let me add my thought that I chickened out sending yesterday. My friend has a running goal of 1000 miles for the year. She broke it down to 20 miles a week with 2 weeks off. It has been a great motivator for her. It seemes insane to me but she is doing great. Because you are keeping track of you mileage, I bet this kind of a goal would work out well for you. Way to go on the amazing amount of miles already!
This was a great post! See...Jill's second comment is one reason I'm always hesitant to comment. I often worry that my thoughts aren't eloquent or insightful enough, so I just give up. Silly I know, but it's a reality. Also, I often read blogs when I'm on a time crunch, and usually on my bloglines, so I will mark messages I want to go back and comment on and totally forget about them. I think I have about 100 posts I intended to comment on but never got around to do. As I told you yesterday, I have a hard time completing tasks...I've got a "completion disorder." I really should make more of an effort, because I get to excited when I see comments on mh posts. It really validates to me that my efforts to document my life aren't all in vain. I definitely love attention.
ReplyDeleteI am guilty of being a silent lurker. Especially on your blog. I come to your site every day and am so sad when you haven't updated yet. When you do post, I find that I am feeling like I am reading my best friend's blog, only my best friend has no idea who on earth I am - but I know her and I completely relate and am inspired by so many of her posts.
ReplyDeleteIn the past I have tended to be more of a complainer but then I discovered how strangers are completely transformed when you pay them a compliment. I realized that this does not happen near enough and I need to do my part to see that good deeds do not go unnoticed.
What an awesome perspective on life, Kristi! What an amazing difference you are making, not only in the people's lives you touch through your kindness, but in your own!
ReplyDeleteI am so addicted to your blog! You have inspired me in so many ways, I can't even tell you! I am planning on using your gum ball jar idea for the physical therapists and PT assistance who have been working with me this past month!
Your photography is beautiful and has inspired me to take a more artistic approach when taking photos of my own children and the things we do!
I am now a ribbon junkie and find myself hoarding it whenever I find a good deal or find a roll I just cannot pass up! I have found that something as simple as a pretty ribbon tied around a homecooked meal for a family in need is such a lovely touch!
You are filled with the most creative and fun ideas, websites, crafts, activities....THANK YOU for all the inspiration you are to so many of us! :)
I routinely experience blogging commenting post woes every night. It seems like I can't sign in after 7pm. It's been that way for a month. So my new plan is to try to find some time to check blogs (and write my blog) during the day so I can comment. I love your challenge and will post about it when I do it! Thanks Kristi----by the way---we WILL be getting you up to a lake to play one of these days!
ReplyDeleteI usually don't comment but I really should. I find so many great things on your blog and many others that I store away for some future use. I guess I just feel weird that I am reading someones blog that I do not know but I guess with comments you can at least make yourself known so it is not so weird. I do have to say that I am a customer service manager and you have no idea how far a compliment goes. They do not happen very often but when they do they make your day. Ever since I started my job I have gone out of my way to be friendly to other customer service people and all people in general.
ReplyDeleteOkay so I agree with so many other comments. I, too, read your blog everyday and wait for your new posts. I feel like I know you and even sometimes talk about you to my husband (who thinks I am crazy). You remind me of a friend of mine who moved last summer so when I read what you are doing in some small way you are my friend too. It is so fun to get caught up in your life since it seems so fun, creative, and put together.
ReplyDeleteI do tend to lurk and not comment because really I don't know you. It was embarassing for me that you knew I was even reading your blog. (BTW: I read some of your friends blogs.) Anyway, I like comments too so I don't know why I don't always comment. From now on, I will try harder.
And on taking your challenge, I was just saying last week how fun it was to buy a seemingly normal box of Luvs diapers to get home and discover they have stretchy sides now. Fun. I need to write them a thank you.
So now I am all done rambling. Thanks for the great blog!
That is amazing that Jill's comment inspired you to be more proactive about instilling the love of reading in your daughter.
ReplyDeleteYour challenges are great. It does us no good to respond to meaness or crankiness with more of the same.
I used to lurk a long time ago. But not anymore.
I don't post comments because you don't know me and I don't want you to think I'm stalking you or just plain weird! I do love your blog and Jill's blog and Donna's blog, I love it that you guys blog everyday! And it is so inspiring and uplifting that I feel like I have nothing to add!
ReplyDeleteAs for Annie Kate I loved reading as a child, actually I would love to get 'bed posted' as a punishment because then I just read, I don't know if they are still around but my sister and I read 'the saddle club' books, my sister was big into horses. I really loved all the Nancy Drew books and then I even read all the Hardy Boy books!!!
I also forgot to add that I have worked in retail for over 10 years now and all those little gestures that you mention mean so much, just little nice comments or smiles help pick up our day. A kind comment or deed will be remembered a lot more (and have way better affects on the person) then a mean one.
ReplyDeleteI love reading your blog~I am new to blogging & wondered if bloggers would get freaked out be comments from people they don't know. Thinking after reading your blog today~ I would love it if someone left a comment on my blog so here goes... I love to compliment- I don't do it nearly enough & now with email it is especially easy-so no excuses- I love your story about giving the coke! So smart & so thoughtful-I am taking your challenge to heart this week. Thanks for all your great thoughts & for sharing!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the motivation to make two compliments that I have been meaning to make - one to a neighbor to let her know that her house/yard always looks so nice (we've never even talked before and this is a great way to start), and one to the author of a book that totally helped me.
ReplyDeleteI should comment more on your blog and gush more often b/c really I always enjoy your fun ideas. Your posts are a pick-me-up. Thanks Kristi.
It's easy to leave comments for someone who always has great thoughts & perspective! I love leaving comments on your blog and I try to leave comments on most that I read.
ReplyDeleteI am going to try harder to give compliments too!
And I'm off to my library's site to see if they have that book for my dd. She'll be in 4th grade.
I feel the need to make a comment.. and I want to...but everyone has said so many wonderful things I am at a loss!
ReplyDeleteI enjoy your perspective on life and catch myself smiling in agreement with many things your share. It is so funny how much smaller the world seems when you start blogging. Or is it, the world seems larger but more personal?
N-E-Whoo, I'm in on the challenge! It is going to take some guts for me, but I am up for it.
Kristi - the sick bug has landed on me now and before I head off to bed again, I jsut wanted to say that I love your ideas about "catching more flies with hone ..." so true. I love that you bought that checker a soda! You have inspired me!
ReplyDeleteI also wanted to tell you that I am proud of you for all the running you are doing! Way to go! Sign up for a 5K race if you really want to have a good time. I bet DC has tons of them. Maybe even one you could all do as a family. Anyway, GREAT JOB, Kristi!
I am so guilty! I read all the time but don't comment as much as I should.. along with everyone else's blog too :o(
ReplyDeleteLove your challenge and I will be taking you up on it!
I love that you and AK emailed the author. And, how cool that she heard back from him! How sweet. It took 2 minutes from his day to make your child feel special. How sweet is that!!!
I am one of those "people watcher" kind of folk, so it is easy for me to read alot of blogs but hard for me to step out of my zone to comment. However, since having my own blog, I understand better how nice it is to have comments. So I am slowly coming out of my shell more to comment. Kristi, I love your blog. It has really inspired me to love people better.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great challenge! I am in! I love your attitude about your daughter reading! I think if all mothers took the initiative it would be a great world! You seem to be such a great Mom to your girls.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a regular reader of yours but seem to be the opposite of every other person out there and hunkering down in my house to escape the heat. And look at the post I clicked onto! I do know who you are, though, because my friend, Andrea, and I made your great "100 things we love about Mrs...." as a teacher gift this year.
ReplyDeleteI'm not very much of a lurker. I tend to leave comments if I read but not 100% of the time. But, I don't know anybody who doesn't enjoy comments from people. And some are very helpful or encouraging. I am...commenting. No great insight to use in a future post or anything but a friendly "hello!"
I always feel like I don't really have anything great to say except "nice post" or "hey, cute pictures." So I then just don't post. Or if there are a lot of comments, I tend to think that it wont' get read anyway.
ReplyDeleteyou're too cute! i love your idea about complimenting people as a hobby and looking for the positive ways to be nice to people! i usually comment, sometimes i hold back cause i think it will just sound stupid.
ReplyDeleteI have lurked on your site for awhile now- and recently emailed Jill to tell her how cool I thought see was...I feel the same way about you.
ReplyDeleteAnd interestingly enough I was just going to call Wendy's (which btw I never do) to tell them that their branch in one part of our city is fantastic- in one trip to this particular branch, every person that I encountered was friendly, kind and upbeat...I now consider it my favorite fast food store because of the great service I received.
Thanks for always reminding us of the little things and the things that seem little but are usually big! have a fabulous day :)
Hey Kristie!
ReplyDeleteI look forward to reading your blog everyday. You always have something interesting to say. I have never made a comment because I didn't know if I should or not. I plan to comment more often now. I agree with your comment about reading with your daughter. I started reading to my daughter Camille when she was in the womb. She is two now and she loves for me to read to her every night before she goes to bed. She carries her books around the house and the in the car when we go somewhere. Reading is something that has to be taught and nurtured. I teach 8th grade Language Arts and you would not believe the number of students that do not read well. I am glad that you are making it a priority to teach the love of reading to your children. If all parents would invest time reading to/with their children, The United States would see a large growth in the strength of our youth. I do have a blog, but I have not updated it in six months. I plan to work on it during my summer break.
Have a blessed day!
Dude, you got your hands full, when I see 34 comments on the daily, im like, ok that is like 34 minutes she has to read all the things people say. and then I think...hmm in 34 min. I can like goto arctic circle, slam a reeces shake, send some emails, check my ebay, and start cooking some salmon. So i think, dang gina! no way im gonna weigh down ms. kristi...boom Im your number 44 today!
ReplyDeleteI comment when I feel like I have something to say...sometimes I can't think of anything that doesn't sound completely lame. I am not one to spend hours in front of the computer trying to sound witty and thoughtful (and trust me it would take hours) so I usually read and leave a short comment. I will try to be better.
As far as your challenge- I love it and I'm totally in.
What a great post, Kristi! I try to always comment when I read a post, but occasionally I get frustrated when I feel like I don't have anything to add. I guess it is still worthwhile to let someone know you were reading.
ReplyDeleteI just love your perspective on teaching AK to love reading. Fabulous. There are two fictional series that Max and Lucas really have enjoyed, that you might want to check out: The Guardians of Gahoole (about owls) and Warriors (about cats). It's fun to find a series that you like, because then you get to keep moving on to the next installment!
What a wonderful post. To most people I am an unknown poster due largely to the fact that I have yet to start my own blog, but it has never stopped me from commenting on anyone's blog unless they do not allow "others" to comment. I figure would I add something to the conversation if I were there in person...yep, so I comment. I love to pass on compliments and have found that is makes people just shine, it is so unexpected and with warming results.
ReplyDeletegood challenge. i think i will add it to my blog too. your blog is very inspiring, where do you get the ideas, inspiration and time to be sooooo creative? thanks for inspiring me too! =)
ReplyDeleteHi, You're a genius. . . you inspired me ages ago. I confess to being a constant lurker, but you already knew that. I think I'll finally start my own blog. I know I said it before. I'll do it now! Love you! LJ
ReplyDeleteLoved this post, Kristi and fully embrace the Kill them with Kindness philosophy.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the motivation I need to pass it along.
You totally caught me lurking! My friend Deidra (who comments sometimes) sent me here long ago, because I live in the DC metro area and you have great ideas about crafts, dc activities and a million other things! I never comment on blogs, but now I am going to try to start putting in my two cents more often.
ReplyDeleteI really love your thoughts the random acts of kindness. I started trying to make a positive impact upon people a few years ago and have taken it even further by volunteering with various organizations. I find it really rewarding, and it's also helped me make connections to feel at home here.
ReplyDeleteI don't always comment, and I guess I should, but somehow, sometimes, I just don't feel like I have something worth while to say, which is silly, because I LOVE getting ANY comments on my blog. I guess I'll have to do better, which means you will be hearing a lot more from me! (Is that good or bad?)
I know what you mean about the power of the good word. I have a very dear friend that died recently that was the queen of the thank you note. If you said one nice thing to her, even in passing, she would send you a thank you note to tell you how much it meant to you. She always sent them in the mail, even if she lived a house away from you. And now that she is gone, :( I have decide to take her example, and be more thoughtful in letting people know what I appreciate. My first attempt at this was putting a little thank you note on to a book I returned to the library to let them know I appreciated the service that they give to us. The librarian was so happy to receive that, telling me they THINK they are doing a good job, but... I was ever so glad that I did that. I'm happy I made her day!
You are so right. Don't they always say it takes more muscles to frown than to smile? Sometimes I think that it is easier to be mean or frustrated than to just be nice. I love that you had a turn around. I'll definitely think more about it after this post. As far as commenting goes, I agree that if I read something I should comment. However, there are times when I only have time to skim blogs and usually don't comment unless I really have a chance to read what the person wrote. This was a great reminder though...Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI think it's great that you take the time to call and compliment, instead of waiting for a moment when someone makes a mistake to complain about them. I find myself put out of my comfort zone more than I'd like here in Montreal - experiencing one such uncomfortable situation just this week (I posted about it) I catch myself going into a store ready for a fight - take a deep breath, and try to smile, but always expecting the worst :-)
ReplyDeleteSo, funny thing. Today I went to a *favorite things* lunch put on by my friend Mary (Mindy's friend Mary, too - small world and all that) Anyhow I decided that for my favorite thing I would share blogging, and I typed up a few of my favorite blogs onto candy wrappers to give to the other girls at the luncheon. As soon as I explained what I was sharing one of the women said to Mary: "You should tell everyone about that great blog you told me about, the pink one!" I laughed and told her it was already on the wrapper. She started telling the whole group about how fun to read and how many good ideas you have. Then she challenged me to quiz her and she'd prove she knows all about you - ha! Well, I didn't take her up on her quiz challenge, but I asked her if she's ever commented. She said no, and what would she say anyway: 'Hi, I'm so and so from Calgary and I think you're amazing'? I told her yes, that is exactly what she should say!
ReplyDeletesara, i don't know if you will come back and read this, but i can't get back to your blog to find out if you are the artist of the house...
ReplyDeleteNo, I don't hold back on comments except when I am short on time.
ReplyDeleteAnd lately I've been greatly cutting back my computer time so I don't comment nearly so much and I haven't been reading blogs nearly so much.
I've been trying to put the energy into getting my home organized and being a better wife and Mom instead.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful post! I try to be the same way- postive (when I can be)- but by no means have I gone out of my way the way you have.
I can't believe people complain to you in comments??
I love when I get comments too, even if they are simple "hey, I was here" and try to leave comments for the very same reason- so noone has to wonder whether someones reading their blog. I read your blog daily but most of the time don't comment- I hadn't really thought about it until now as to "why" but I think it's because you already get so many comments. If I go to a blog and read a post that has 0-5 comments I will ALWAYS comment. More than that and it's hit and miss. Maybe it's a support the "underdog" type of thing?
Anyways, you are inspiring to me as a woman, wife, mother and friend. Thank You.
Man you have really 'de-lurked' some people with this one. I love your thoughts in this post Kristi! I usually comment though this pregnancy has me not feeling myself and sometimes not (gasp) blogging at all. I never knew how much blogging would help me feel 'normal' in this crazy time of life. The raising of young kids and staying home it's not easy but worth it and I love to see how so many other women tackle it. It makes my day go smoother, really it does.
ReplyDeleteI love your ideas and the fact that you instill so many of them in your kids. Truly and inspiration for me.
Your challenge is wonderful and count me in! I find that acts of kindness mean as much to me as the person receiving. I'm sure thats how it's meant to be.
My lil guy will be 9 next month.His older sister is a speed reader (really)and she just read all the Harry Potter books in a matter of a few days(she's almost 13).I wish my son would catch the fever-reading that is;) He doesn't want to sit still long enough, I guess. I have been trying different fun ways & incentives with him -thanks for sharing this one -a great approach. Now if only I could stay awake long enough to read a whole book (anytime of day!)heehee -Janae
ReplyDeleteI guess I only comment when I think I have something interesting enough to add to the conversation.
Speaking of, I went to a Lois Lowry book signing and she told the story of a little girl who came to one of her signings and said, "I love this book. It fits me just right!"
I honestly think every kid will be a reader, they just have to find the books that "fit them just right". It sounds like you are working on it with Annie Kate and that's great. You have no idea how many parents stop reading aloud to their kids when they get older and they miss out on so much fun!
I know another blogger recommended the Philip Pullman Dark Materials series and I would say that I don't know Annie Kate personally, but that series is a little dark and heavy for your average eight-year-old. I would think about holding off for a few years on that one. If Annie Kate really loved the book that you read, I also recommend The Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by E.L. Konigsburg and Chasing Vermeer by Blue Balliet, both art mysteries that involve art museums. If you ever need other recommendations, I'm always happy to help!
Thanks for your insight, and I am up for the challenge!
ReplyDeleteI read your blog a lot and have commented a few times but, will now comment as much as I can. I loved your post about reading. I too always just thought you love to read or not. I have two 8 year olds and one loves to read and always has her nose in a book! And, my little boy doesn't love it. so, thank you!
this is my first time to your blog (linked to it from someone else's aka Laura Huston...) Thanks for your great post! It was so inspiring to read your thoughts on how it is just as easy to be kind and friendly to the people you come in contact with as it is to be cranky pants to them.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your inspiring and influential and HAPPY post!
This is the first time I've ever seen your blog. And I love your post. Once when I was a teenager, my friend and I went to refill our soda cups at the same gas station every day. There was always this cashier in there that was a real sour puss. I don't think she liked teenagers. Anyway, my goal was to make that woman smile at me. So I smiled and was super nice to her every day. Finally it worked. I haven't been as good at doing random acts for people--but I love the idea. Good post.
ReplyDeleteOk! I am an official blog stalker. I have a ton of them on my favorites list and about half of them I dont comment on. I love the philosophy of " if you are taking the time to read then comment" So great! I get serioulsly SO excited when I get a new reader that has commented. I look at it as meeting a new friend. I learn so much from everyone and I truly love this blogging world. Thanks for a great post!
ReplyDeletei am a lurker...i stumbled upon your blog one day when a picture of one of your amazing craft projects matched up with a google has been a slippery slope since then...i found myself reading daily, and seeking of the blogs of your friends (Jill's great observations, Michelle's beautiful time in Paris...)...I'm hooked! i have been so inspired I decided to try blogging myself, but it just didn't "catch". i think I am just a reader, not a first I felt uncomfortable commenting, I felt uninvited somehow...but your post has changed that I hope to comment more :)
ReplyDeleteWhen you commented on my blog it reconfirmed how fun it is to get comments, even from complete strangers. Thanks for the inspiration!
ReplyDeleteThat is fantastic.
ReplyDeleteI usually don't comment unless I have something to say that I think would add to the discussion. Or most of the time, I am in a hurry--honestly, to comment on every blog I read would require far more time than I'm willing to commit to my addiction. You asked. :)
Hi! Enjoyed your post...Well Said! I'll be back.
ReplyDeleteKristi, how does it feel to have one of the most popular blogs I have ever seen? I don't typically visit other people's blogs unless I know them, but one of my "beloved bloggers" occasionally mentions your blog, so I thought I would check it out. I just have to have great ideas, and I love your attitude! Keep it up!