
Monday, September 24, 2007

Lisa Leonard Designs

My word
worth reading something free at the end

This year Michelle did a great post encouraging us to take the challenge offered by Alli Edwards in this blog post.

Here is the summary.

"A single word can be a powerful thing. It can be the ripple in the pond that changes everything. It can be sharp and biting or rich and soft and slow.

"Today I want to introduce you to the idea that a single word can be a catalyst for enriching your life... Last year I began a tradition of choosing one word for myself each January - a word that I can focus on, meditate on, and reflect upon as I go about my daily life - something I wanted to bring into my life in a more tangible way.

"Can you identify a single word that sums up what you want for yourself in 2007?"

I know I talk about this all the time, but in case you don't know my word is
I took Michelle's challenge to take this challenge and it could possibly have been one of the best choices I made this year. I don't know if a day does not go by that i don't think of this word. I programmed it into my cell phone so every time I turn it on the word stretch comes up. (I never know where my phone is, but that is beside the point)
I should probably save this list for the end of the year recap of my word but this can be a 3/4 way list of how this word has affected me.
  • i stopped biting my nails because I knew this would be a big stretch for me and I wanted to see if I could do it. and I did.
  • I used to drink 5 diet cokes a day and after my lovely kidney stone i decided to stop cold turkey. this would be a huge stretch for me and i did it. not a drop since May
  • our church callings in the downtown congregation have been a huge stretch for me and pushed me to do things I never thought I could do or wanted to do. (ie lead the music in primary)
  • I picked a really huge project in the middle of April that I have worked almost daily that will come to an end in October. This project is the biggest Stretch of my life - seriously and since I am still a little afraid I may not fully complete the project I will wait till it is over to share the project, process and completion. But trust me on this it has been a huge stretch.
  • traveling to Europe was a stretch for me. I had some serious anxiety about actually going and thinking it was all going to work out. I mean we went there not even knowing where we going to sleep the second week. But my husband was confident it would work out. He did all the planning and I chose to follow his positive attitude and make an adventure out of it. I have some serious anxiety flying and while on the plane (C-5) I kept saying the word stretch over and over. This trip really changed our relationship in that I enjoy letting my husband taking the ball and running with it. That has not always been me , but it is the new me that has stretched myself to do so.
I have had some wonderful bloggers send me some wonderful reminders of my word that i keep in my creative room. I have now added one more.

A few weeks ago I found a link on Mique's blog about a jewelery designer Lisa Leonard. She makes hand stamped, sterling silver jewelry. She will do any name or word you want. I decided to order one of her necklaces to wear everyday until my October goal is complete. On one side it says my word, Stretch, and the other side is stamped with the word 2007. I plan to pick another word for next year, get another silver tag with the year and add it to my necklace. Just think over time it will be like my life journal on a chain.
dog tag necklace

This past week I have worn it and I get asked everyday, "why does it say stretch?" I love telling people of my goals and accomplishments this year.

After receiving my necklace I emailed Lisa and asked her if she would be interested in giving away a "my word" necklace to one of my blog readers. She said yes!

{This is the part where you can win something free}

photo from Lisa Leonard designs, circle tag necklace

So here is the scoop for a chance to win one of these wonderful sterling silver tags with your own word and year on the back,
  • leave a comment of your word of the year and how it has affected you this year.
  • If you have not picked a word this year this contest is still for you too, pick one word that so far would represent this year for you and why.
  • This contest will end on Friday and Lisa Leonard designs will be picking the winner.
Thanks Lisa for doing this I can't wait to hear about everyones word!
Lisa Leonard's Blog


  1. I am not entering the contest because I already have one of Lisa's necklaces with my boy's name on it--just wanted to say I love it and she makes such nice stuff! The winner of this will be a very lucky girl!

  2. My word would be 'trust'. I am really learning how to lean on Him and His plan for my life - even when it may not be in my plan. Great idea for a contest!

  3. I would struggle to pick just one word or phrase but this last month I learned what a big difference just making the decision to be happy is. My husband goes out of the country a lot on business and when he's gone, I seem to go into 'survival mode' which means by the end of the week my patience is really growing thin. So this last week while my husband was gone I consciously made the decision to be happy and prayed that I would be able to. The week flew by - I was happy and my kids were happier. What a difference! So, I guess I would choose 'Be Happy'.

  4. My word is abundance--trying to live and enjoy the abundant life here in Surprise, AZ. "The abundant life is within our reach if only we will drink deeply of living water, fill our hearts with love, and create of our lives a masterpiece."--Elder Wirthlin

  5. Hollis. Not a day goes by that I don't think about him. And try harder to prepare myself to be able to live with him again. At the beginning of the year I was pregnant and he was all I could think about. Having him. Holding him. Smelling him. (I love baby smells). He was born in February. All I could do was love him. Hold him. Smell him. In May we lost him to SIDS. I was the one who found him, called 911, performed CPR. For two more days we endured his life with him. All I wanted to do was keep him. Hold him. Make him breath. Now that I don't have him, he is again all I can think about. How I long to have him. Hold him. See him. Know him. My word for this year has been Hollis. He has without knowing made me better.

  6. "Panacea".

    It means "cure-all". This is not to say that I am aiming, this year, to be the fixer-of-everything, because I'm not. You got me thinking and I think that I need to be more of a balm adding healing and helping wherever I go. This means, for me, more optimism, less pessimism. More gentle words, less loud frustration. More encouraging conversations, less complaining. More of them, less of me. More patience, most of all, for myself and those I watch over. This year will be my "Panacea"--a year of healing.

  7. My word for the year has been "think". Sounds funny but I have always just lived in the moment not paying attention to the past or the future. Just getting by I guess. Having Arthritis for 20 years made me shut down in some areas. This year has been a blessing as I have thought about things I never would have. I am a better person because of my word and I love your idea about haveing a word each year and a necklace with that word on it!

  8. Joy- finding it and creating it, out of the ordinary day to day living.

  9. I think it's so cool that you got a necklace with your word for the year on it. I think that would be a great tradition for every year, and would definitely help remind you every day.

    My word for the year is Love, and I have been working (and doing well) with loving every aspect of my life this year. Claudia has given me two things with my word on them and that has helped to remind me as well. It would be nice not to need reminding, but being so mortal makes me need to reinforce this idea daily.

  10. Bliss is my word. I have discovered the importance of finding true happiness in everything I do

  11. Faith
    This year I have learned that my plan isn't always His plan. I need to have faith that He knows and loves me and that when my life doesn't go the way I want, it is okay. He knows what is best for me.

  12. Strength, that is my word. Not only because I have been in training since early this spring,for two marathons this summer...completing my 3 marathons by 30 goal. But, because I am the balance wheel of my family, consisting of eleven children (I'm #6), who are currently struggling through past and present abuse issues!
    Being that strength for them, helps me realize just how much strength I receive from others and how it always seems to come full circle.

  13. my word is "simple". i find myself getting all wrapped up in what others are doing and accomplishing and I have to keep reminding myself to keep my life simple. It is the small and simple things that matter most in life and will get me where I want to eternally be... and that is with my family.

  14. I found your site through Lisa's. I adore all of her necklaces. My word would be "Kindness". I have been trying to make the effort to be kind to those I encounter each day. You never know what little smile or kind word will truly make a difference for someone.

  15. Anonymous2:53 PM

    I have seen her work- it is awesome. Your idea to get one for each years' word is brilliant!

    For my word, I chose Enthusiasm.

    I had no idea in January how much this year of my life would shape and define my character like it has. Choosing to be enthusiastic about the everyday things has kept me focused on what matters. Has kept me grounded. Having enthusiasm for life has made the good moments better, more meaningful. It has been easier to not feel sorry for myself because I have let this enthusiasm for life infect me this year. I love it.

  16. Balance.
    I quit a busy practive to work part time to care for my son. He brought balance to my life. I also use the word to remind me to give him space to grow and explore. And to give my husband space to be a dad.

  17. Strength!

    Our house flooded back in May when all of Missouri was under water. I have been slowly fixing everthing so we can get our lives back in order. I have been staining wood, pulling nails out of baseboards, using a nail gun to put the baseboards back up. I had to pull the wet pad up then replace it with new pad. (all by myself)

    Unloading our garage with all of our basement furniture and boxes back to our redone basement. It has been a trying few months.

    Especially since insurance did not cover any of this. I feel like I have needed strength to get this accomplished. I also feel that God has given me strength for me and my family!

    What a great givaway!!

  18. mine would be "ACTIVE" trying not to be lazy and find something to do even when i don't feel like it..

  19. I think my word would be "Change"~this year I have made several changes in my life all for the better~family life, career, etc. so change is good!

  20. Yay! A contest on the same day my Pink Christmas package arrived. I am going with "Intuition"... To remind me to trust that wise part of myself that I so often try to reason away with.

    Thanks for the challenge!

  21. I think my word would be "patience". I have a hard time with patience and have been trying to be more conscious of it with the kids. With 4 kids under 8 and one being 14 months, I am tested with patience constantly. I notice on the days that I try to be patient and not let little things bother me or get me rushing around the day is more calm. If only I could be that way more each day. Fun contest!!

  22. My word would be Simplify. I'm trying to do this both externally and internally. Focus on what's really important and not become a crazy, frustrated person because I can't do it all. Making it ok not to do it all. And just in our home, to simplify, get rid of the things we don't really need or care about, make things easier to care for so we have more time for what is important.

  23. I found your blog through Lisa... but I plan to watch it through bloglines from now on. I like your idea of getting a necklace with your word on it.

    My word for this year is actually two words "healing" and "courage". It has taken a lot of courage to do the things I've needed to do for healing, both physically and emotionally.

  24. My word would be JOY. I just feel like there is so much to be joyous about, but sometimes I just need a little reminder.

  25. Wow those necklaces are great. 2007 will definitely be permanently embedded in my soul as a year of patience. Which is the word I'm choosing to describe 2007. It's funny how life pulls you towards your weaknesses and here I am almost at the close of the year and if there is anything I know for sure it is that my patience has been tried, tested, thrown out the window, reclaimed and in the end increased.

  26. My word is "gentle". I am a very "business-type" person and I've finally come to the realization that I am not always gentle with people. My goal is gentleness with my husband, my family, my peers, and my students.

  27. My word for this year has been "peace". I'm striving for more peace within myself, more peace within my home and among my children. It is a daily topic of thought and prayer for me, because it seems so elusive at times. The most peace I feel is when I am in the temple, which reminds me that I need to go more!

  28. My word is BELIEVE. My husband and I are ready to start a family together, but I have some medical issues that may prevent me from having a baby. I've taken the first step by doing some research and making an appt for a specialist who I'll see in Oct. I have to constantly remind myself to believe that everything happens for a reason. One of my most favorite quotes is "Everything Happens for a Reason, Just Believe". I think this applies to everything in life.

  29. My word would be "deliberate". I am trying to be more deliberate about my choices - how I spend my time, what I commit to, the tone of voice I choose with my precious children, how I use each moment, how I choose to take care of myself and others. But, when it comes to a piece of jewelry, maybe willful or purposeful would be a better, more deliberate choice!

  30. My word for the year was decided back in March and it is: CONSISTENCY. Hard for me because I was struggling with being consistent with: exercise, relationship with food, and getting rid of some jealousy issues I was having. After continually praying to be consistent in these areas, I feel so much more alive! I found out I was pregnant in late May and had to revamp my exercise and eating routine a little for that, but am still being consistent in sticking to my program which feels awesome! The jealousy issues have literally flown out the window and I feel like a different person because I've been consistently trying to learn to love others as Heavenly Father loves them. So grateful for the decision to have a word for the year and for the way it's helped me change my ways and bad habits! Will continue to be consistent in the little things that are so important in life. Thanks!

  31. My word for the year is CHANGE. I am seeking it out. I am looking to get out of my comfort zone, what is predictable, what is known, and try something new! I have come to understand that we learn best when we have a problem to solve, when we are frustrated. I look forward to some new changes.

  32. I love ths concept! Such a good way to reflect on your personal goals. My word for the year is change. In the last month or two I have been very proactive in changing things in myself. I went back to school full time and now both of my girls are in school. This change has been challenging in so many areas and I can only hope that I will learn from this and grow to be a better me:)

  33. This is such a cute idea. I love the necklaces and your word of the year idea. I could strech a few things myself. My word of the year is Perfection. I think I often have too high of expectaions. I need to accept things/people for what they are. Not what I might wish them to be. Then maybe I wouldn't get my feelings hurt as easy, I wouldn't put so much presure on myself, I wouldn't get disapoined by people as often, and I think I would enjoy my kids more. I'm sure after saying all that you all think I'm a terrible person! Sorry to disapoint you all I'm just not perfection yet!

  34. I really like the idea behind this necklace, especially a new word for each year. Hmmmm makes me think what have all my words been??

    my word this year would be -soar.
    i have been thinking a lot this year on the scripture from isaiah 40:28-31
    "Do you not know?
    Have you not heard?
    The Lord is the everlasting God,
    the Creator of the ends of the earth.
    He will not grow tired or weary,
    and his understanding no one can fathom.
    He gives strength to the weary,
    and increases the power of the weak.
    Even youths grow tired and weary,
    and young men stumble and fall;
    (and i have)
    but those who hope in the Lord
    will renew their strength.
    they will SOAR on wings like eagles;
    They will run and not grow weary,
    they will walk and not grow faint."

    I have spent much of this year being weary, but I am learning to "hope in the Lord." I am waiting to "soar on wings like eagles."

    waiting for lift off!

  35. small world, I saw a girl at aerobics the other day wearing one of these necklaces and yes, that is where she got hers! how funny!

    mmm, I haven't thought about a word before...I suppose mine would be Change.

  36. enjoy.

    this year has been a year of realizing that every day needs to be enjoyed. i have been taking pictures everyday and the moments i have captured make me enjoy all things at a different level. a level that i hope i can always hold onto.

  37. What a great idea! Not only is the necklace a great reminder - it is also way cute!

    My word is believe. Believe in Him, believe in myself, believe in others. I tend to criticize myself - a lot. I am working hard to find the good in myself and to remember that I am a child of God.

    I also have dealt with some trying things that year brought on by others so I am working to believe in others - recognizing that they too are children of God.

    Thanks for sharing your idea Kristi.

  38. I pick "heart." Let your heart guide your thoughts towards goodness, your goals towards greatness and use your heart in your communications with those around you. Everyone has a heart, and everyone could use more love and kindness everyday.

    Super cute necklace, Kristi. I heart it.

  39. Wow, wha a great way to keep your goals at the front of your mind! Stretch is such a perfect word, too...we all need to step outside of our comfort zone, live more fully and make the changes in our lives to be who we were meant to be.

    I think my word would be TIME.
    Time because none of us know how many days we will be given on this earth! I need to make the most of each day! To live it as if it is my first and last. To let those I love know how much I adore them. To experience JOY every day...even on the hard ones. So for that reason, I choose TIME!

  40. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Focus. I have been such a scatterbrain the last few years, I could get all more accomplished and do so much more good if I could keep focus.

  41. Anonymous11:22 PM

    These comments are beautiful - I found this through Lisa's blog and I just love her jewelry, I have her site bookmarked under little treasures...anyway, my word would be passion. It is without a doubt the word I would like most to be described as and I discovered this year the things I am most passionate about and have made them priorities in my life - passion for raising money for a cure for Type 1 Diabetes which resides firmly in my sweet son and passion for family and marriage and all that God longs for in my life. I also have a passion for women and empowering them to take care of themselves and see themselves as beautiful, the way God sees them.

    Whew! Are you still with me? LOL!

  42. hey, i found you from my sweet friend lisa leonard's blog! i love her jewelry! as i posted on her blog, my word is "diligence" because i need to be more diligent!

  43. Beautiful necklace!

    I never chose word, it left me too overwhelmed thinking about it!

  44. Anonymous2:37 AM

    My word : Purpose

    I wanted to use this word so that I can apply each thing I do this year with purpose - Happiness cannot be long sustained unless one lives a life of meaning and purpose.
    I'm reminded of this daily as I too have made this my greeting word on my cellphone. Great minds.
    Thanks for the opportunity to enter the competition.
    K Lamb
    Cape Town South Africa

  45. Anonymous4:37 AM

    My word is "Hope". Each day I am reminded of the hope I have in Christ. Hope is the name of the burial plot where our son is buried and where my husband and I will both be buried one day. Hope.

  46. Anonymous5:33 AM

    My word is "faith." It's funny, because I don't have a religion and am not even sure I believe in a higher power. However, my word for my life is faith because I find it so hard for me to put faith in other people. I am the type who wants to do everything myself, never delegate, and I end up with a load that I cannot bear alone. It's time for me to have faith in those who support me and to let them be my support. Faith that things will happen exactly as they are meant to happen. Faith that this world is not cruel, but is a hopeful world where my children will grow into caring, responsible adults.

  47. My word of 2007 would be patience. This year has been a lot of waiting for things to happen (job, boyfriend with a ring) and with really nothing for me to do but wait. My word for 2008 would be connect, because I am horrible at keeping in contact with people!

  48. I have been thinking & thinking about a word for next year for weeks. I have finally come up with BALANCE. It has been a real struggle for me to find balance in my life, especially now that all my kids are in school. Who knew that would happen?
    Balancing family time, time for my husband & I, finding time for spiritual rejuvination, etc. Balancing my volunteer work & my family time- everyone knows if you don't have a "job" you have all the time to help with everything else, right? I am over committed with things I love to do & rarely have time for myself. I know it all comes down to my priorities but, there are so many good things in my life that is it truly more than just prioritizing for me. I need BALANCE.

  49. Charity...

    I have found that when I feel like my life is overwhelming and too much to handle, if I look around and try to serve others instead of focussing on myself, not only is someone else helped, but my problems seem to diminish!

  50. My word for the year has been Empathy. I have tried to be more understanding of other people and the situations in which they may live. Since the birth of my daughter I have seen the world in a different light. I believe that I am now a better teacher because I better understand the trials and tribulations that children go through in life. If everyone could see the world through a child's eyes, I think we would live in a better place. Children do not see color, social or economic issues they see other children.

  51. What a wonderful idea!! My word for this year will be EMBRACE! I want to embrace my relationship with God, I want to embrace my relationships with my husband, children, family and friends, I want to embrace my children for who they are and who they will become, I want to embrace the choices I make and not look back, I want to embrace who I am, I want to embrace my self image, and I want to embrace this stage of life and treasure this time in my heart and mind.

  52. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Mine would have to be FAMILY!
    My little sister has come to live with me after much turmoil in her life.Im now able to bless her and give her the stabillity she needs in life.

  53. mine would be "hope." all too often i feel discouraged with how things are going with my kids, or with some situation, etc. but i know i can put my hope and faith in Jesus and what a true blessing that is!!!

  54. My word would be "ESTABLISHED".
    Psalm 112 speaks of the man (woman) who fears the Lord. In Psalm 112:8 the Bible tells us “His heart is established, he shall not be afraid…….” I

  55. My 2007 word was 'thrive'.

    I've got a few ideas for 2008...(I need to narrow it down to just one.)

    I actually had my children take this idea and pick a word for their year at school...I posted them on our has been fun to watch them refer to their words... your necklace idea...

  56. What a nice thing to put together Kristi. I haven't picked a word yet, so here it is: birth. Why? My life is centered around this topic for many reasons this year. The first reason centers around my infertility struggles. We are unable to adopt because of our expatriot status, so we decided to try fertility treatments, and like so many others are dealing with staying hopeful during this often depressing times. The word birth brings so many wonderful thoughts of newness, gift, blessings and it gives me hope. The second reason centers around my two girls who were adopted in 2002. They are struggling with attachment issues which could have been fixed by being cared for properly at their birth to the time we adopted them. The word birth, reminds me that I am their mom, and I was meant to help them through these struggles, give birth to their insecurities and help feel comforted and loved. Typing this is really healing. Thanks Kristi :)

  57. My word is "HAPPY" from the line in the hymn "Come, Come Ye Saints" that says "Happy day, all is well.." I have taken that as my motto because no matter where life leads us we can say happy day, all is well if our lives are centered in Christ.

  58. Passion.

    To be passionate for God and my faith and my ministries. For my husband and family. for my jobs. I want to exude passion about everything I do!

  59. I just found her site the other day and have decided to reward myself with a necklace when I accomplish my weight loss of 5lbs. I think this word necklace is adorable. My word would be "blessed" because I have to remind myself that I am blessed everyday. I'm healthy, have a healthy family, am enjoying life but there are still days when I get down and want to complain so this would be a great reminder that I am truly blessed.

  60. My word is "Believe" It's part of the name of my biz, and it's taken a lot of believing in myself to see it grow. It also stands for the spiritual side of everything I Believe...

  61. Thank's for stopping by, Kristi! I also love Lisa's jewelry and I didn't know what word to choose until I began that post. So I'll mention mine here too - wisdom. I don't claim to have it but I am always searching for it! Great challenge, to pick a WORD...

  62. Anonymous11:34 AM

    My word is CHERISH. Because I need to remember to cherish all the beautiful people and things in my life.

    Sol in Norway

  63. First, I loved this post, Kristi. I loved reading how much your word has impacted your life. Profound.

    The word I chose in January was PAUSE. It was more like the word chose me, actually. Life can get so hustle bustle that the important stuff often slips by unnoticed, undone. I wanted to focus on Pausing to notice my children, my husband, my spiritual needs. Pause before speaking has been another aspect. Pause before yelling has been the struggle, but I put the word up in my office and love the constant reminder. What a fantastic idea to spread the goodness and be committed more constantly with it around your neck.

  64. Anonymous11:44 AM

    My word would be "write" because I am now doing what I've always wanted to do . . .

  65. My word is "perspective." It's been a hard year -- my beloved grandpa passed away, struggles with infertility and then a miscarriage, job changes, moves, and so on! But I've been really working on keeping things in perspective and trying to see the whole picture, the way God does.

  66. What a great post! I love how you have your word on a necklace. I had just found this artist on DM and emailed her - I think I need to order! They are so fun!
    My word was BE STILL
    Some might think that this is a word for the unmotivated. I disagree. There is always that calm after the storm where everything is STILL. Listen for the STILL small voice. There is peace to those that listen, obey, and are willing to act. BE STILL conjures up much for me. Doesn't mean that I need to slow down my pace - but to really be there in the moment.

    BE STILL - for me in an action word.

    BE STILL and listen
    BE STILL and observe
    BE STILL and obey
    BE STILL and respond
    BE STILL and admire
    BE STILL and relax
    BE STILL and feel
    BE STILL and enjoy
    BE STILL in the moment
    BE STILL and really hear
    BE STILL and act
    BE STILL and forgive
    BE STILL and love
    BE STILL and do
    BE STILL and LIVE!
    It is funny when my word was chosen. I can now see how many times I have needed that word on a daily basis.
    Fun post today. Thanks for the reflection!

  67. My word this year was remember. This reminds me that I need to re read it again what I wrote. What a fun contest and gorgeous jewelry!

  68. Anonymous12:58 PM

    "CHARITY" is my word. This word represents 1 full year for me now. Starting back in Sept 2006 I felt the charity given to me by a lot of my friends and church members. This word reminds me to pay it forward and look for ways to love and serve those I come in contact with. The words "Charity Never Faileth" come up on my cell phone when it is turned on and it is painted on a wall at home. I even have a shirt with "Charity Never Faileth" on it and I love to wear it! Words are powerful and being able to wear one everyday on a necklace is a wonderful way to spred your own message to the world!
    Thanks Kristi and Lisa for spreading "the word"

  69. Adventure...that's what it's all about this year. Seeing the world through my son's new eyes is so much fun!

  70. I found your blog through several blogs that led me to you! Thank you for the opportunity to get one of these beautiful necklaces!! I've never thought of a "word" for the year, but I think it's a fabulous idea! I've struggled my entire life on trying to lose weight & keep it off. Every, single day it's a battle..choose junk food or healthy food..every, single moment. So, as you can imagine, my word is probably self-control! But, now as I have 3 small children & "self" tends to rise up in me, I am finding that my "self" needs to be controlled by the Heavenly Father way more than I thought. So, I'm sticking with "self-control"...I need it in so many areas. Thank you for this chance to win!

  71. Anonymous3:20 PM

    I linked to you through Sarah Markley... what a fantastic idea, and who doesn't love a giveaway?

    My word so far in 2007 would probably be REST. I've had to learn to trust the sovereignty of God, and rest in His promises, rest in the Truth, rest and wait, rest and wait. SO very much harder to do than to say! I'm a worker bee by nature, which confirms to me that this is of God, and not of myself.

    Thanks for the opportunity to share - and maybe win something beautiful! If I don't win, I may just have to go and buy. Win-win, anyway!

  72. My word would be "E.C." for eternal companion. I tend to be one of those people who put their kids first, and leave my spouse to fend for himself. This is the example that I had growing up, and it is very hard for me to break the habit, but I am trying this year!

    Kristi, on a side note, I got the Pink Christmas stuff today. It was SUCH a spirit lifter -- I have had barfy kids since Thursday night, and lots of other stuff going on, so it was nice to get something so fun in the mail. You are absolutely wonderful for taking the time and mental energy to put such a huge project together that makes so many people happy. You have been such an example to me of the scripture "by small things are great things brought to pass."

    Love, Jessica

  73. Great idea...The word I picked back in Feb was "present." That means not living in the past or future. Not dwelling on what I could have done or said better. It means focusing on my purpose at hand, whether it's visiting with a family member or playing with the kids, instead of being distracted. It means enjoying the moment, not thinking about other things I could or should do or whether I'm being enjoyable, likeable. It means focusing on what is good right now, instead of what could be. It means considering each new day a fresh day with no strings attached. It means continually visualizing a future that is full of life, family, service, and overall happiness and joy. It means not comparing my life with others'. It's a hard one! I need lots of reminders!

  74. Anonymous4:24 PM

    I want my word to be "JOLLY!" My relationship with Jesus makes me so full of joy -- and I want others to know!

  75. I cannot choose a word. There are so many. What a great giveaway! I read all of the comments and practically agreed with all of them. I love your blog!

  76. hey do i get one because I referred you there? Pretty, pretty please? I will post about my word..and I'd LOVE to win one. Pretty, pretty please? With 75 comments I have a fat chance (maybe I need my word to be optimism??) ;)

  77. PURPOSE is my word. Really trying to find the purpose in what I do and say.

    The jewelry is gorgeous! The winner will be completely blessed.

  78. Great contest, and I love the necklaces and the idea of building a tangible record of annual focus and growth by adding another piece every year. I'm going to ponder this idea.

  79. After thinking about this for several days, I have decided that my word should be 'fearless'. From little things like fearing the blogosphere to big scary things such as changing careers after 10+ years, I have realized that I can do it. Because I am strong. Because I am FEARLESS.

  80. Anonymous8:42 AM

    I love your post, and Love the necklace idea! I found a bracelet with my word on it this summer, and my husband immediately bought it for me. My word is "Choice." Making the choice to be happy, or patient, or making the choice to not be offended. Thinking about the choices that I make everyday that impact, not only me, but everyone around me. That is what Ihave been focusing on this year. Making good choices!

  81. My word of the year is "Blessed." I have read Lisa's (my name too) blog for quite some time and we both have beautiful boys who were born with special disabilities. My son, Spencer, is almost two and he is thriving! He cannot walk but he is learning to talk and do many other things like play with his toys and "scoot" everywhere! I am also pregnant again and this pregnancy so far seems problem free (my first "normal") pregnancy, so we feel very BLESSED. Thank you for making me think of my word. It will forever represent 2007 to me. Thank you!

  82. I know I am late on this one...found it from another link and what a great idea!!!!
    My word would be "GIVE"....

    If I am willing to "take it Lord all you have to GIVE" ...then I need to be reminded to give, give, give all the days of my life!!

  83. Mine would be "GENTLE". I am focusing on being more gentle with myself. I have the opportunity to not work for the first time in many years, and I am realizing how hard I have been on myself for so long now that I am spending more time by myself. Being gentle with myself will help me be a more caring person and help me to "fill my bucket" so I can continue to become a better person through service to others.

  84. I love that idea!!! I think my word would be breathe. I tend to get stressed out easily. I just have to slow down and breathe...take everything one day at a time.

  85. WOW! What an awesome contest! I never formally announced my word but it is strength.


    enough said!

  87. Hope. This year has been amazingly difficult and I have to hang on to hope or else I have nothing left to hang on to.

  88. If I had to pick a word, I'd pick leap. I like it, I think it fits! I'm just gonna leave it at that.

  89. My word would be "inspiration"! I am always striving to be a better person, mother, lover, etc. I try to find inspiration in the world around me and the people I meet along the way.

  90. I never officially chose a word fo rthe year, but have been thinking about it for a couple of days. I've decided that BEFRIEND is my word. I've never been an outgoing person and never have gone out of my way to find new friends or to befriend others. so this is something I need to work on. Not only have I tried to be a better friend to my friends, daughters, and husband, I am trying to go out of my way to find those who may be like me and struggle to make new friends.

    Love the jewelry.

  91. Anonymous11:06 PM

    My word for the year would be our family word, "edify". It is a word my husband and I have tried to live out by example to our 5 girls so that we can have a home that is truly God honoring and encouraging and a safe haven.

  92. I stumbled across Lisa's designs a while ago and have been thinking ever since about what my word would be and what I wanted to go on my necklace.

    I've decided that my word for the next year will be "HOPE". The last year for my family (being my husband and I) has been something of an emotional and physical rollercoaster. One minute we're planning the future of our family, and the next minute we're back to square one. I've realized that you can never plan ahead of what the Lord has planned for you. However, you have to continue to have HOPE, and trust that you will find the faith enough to get you there.

  93. I "bounced" here from Lisa's website. My word would be Dream. It is only because of my stubborn refusal to sell out my dreams that I am doing what I love more than anything else now. It was my parent's ability to dream that prevented me from being left at a hospital 26 years ago when the doctors mistakenly pronounced me as having terminal brain damage. Most importantly, it is my ability to dream and to look forward that allows me to give everything every day to the preschool children with special needs (AKA my little ones) that I teach. I have to dream of what their future will be and the results of all the potential that I know they have and I must to believe it will come true to encourage them through the steps to get there. Wow, that is a long sentence!! :)

  94. My word is "Sunshine." I kept coming up with other words - laugh (because laughter really is the best medicine), hope, cure (my best friend has cancer and I pray for a cure)- but always ended back at Sunshine. There is always Sunshine after the rain. God may throw hard things your way, but if you keep persevering, you'll make it through - he never gives you more than you can handle. When stuff gets bad and things get hard, His love always leads you back to the Sunshine - after all, it can't rain ALL the time :)

  95. My word is ENDURANCE. We have had three medical scares, ending with two major surgeries for myself and a trip to a specialist for my one year old. Also because, I do have a one year old and a two year old. This year has truely been about enduring and just keeping going even when you think it is just not possible. People always ask me how do I do it with two so close. I simply say I just do it. So my word is "ENDURANCE".

  96. My word would be HOPE...I need to be reminded to be hopeful, and that remaining hopeful when things are difficult is key! I have hope that there will be a cure for my disease, I have hope that my children will be raised by me and they will also have hope and faith in their lives!
    Thank you so much for doing this awesome give away!

  97. Hope I am not too late, but here goes. My word would be 'Thankful'.

  98. Holy Crap, 97 comments! Did you set aside a day to read them all?

  99. This post has given me cause to ponder and evaluate this past year as well as look forward to this coming year.
    My word for 2007 has been (is) Forgive.
    Forgive others, myself, situations, imperfections, and move upward and onward in every area.
    I have had some huge situations requiring me to be the bigger person and move on. It is an amazing feeling to live this word at a very deep level.

    Thanks for introducing me to this jewelry. I am already planning a few Christmas gifts with Lisa's creations. I like your idea of wearing your word of the year.

  100. My word would be, well I'm not sure what it would be, what's a word that describes "not getting mad and worked up about things you have no control over"? That would be my word.

  101. What a great inspiration and idea..."As the rain and snow come from heaven and stay upon the ground to water the earth, and cause the grain to grow and to produce seed for the farmer and bread for the hungry, so also is my Word. I send it out and it always produces fruit. It shall accomplish all I want it to, and prosper everywhere I send it. You will live in joy and peace." Loved reading the entries...praying that God's Word and power will provide victory for all those seeking Him as they STRETCH to be all He created them to be. Love Lisa's jewelry!!!

  102. Anonymous11:44 AM

    One word for this year so far?? I would have to say "SURRENDER"... Why? I've finally had to let go of some issues, let my wall down and be honest with my husband about some problems. Now we are working TOGETHER to solve our money issues and I am so happy about it. Thank you for this opportunity to win. Lisa does amazing work!! Peace and blessings, Cindy B.

  103. My word would be "Family." Nothing is more important than my family. Nothing.

  104. my one word would be "faithful". faithful to the role God has called me to as wife and mother. faithful to His call on my life in ministry together with my husband. faithful to the message that He has entrusted me with to share with my family, my friends, whomever i come into contact with... faithful to do that creatively.

  105. My word is Charity. I want to learn how to make having charity a habit.

  106. I think we should publish all these entries as daily encouragement!!! What a gear group of thoughts and words!!!
    Good luck Lisa in picking one winner!!!
