pinch me!
Our service on Sunday's almost seems too good to be true sometimes. It is hard, really hard but comes with such great experiences and rewards.I missed most of sacrament meeting cleaning the nursery and primary room. For some reason every week it looks like a tornado hit before we get there. My local ward has been collecting toys for the nursery which needs a whole new makeover. So it was fun to bring in the new toys and clean out the old. A few women got together to buy a nice wooden kitchen set, which Jeff will have the YM set up during the week. The kids will be so excited!
One of the highlights in our ward is having the visitors stand and introduce themselves. On man was visiting from Trinidad and asked if he could perform a musical number because he was so touched by our meeting. His song even included actions.
For primary today we took the entire primary (12 kids) to Walter Reed Army Hospital to visit a member of our ward who is a patient there. His story is INCREDIBLE. His wife is young and so AMAZING!
Each child shook his hand as we left and told them their names. We all said that we would love to do this once a month. It is a blessing we are only miles from the hospital and that we only have a small amount of kids. Some days this seems like an obstacle but today it was a blessing. I seriously felt like I needed to be pinched , like I was dreaming, to have this blessing of being able to serve has changed my family.
I just have to put in a little plug for Chanel's efforts to get flag quilt for the soldiers. Thank you to all of you who have sent them to my friend, it has been so meaningful to her and they will be passed out on Veteran's day. You still have time to make one for Christmas.
We were again so very blessed on our way home. Today started our journey of taking two cars downtown as Jeff needs to be there 2 hours early now. So on my way home with the girls, I went home through Potomac to try to catch my friend and marathon motivator, Emily who was home for a day and flying home back to Massachutes. I raced as fast as I could to just see her for a minute. We ended up seeing each other on the road as she was on her way to the airport. I flipped my car around and she ran out of her car and on the side of the road I squeezed the guts out of her while I cried! I owe her so much for motivating me to run this marathon and her believing in me. I saw her for only 30 seconds but it was a highlight of my day. She said she had a gift for me so I ended up going to her parents house to pick it up. There I ran into her entire family who ended up sending me home with an entire Sunday meal - the works. I didn't have any dinner prepared upon our return and it was such a blessing.
I feel that just when I seem like I can't do much more of this service downtown, an awesome Sunday like today refuels me.
Our Sunday too was wonderful. I know how proud you must have been of your Primary kids -- I feel the same about ours. Glad your day was lovely!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great opportunity for those children to go and see this member of your ward. I am sure that it touched their hearts as well and will be something that they will always remember. As this is a sacrifice for you to meet downtown and serve in another ward - it looks like it has been life changing. Blessings!
ReplyDeleteI think it is so fantastic to have opportunities such as this when your littles are so little!
A gift AND a sunday meal to boot! What a great end of the day!
I always think of you on Sunday, knowing how much effort your family goes to. I am so glad that there have been some tender mercies to help make things a bit easier. Do you have everything you need for the nursery or are you still missing some things? Please let me know, I'd love to help.
ReplyDeleteThat is great that you got to see your friend. Even for just a moment!
ReplyDeleteHow nice was that to have a meal all ready for you when you got home!
I was thinking about you this morning while we were lounging around with our long and relaxing Sunday morning (we don't have church until 2:00), and thinking about what an effort Sundays must be for you, but how you receive so many blessings because of it.
ReplyDeleteI love it that you drove over to see Emily even though it was only for 30 seconds!
Wow! I wish we could take our primary on an outing like that! We have around 80 kids...and we don't even live in Utah. There certainly are benefits to a smaller primary. We do however have enough children for an entire hour long+ program everyone getting one line.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your marathon! And getting to see your friend for 30 seconds...I think there are times when quality much is better than quantity!
i love to read about your service. and your support. wonderful that you had dinner prepared-- the gifts you give come back to you, don't they?
ReplyDeleteYou are always so inspiring. I love how you always recognize the hand of the Lord in your life. Funny how we can never get ahead because the more we serve, the more we re blessed!
ReplyDeleteIs your Boston friend for "hire" for the Boston marathon in April? I have a secret of my own. Your story has inspired me to train harder!
ReplyDeleteWhat a awesome Sunday for you and the family. I am with you when you feel like you can't give anymore, something always seems to change that feeling around. Guess that is why we got to church each week- to get rejuvinated! Glad you were able to catch your friend too.
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing experience!
ReplyDeleteKristi- it always sounds like your Sundays are amazing, testimony building times. What a great experience to have on the sabbath.
ReplyDeleteThat is so neat that the Primary could sing to him!
ReplyDeleteI love that you were able to see your friend on the road and get a quick hug! So sweet!
kristi...i LOVE your blog! you are so inspiring! congrats on your marathon victory! you are amazing! i also loved seeing amanda's quilt on your blog. she did such a great job! we loved signing it and talking about service as part of our Primary activity. what a great idea!
ReplyDeleteand i love the sunday reports. your experience reminds me so much of our 3 years serving in very similar conditions. i love being reminded of all the amazing miracles you experience each day and week and the simple truths of the gospel that shine so brightly. it is truly a blessing. i was also in the Primary...and it was so hard...but so great! i don't think i have ever been so challenged and so rewarded. i had the opportunity to see some of my Primary kids this 5 years later...and it was so amazing to rejoice with those who had made great choices in their journey. i can tell you that coming full circle was such an amazing feeling. i could go on and on, but i want you to know that you and your family will be blessed by your service and so will the members of your ward. good luck and keep looking for the miracles along the way...and thanks for all the great insights and inspiration!