
Saturday, October 13, 2007

So here is my secret....
For the past 6 months I have been doing a lot of this and...
wearing this t-shirt

to get ready to do this...
write encouraging words on my feet

go to Baltimore with just my husband and get new matching t-shirts

have a reason to buy new pink gloves
so that I could run a marathon.
and I cried the whole way across the finish line!!
Jeff ran his first marathon too with an incredible time of 3 hours and 40 minutes!

the day I ran was the 13th, it took me 6 hours to run and my number was 658 so the winner of the ribbon is 13+ 6 + 6 + 5 + 8 = 38. So the 38 person to comment is... Marie! congrats the ribbon is on the way to your house!

More sappy Marathon news coming after I get some much needed rest. It was the most incredible day of my life.


  1. Congrats! An awesome accomplishment!

  2. I started bawling the second I saw your finish line photo! I admire you so much for completing such an awesome goal! Congrats!

  3. whooo hoooo!! you look so happy! and I am proud of you!!!!!

  4. Oh I've missed so much news! It's almost surreal reading about your huge run. What a brilliantly-kept secret!

    Well done to you both. So lovely to have done such a major thing together. That really must be one of the highlights of your year.

  5. Anonymous3:50 PM

    I totally cried when I saw the finish line picture. What an accomplishment!! Congrats! :)

  6. wooHOO!!

    i am SOOOOO proud of you! i love that you streched yourself to do this.

  7. That is so impressive. Congrats!

  8. Kristi, I'm in tears. This is so incredibly awesome. Hurray for you!

  9. I am so impressed! What an accomplishment! You are an awesome person!

  10. congratulations!

  11. OH, Kristi. What a great accomplishment! Your pictures made my eyes tear up. GREAT JOB! This is something I've always thought of doing but have never really had the motivation to actually do. I am so happy for you. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!

  12. You made me cry - what an amazing accomplishment. You should be so proud. Congrats to both you and the hubby

  13. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Kristi- what an amazing accomplishment, you have always been able to do whatever you put your mind to....Congratulations!!! Way to go both of, heather

  14. Wooo Hooo!!!

    I am so happy for you. My Dh ran in the St. George Marathon, it was his 2nd. I have been so inspired by him that I have started to train to do a 1/2 marathon in May of 2008 in Ogden. Now I am even more inspired by you. Can't wait to hear the details.


  15. Anonymous4:57 PM

    This is amazing Kristi! And to do it with your Jeff- wow!!! Totally proud of you and teary eyed just reading about it all. So happy for YOU!!! You are amazing and really never cease to amaze me. You can do anything. Congrats!!!!

  16. HOLY CRAP!~ That was my first thought! Honestly - that is so fantastic! I remember your post when you said that you were starting to run and everyone was giving you their play lists for your ipod. What an inspiration! So awesome! I so want to run with my husband - perhaps this is the push that I need!
    I can't wait to hear more about it! Great way to S T R E T C H!

  17. Congrats! That is so awesome!

  18. incredible!




    100% kristi!!!

    can't wait to hear more

  19. Wow! Wow! Wow! I am ever so proud of you. Way to go!

  20. Congrats! We are so proud of both of you. Awesome. Love it love it! We've been waiting for this post on pins and needles all day!

  21. so exciting!!! :) congratulations! 26.2 is a crazy and fantastic experience, isn't it?! :)

  22. OK, I already commented but I can't stop thinking about this. You know how you wait to hear a secret sometimes and when it's finally revealed it's pretty disappointing compared to the crazy stuff you came up with in your own mind? Well, this was NOT one of those situations. I'm so impressed.

  23. So dang proud of you!!!! GREAT JOB!!! I also cry when I cross the finish line. :) It's quite an experience, isn't it? Way to go!

  24. Okay, serious goosebumps and tears!!! I was hoping this was your secret(you are an outstanding secret keeper btw).
    I AM SOOOO PROUD OF YOU!!! And excited for you and cheering for you (even though you're done).Whoop!!

    How great you and Jeff did this together! Now use your word again and stretch, ice and rest your tired legs and feet.

  25. A huge congratulations, Kristi!! And how wonderful to share the process with your husband.

  26. Congrats you two!!

  27. Anonymous6:38 PM

    We just got back from cheering on Amy and Rebecca in the Hartford marathon. We were talking about you (and praying for your knees and feet) all day! I loved listening to your message from the finish line. You sounded great! You are truly amazing!!!! I guess Annie Kate will be wearing your medal on Monday! Good luck tonight. Try to avoid stairs :-)

  28. That is so awesome! I bet you are soo proud of yourself!!! You go girl!! Can't wait to hear how you felt about the experience. Thanks for letting us in on your secret!

  29. Wow- You are amazing!

  30. I have goosebumps! How wonderful! You are inspiring! Congratulations!!

  31. WOW!!! what an amazing experience for you and your husband! You are such an inspiration all the way around! Thanks so much for blogging!

    Congratulations on an amazing accomplishment!

  32. I was so anxious to hear about your secret. I kept checking and checking your blog and then I had family visit. I haven't been able to check it until right now. I was totally wrong on what I thought your secret was about. Congratulations on such an amazing completion of your goal. That's awesome!

  33. Congrats! Few things top that feeling - a long sought goal, fought for, cried for, bled for, then - YOU DID IT!!!!

  34. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Very emotional all the way! What an accomplishment!

  35. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Way to go! I am so inspired!

    Juli Robinson

  36. AWESOME Kristi!! What a great feeling, tears across the finish line. I love the photo of you and Jeff, you both look so happy. You have accomplished so many s-t-r-e-t-c-h goals this year. Thanks for the amazing example!!

  37. What an awesome secret! Good for you!

    Woohoo! I win the ribbon!

  38. MY Marie? I guess you'll have to adjust your postage!
    Congratulations, that is a major accomplishment!

  39. Kristi - Welcome to the club! It is an amazing feeling! I was so excited when Anne called me today to tell me. So. Excited. You are amazing! Don't you just feel like you could do anything after that? So, I want to know, is this a one time thing, or should I expect to have you be my cyber-buddy in training for the next one?

    Woohoo!!! When you can't walk properly for the next couple of days, just remember how great it felt to cross the finish line! And, really, a week later, I'm almost entirely recovered. I even went to the gym this morning.

  40. Anonymous10:48 PM

    She's my Marie, too! Hooray!

    Kristi this is just a stunning accomplishment! I am so excited for you. Love the picture of you at the end -- all that emotion captured! Congratulations!

  41. Wow that is a secret! What a wonderful one. So amazing!

  42. Woo Hoo Kristi and Jeff! That was such a surprise, even though we knew you had both been running all this last year. We never even knew that was a goal. We got the phone call and cried at the news. Both of you had great times. What a wonderful day!!
    Love to you all!
    Mom and Dad

  43. Oh Kristi, this is such a fantastic accomplishment that saying congratulations just doesn't seem like enough. I don't know how you've kept this a secret for so long! This is seriously HUGE!

    I'm so impressed with you and Jeff for doing this and love that you have pictures of you at the finish line. Way to STRETCH yourself this year and way to reach your goal!!!!!!!!!!!!

  44. P.S. I've been thinking about you all day and wondering how you're feeling, how it went and everything, so thanks for posting today!

  45. Congratulations! How wonderful to set a goal like this!!! I am so glad that you followed your goal, and made it all the way thru to the finish line! You, your husband have so much to be proud of!

  46. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Kristi - you rock! I was hoping you would post your big secret yesterday and forgot to check last night to see if you did. I was rushing out the door to church this morning and I remembered that I wanted to check your blog. You know what the craziness of trying to get 3 girls and a husband out the door to church on time! But, I ran back in to check your blog anyway. I could only peek at it and I almost couldn't concentrate in church because I couldn't wait to get home and read all about it!!!
    Way to go! I am so proud of you!

  47. WOW!! I would never have guessed that this was your secret!! You must be so proud of yourself for attaining this HUGE goal!

  48. I love your blog! I found it thru Laurie & you are just awesome...congrats on running a marathon!

  49. Wow. You've truly stretched yourself. I am inspired to do more with my word for the year!

    Congratulations on such an exciting accomplishment.

  50. seriously congratulations what an amazing thing to do with your husband...and to set a goal and go for it. although I do not know how you managed to put your feet in ice all the time...that must be a huge sacrifice for me...sooooo blurring cold...but hey if your feet felt good...that is all you needed. What a secret and what a s t r e c h of a period.

  51. I seriously don't know how you kept this secret all this time, Kristi! So cool that you and Jeff were training together, even if you weren't running together, you were there to spur each other on! What an incredible goal to achieve -- you have been so inspiring with your word this year!!

  52. Way to go! A HUGE stretch, and a HUGE accomplishment!

  53. Anonymous3:27 PM

    My sister Emily told us you were running on the 13th, Amy and I ran that day as well. Seeing your pictures made me cry - what an amazing accomplishment! Congratulations you did it!
