I was already a few days behind once I got violently sick on Monday night so now I have some serious blog catch up. (thanks again denise)
Saturday night I went to the broadcast for Women's Conference thanks to a kind friends encouragement. (I have underestimated the awesome experience of watching this with a group of women vs. reading it later) It is a worldwide broadcast from the leaders of our church for all the women in our church, over 5 million. Our local women had a dinner before hand where everyone brought "a taste of home" dish. Before the conference our Stake R.S. president talked about the importance of family recipes, cooking for our family, teaching our children to cook. It was pretty amazing and very touching how they brought the theme of the dinner together before the conference even started. She talked about how cooking is a way for women to see a start and a end to their day. In a world of raising children where you don't see results of your hard work for years or ever, doing something as simple as cooking dinner gives you a chance to start and finish something.
This seems like the perfect place to put in Mindy's grandmother's granola recipe that some of you asked for.
A few of my favorite quotes from the broadcast:
Women find true happiness when they understand and delight in their unique role within the plan of salvation. The things women can and should do very best are championed and taught without apology here
Families mean work, but they are our great work—and we are not afraid of work. This is what we do best You are each unique and precious. Each of you has your own burdens and challenges, which give you the blessing of turning to the Lord for help. We also have the opportunity to assist the Lord by providing relief for others, which is the greatest, fastest solution to loneliness and hopelessness and a sure way to obtain the companionship of the Spirit. All we need to do to start offering relief is get on our knees and ask, “Who needs my help?” Every sister—married or single, young or old—is needed in this relief effort, and it is what we should do better than anyone else.
Julie B. Beck
Dear sisters, love and nurture your children. Tell them you love them. Put your arms around them. Appropriate physical affection will accomplish miracles. Express kind words. Show them by example how to work. Remember that it takes a lot of patience to raise a child. As precious as they are, children can be exasperating, frustrating, and sometimes even naughty. It takes a tremendous amount of patience and restraint in order to avoid doing or saying things we will later regret. Sometimes parents need to put themselves in “time-out” in order to avoid making serious mistakes. Removing yourself from the room for a minute in order to regain control is often very helpful. Barbara Thompson do not pray for tasks equal to your abilities, but pray for abilities equal to your tasks. Then the performance of your tasks will be no miracle, but you will be the miracle. Thomas S. Monson
Dear sisters, love and nurture your children. Tell them you love them. Put your arms around them. Appropriate physical affection will accomplish miracles. Express kind words. Show them by example how to work. Remember that it takes a lot of patience to raise a child. As precious as they are, children can be exasperating, frustrating, and sometimes even naughty. It takes a tremendous amount of patience and restraint in order to avoid doing or saying things we will later regret. Sometimes parents need to put themselves in “time-out” in order to avoid making serious mistakes. Removing yourself from the room for a minute in order to regain control is often very helpful. Barbara Thompson do not pray for tasks equal to your abilities, but pray for abilities equal to your tasks. Then the performance of your tasks will be no miracle, but you will be the miracle. Thomas S. Monson
not matter what happened i knew it would be a good day because Sally Jane made it to church with shoes on, unlike last week. It is so fun pulling out the Halloween dresses.
Sunday was really great today and I could write a million things about Testimony meeting. But just a few things I don't want to forget.
- The man who sang all the verses of How Great thou Art in a way I have never heard before. He sang it as part of his testimony in honor of the missionary couple that had to emergently leave to go home because his wife had a recurrence of cancer. They will be so missed.
- Our bishop takes notes of every testimony meeting, I always watch him smile as he is rapidly writing for each one. One the weeks he conducts he concludes the meeting with mentioning EACH person by name and what he loved hearing. It is very touching.
- Primary was great today and I seriously could just squeeze the guts out of those kids i love them so much.
It would have been me holding one of my many Pumpkin oils you can find burning in my home. I love this stuff and this is when it feels like Fall in our home. It is from Bath and Body and right now on sale for half price!
I made them not knowing who i would take them to, because of our calling downtown I don't have people I visit teach, so it was fun to get up this morning and kid of decide on my way out the door. I decided to take them to our compassionate service leader, R.S. President and Stake R.S. President - people who give so much all the time.
I love your catch-up posts, Kristi. I think Anne K and the numbers is so funny. I'll bet she never steps on a crack so she won't break her mother's back either.
ReplyDeleteYou got a lot of good-willing done this week. I got a birthday present from you, you made baskets, you went spooking. You are amazing.
jane, what would have been amazing is if i would have got your birthday present to you in july when you had your birthday.... i am almost done with july birthdays so i can move on to august. just a few months behind.
ReplyDeleteI cracked up laughing about your #11 as I read your post. My sister has had 3 cesearans. The first one she was not able to plan, but the other she scheduled and they had to be on even # days and her wedding had to be on an even # day. Everything needs to be even. In fact, I think she may have to have another child to make her 3 kids into 4. I really think it may be a "condition". I enjoy reading your posts. You make me want to go do crafts. And thank you for introducing us to Lisa Leonard. I now have great birthday gift ideas!!
ReplyDeletewow! this blog has inspire me to do more blogging!
ReplyDeletegreat ketchup post - i hope you are feeling better!!
ReplyDeleteYeah - you're back! Hope everyone is feeling better. Loved the post. AK's number thing was cracking me up. Loved seeing everything you have gotten done in the past few days - amazing as always. Also glad to see that you are getting good use of the ketchup picture :)
ReplyDeleteoh the catch up posts...
ReplyDeleteas jane said, you did an awful lot this week being sick and all. inspiration!
had to laugh about the july bdays b/c i too am playing catch up. actually i have decided to just send bday gifts when i can and who doesn't like a gift- even if late? :)
love the pics and we too worked on our phantoms. fun stuff!
oh and about AK -- interesting about the numbers. don't tell her but we were married on the 13th and our first date was a friday the 13th. we have embraced it and view it as a lucky number. i wonder if she will eventually love 11?
kristi...I can't seem to find your email, so I am just going to post here.
ReplyDeleteI wanted to let you know that my shop is open! It's been a lot of fun! I thought you might want to see...
also, I am flying into Dulles on Monday! I would love to stop by for a chat!
Okay, first off...I love the personalized ketchup bottle!
ReplyDeleteSo glad to see you are feeling better...and inspite of a sick start to your week, you've made up for it with all kinds of fun 'doings' at the end of the week! WOW!
I used your graphics this year for 'spooking'...You are always so great to share your resources! Thank you so much...
Have a wonderful conference weekend!
That's quite a catch-up Kristi, when did you even have time to be sick? I'm so glad your friend took the girls so you could stay in the cozy and rest and read. (I sometimes wish I would get sick just so I could stay in bed and read all day. Crazy but true.)
ReplyDeleteThat's kind of bizarre about Annie Kate's odd number situation, but I think Kelly has something like that too.
Your conference kits look great and I love it that you took them to sisters who do so much. I'm sure they loved the thought more than anything.
I always think we're going to do the Family Night Phantom thing during October, but we never get around to it. I think we'll have to do that next week.
So sorry you have been sick. How did you still manage to get so much done?!
ReplyDeleteYour baskets are beautiful, you really do have a way with ribbon! Eva got sick and I didn't have a chance to go out to get baskets, so I delivered mine in gift bags -- not nearly as cute!
I too love the way the D.C. temple just suddenly appears when you're on the freeway. Cool that AK is developing a photographer's eye!
I too love the catch up blog posts!
ReplyDeleteSo glad you are feeling better. Thanks for all the great ideas.
I went to WConference & I have already forgotten so much...?- I love hearing the quotes! I am going to download those talks ASAP.
I love the D.C. temple. I have only been there twice. It is amazing to me how it is so close to the freeway etc. but when you are on the grounds it is so peaceful.
Thanks for sharing!!
I don't think AK has a phobia about odd numbers, so much as a form of OCD about them - which I think is entirely natural in children. I think it's quite common for kids to develop some mild form of OCD. Erin obsessively lines up small objects and gets quite mad if the lines are disturbed or touched. I think AK's occupation with numbers is cute, though, and I'm glad she's keeping no.11. It's so minimal and symmetrical! Hahaha!
ReplyDeleteGood luck to Claire and her parents for next week. What a momentous time it will be for all of you. xoxox
Annie Kate is a great photographer! And I like even numbers too, I don't think I'm as crazy into it as Annie Kate but I do like things to be even numbered.
ReplyDeleteGreat catch-up post Kristi! I love hearing about all your great ideas and the things that you do! Those halloween baskets look so fun!