
Monday, December 03, 2007

And the winner is... or are!

If you don't know my friend Jill, this will speak volumes of her and is "so Jill" She is one of the most generous people I know. You never leave her house empty handed, she is always giving you something or more of it.
The fact that Jill could not only pick one winner shows her giving spirit and why promoting Good Mail is in her blood.

Message from Jill -

I'm having a hard time choosing so I think I'll pick 4 winners.


I feel inspired by their answers and really hope they actually send their good mail. I enjoyed all the responses and am always delighted to know there are so many thoughtful people in the world! Thanks, Jill

So, to the winners email Jill your information, colors you want and what you want your label to say and she will send you your winnings. And to all you non winners out there (I won't say losers) hurry and order your good mail labels for your holiday cards, gifts, teacher gifts,


  1. Shauna, Amber and Marcie's responses did stand out for me too, so I think Jill's made good choices there. And I've just read Wendee's and that's a lovely story too.

    Flipping heck! Landon and Whitney have got their own Good Mail labels! I feel lost in a big Good Mail dust cloud! Hahaha!

  2. Yep, that is so Jill!

  3. THANK YOU!!! I am so so excited! I did send the note that very day. I love Good Mail!

  4. I can't believe I missed this contest! Were have I been?

  5. 4 is always better than one! Good luck with the sales Jill, and I love the way you support so many of these small businesses Kristi! Did you ever think you would be advertising on your site like this?

  6. Oh Gosh! Thank you! All the stories sounded wonderful, and the thought of all that good mail is even more heart-warming. Thank you for these giveaways and introducing us to all these great creative people!

  7. Yeah! I am so excited to win my first blog giveaway. Thank you!

  8. Thank you so much for the bday gift! I love all the ribbon and can't wait to use them! THank you!!
