
Monday, December 17, 2007

Annie Kate invites you to Santa's workshop for an afternoon treat
Where we will make lots of goodies on our street

Today we had Annie Kate's girl friend party after school. This was the first time she has had girlfriends over since we moved here. Her best friend is a boy and the best friend you would want your daughter to have - he has been such a blessing in her life. But we didn't think an all boy cookie decorating - craft day would fly with her guy friends.
We made scarves for their mom's out of fleece that were green and brown. then each of them picked through my saved crazy shipping boxes (food boxes) and wrapped them up themselves to tie with a brown bow. So the wrap will match the scarf (yes I have OCD) Michelle's tags again came in handy and topped off the wrapping.

We made cookies and Pecan Turtles. Then before they left they all wrote a Christmas card to a patient at Walter Reed.
But of course as with any party with kids their favorite part is just playing and running around. The top photo is of the girls making pyramids.

One of my last stretching projects of the year is to overcome my awful fear of having people to my home and entertaining. ( i fear i am not good at it and get so stressed out in the process that it keeps me from doing it) So one holiday party down and one to go!

of note. our letters will be going to a patient specifically. You might want to read this article to find out information about sending Christmas mail and supporting our troops.
America Supports You is a great place to start.

And while I am on the subject I can't beleive i have not posted this yet. But my friend has now made a website that you can forward to your friends on how to get in the action with making quilts for the soldiers. Her husband had delivers these and it is worth taking a look at.
Salute to Stars, Stripes and Soldiers


  1. That is so fun. I would have LOVED a party like that when I was a kid. . . still would!

  2. I'm impressed, but not surprised, that you're willing to share those tags so freely. For some reason, I would love them so much I would horde them, and no one else would get to share in their awesomeness. Another page from your book I'm going to work harder on!

  3. What a fantastic idea to do for a kids party! A bit of fun, service and gifts! I love this idea and I LOVE that green and brown combo!

  4. The lime green and chocolate brown theme is gorgeous! Did the kids wrap those boxes? Really? So neatly done!

    I hadn't realised that you had an aversion to entertaining in your home. I'm very much like that too. It's funny you're like that, though, as I always associate you with that pineapple symbol. :-D

    I love the work you're doing for the US troops. It's something I should look at over here. Our British troops become invisible once they return. It's a disgrace. Particularly when I saw a recruitment advert in the TV break for a children's programme yesterday - yes, really! I had to storm into another room to rant at my husband about it. Particularly because it showed men in camoflage, rampaging across rough terrain, shouting, and Erin said, 'What are those men doing??' Attitudes to the armed forces are very askew in many ways. Good luck with all your efforts in that dept, Kristi.

  5. I LOVE that Annie Kate has a boy as a best friend, have you seen Bridge to Terribithia (or better yet read it?).

  6. I love the green and brown. (I'm sure you know that's the hottest color combo now -- according to my mom.)

    What a fun mom you are to have a party in December, I can't imagine squeezing that into my schedule right now! And the pyramid picture at the top is just priceless. AK's hair looks so adorable!

  7. That party looks so fun, I would have loved doing something like that when I was Annie's age. You're the coolest mom.

    It doesn't match at all to me that you're hesitant to host things, you're always the life of the party so it seems like hosting the party would be a natural fit.
