
Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Challenge What is your new *you* resolution

I took this photo yesterday after I finished giving myself one of the best birthday presents. I went running. It was my first day on the street since my disappointing Turkey Trot in South Carolina over Thanksgiving. I was so scared to go and run. I feel like I have mono - even though know I don't, but that is the best way to describe how I have been feeling for about a month. Jeff have me a nice nudge to get out and run and I am so glad I did. I did my 4 mile loop and ran every single inch! It always takes me 42 minutes to get any kind of runners high and to start ignoring the pain that is associated for me with running. At my 42 minutes my favorite song was playing on my ipod and I did my "arms in the air" faking I was crossing the finish line. It was exhilarating! (as a slow runner I realize most runners would be done with a 4 mile run by 42 to minutes)
When I came in the house I started to cry. I was so proud of me. Annie Kate said mom you can't cry on your birthday. Caroline gave me her favorite pink soupie. I tried to tell them I was crying because I was happy. I then grabbed my camera and took the above photo.
I think sometimes I confuse being proud of myself with having pride. I don't have pride if I am proud of me. I celebrated my birthday yesterday and I celebrated me. One of my resolutions for the new me, is to "celebrate me".

Thanks Lelly - you are awesome.

Some of you have asked how do you get involved with SPT. It is easy and free and you will never regret investing that time in YOU. Here is Lelly's website. On Friday's she posts the challenge to post (or if you don't have a blog just do it for you) on Tuesdays. then email her and let her know you want to participate and she will add you to her group.


  1. Good for you! I think celebrating you is a great goal for the year. I'd be crying for joy if I finished a 4 mile run too! I hope you had a great day!!

  2. Woohoo, I was first to comment.

  3. sounds like you found the perfect way to celebrate your birthday! i have to smile every time i think of you with your *finish line* arms up in the air!!

  4. I'm glad you had such a great birthday, Kristi! Don;t you just love it when your children try to comfort you? So sweet.

  5. Doing something just for you on your birthday, what a great idea! And I think your goal of celebrating yourself this year is a fantastic one. You ought to be proud of yourself for accomplishing so much, there's no negative pride in that!

  6. awesome, kristi.

    feel better soon. i know that feeling adn i too thought i had mono but did not

    i need to get out and run...

  7. Love the picture! I'm glad you were able to get out and do your run again! I hope you start feeling better soon!

  8. That is such an awesome picture. I'm proud of you too!

  9. I'm glad that you had a good birthday, and were able to get out there and make yourself proud! I love the picture.

  10. Love the picture & love the story of your triumphant birthday run!

  11. Anonymous2:51 PM

    way to go kristi. Pathetic that I feel fine – yet would not go out and run unless a bear was chasing me. keep those hand up!!!

  12. Celebrate me is a great phrase!

  13. Way to go woman! I hadn't hit the gym since Thanksgiving, either, until the 31st of December and felt a very similar emotion! A fantastic resolution, indeed! :)

  14. I think as women we tend to put ourselves on the back burner and so this is a great nice to treat yourself to a run. I hope it helps you to feel better. Did you see the sun today? It was in the 60's up here and there's nothing like a little sunshine to brighten my mood. Happy Birthday yesterday! I found your list H I L A R I O U S!!

  15. I'm a slow runner, too! Actually, I'm a shuffle-runner. Gulp. I'm going to say it in print: I RUN A 12 MINUTE MILE.

    I wish we lived closer so we could be running buddies; we go at the same pace!

    I love your cool photo.

  16. I think that's a wonderfully inventive picture, and well done on your running. You have your own way of doing things that works for you, and that's the most important thing. Good idea to explain what the SPT idea is and link to Lelly. I'm slacking horribly with SPT.

  17. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Feeling so proud of you! You inspire- I never would have thought to go running on my birthday and use it as an excuse to do only the things that I really want to do. Maybe this year will be different!

  18. I hope you had a fabulous birthday. I have been struggling trying to exercise as of late too. I have no idea what my deal is. I am blaming it on the cold weather.

    Great job running!

  19. Anonymous12:13 PM

    I resolve to participate in more SPT's this year!


    PS - I am hosting a Valentine's Day swap on my blog if you are interested!
