One of our Valentine traditions (credit to my friend S. Deere) is that we have red pillows with our names on them that sit on our bed all month. They each have a pocket on the front to hold love notes from the family. Each day you can write what you love about that person and slip it in the pocket. Last year Jeff filled ours with little gifts a few times.
On the actual day we always have a special breakfast with a little valentines trinket at the table (credit to my mom) Balloons on the mailbox when Annie kate gets home from school, (my girlfriend puts a cute mylar balloon on the end of her kids bed so when they wake up in the morning it is there, credit to P.Cram) i am sure i will make some valnetines outfit for school this year, the valentines fairy (credit to J. Rogers) comes at night and rings the doorbell and runs and leaves a trail of glitter behind with some gift, I usally go to the dollar store and buy some silly heart stuff.
I know i admit i go a little overboard on the holiday thing but i love any reason to celebrate. i am looking for some new valentines traditions so if you have any please share!
That is so unbelievably cute, please tell me those aren't the valentines you're making for Annie Kate's class! I now feel like a schmuck for not going all out for Valentine's at our house. We usually acknowledge it, but we don't have fairies or pillows or special outfits. I appreciate the notice on this so that I can make more of an effort starting tomorrow.
I am bowled over by all that you do. I usually buy dumb valentines at the store for my kids to pass out with treats and give a little something to my kids on the actual holiday. My mom usually sends a little something, too. That's it! Sheesh. I love the pillow idea for love notes.
That is so creative and cute! Your girls are so lucky!
Love the red valentine's day pillow for love notes and the Valentine's Fairy. I love making a big deal out of holidays too, so you can bet I will add these to my catalog for next year!
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