lucky mE!
Today is St. Patricks day. and since every holiday is like the last holiday we will ever celebrate this is no exception. I love holidays and i love traditions.
We have had a fun fille day. The above photo is what annie kate took to school for lunch. i know a bunch of junk, but oh so fun. she doesnt' know what was inside, i cant' wait to hear how she liked it.
We woke up to money left in the trap that did not catch the leprechaun, furniture upside down, green dyed toilets, box of lucky charms left by the front door, gellies on the fridge and mirrors, fun shamrock glasses on AK's backpack, streamers and shamrocks on the kitchen cabinets.
I have full documentation on our website with fun photos.
But the highlight of the festivities have to be the Leprechaun outfit.
Yesterday before school Annie Kate told me she wanted to design an outfit for the leprechaun. She was going to go to the library and look up in a book how big he is so we could sew him an outift. She figured he was about 6 inches. So she made a pattern to sew and outfit for him with black buttons down the front. She came home yesterday and we sewed it together. (i have created a monster) She left it in the trap (which had a glue floor so his feet would get stuck) and put the clothes in there for him to have a fresh new outfit. It was so cute! I took the clothes and am going to write her a letter and send them back to her in a few weeks. I think I will send it to the school it will be more fun that way.
50 minutes before she had to be on the bus i hurried and embroidered her sweatshirt to wear. it said "Shamrockin" with a big green bug on the front.
We are having cabbage and corned beef for dinner with green jello and pistachio pudding. I hope I am always this lucky/blessed as i feel today. I needed this holiday to give me a pick-me-up and remind me how lucky I am to have these three children!
You have accomplished so much by 10:30 AM this morning. The pictures were so cute, it was like being at your home. Annie Kate looked so cute in her Paddy Day outfit. It reminded me that I have to change my shirt to green before I go anywhere today. Are you actually making corned beef and cabbage? I watched Martha Stewart make it this morning and that's a far as it will go. Maybe we will have to go to Clancey's tonight for some.
This is DeDe, Amie's sister, i am glad that you are back and running.. you have so many amazing ideas... and make the blog so much fun!!!what a fun day you had today.. and you have beautiful girls!!
Okay, that stuff is so cute. I may actually participate in St. Patrick's Day festivities next year. I looked at the photos on your site and they're darling. I can't believe how much you were able to accomplish. Inspiring.
You are so out of control - that's really all I can say!
I wish I was as fun a mom as you are! Weve never celebrated St. Patricks Day in my family much past having corned beef and cabbage for dinner with green milk. Now I've gone and married a man who won't touch corned beef, so that tradition is down the drain. Do you mind if I borrow some of yours?
So cute Kristi!! We kind of missed it with our last minute travel plans. James was worried about not getting his green eggs and ham so I will make that up to him next week! Thanks again for your ideas, Annie Kate's lunch is awesome!
I wish I could be as cool as you. How awesome is this. If I were a kid I would be so thrilled. You seem like a really fun mom.
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