Today when i woke up i knew only one thing, i was not going to repeat yesterday! I knew i had to get out of the house and so did my girls (and that did not include target, the bank, or the grocery store) so as Annie Kate got on the bus at 8:00 am, Sally Jane and Caroline and I went for a walk. My neighbors said, "Kristi what are you doing?" and I replied back, "avoiding a nervous breakdown" It was raining. Not hard but a constant drizzle. I left with no coat, no socks on the kids feet, no hat or use of any of the wonderful REI outwear that we own. I just gave each of them an 8oz bottle, put on my nano and was a women with a mission. It has been too long since i have down my 4 mile route and today i knew i needed it.
Thanks to a wonderful gift by Jeff's grandparents the above stroller made it a smooth ride, even though the girls did get a little wet (i should probably order the rain guard).
I have high hopes for a better day! i am amazed at how exercise changes my outlook and attitude. It is my legal drug!
*** what is something that you do that gives you the boost you need?*** i am curious to know!
You are amazing. I am proud of you. Love ya! - jcmd
I love the image of you out in the rain being a woman with a purpose. Good for you for doing whatever you needed to do to make today a better day.
I should get out and walk more often because that always makes me feel better, but usually when I need a boost I go outside for a bit even if it's just to look around the yard to see what's growing, to fill the birdfeeder, or to get the mail.
Also, retreating to my bed so I can be in the cozy with a book always helps, but that's not always possible.
Blogging also helps. Being able to check all the blogs and posting on mine always makes me feel better too.
I hope today is a great day for you and the s! Staying home when it's rainy is always nice too. Maybe making cookies or hot chocolate or something would be fun.
I wish I could get myself to turn to exercise when I needed a boost! More often it's reading, blogging, creating, baking, or eating :(.
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