This Summer we are moving to D.C. This has caused a little bit of stress in the sense of finding a home in our price range. We have now been looking for a home to rent, which is difficult because we are just finding out that most homes rent through word of mouth or signs in the yard. For 3 months we have been looking online or in the paper. Being out of state makes it difficult for us to find anything. My husband, the eternal optimist, keeps saying something will work out, something will come up. We have placed ads in three neighborhood papers and have our new chruch members on the hunt as well. This past week i am starting to panic thinking we only have three months to find a place. I don't want to feel desperate and have to settle at the last minute. So as we are going to bed last night right when I am telling Jeff one of us should fly there next weekend, the phone rings, we got a call from someone Jeff will be working with at Walter Reed. Truly an answer to prayers.
He knows someone in area who has a large home that they are willing to rent for us for the entire 4 years. The home owner and his wife still live there but it is on a large lot with a seperate enterance, it's own kitchen, 4 bedroooms for us and great living space. Jeffs friend said they seem to be nice and they are never there, because they travel so much for work. It is actually not in the area we were hoping to live in but this is much closer to Jeff's work and the communte will be better. They emailed us photos of the home last night and so it is a done deal. We are thrilled. I put them on our smugmug page so take a look!
Nice one! I completely fell for it! I should have known better.
I fell for it too, and I have even been thinking about today being April Fool's Day. Oh well, the day isn't over yet, and I am sure there will be more coming.
Way to get us excited for you! I was thinking how surprised I was you weren't doing something silly...
I knew you loved April fools so I WAS expecting an April fools joke, but when I read about the house I just figured you were too excited about the house to play a joke this morning! You got me!!
I was surprised there was no April Fool's Joke either, so you totally got me!
You got me... i was so excited for you... i will keep checking your blog for jokes... and ideas on how to get our husbands... still that was a GOOD ONE!!
Totally got me too! Last night when I put Riley to bed, I told him all about April Fools day and what you were doing with your girls and what we did when we were little. He woke up this morning and first thing started telling April Fool's jokes- like Emma-your skin is purple! April Fool's. Doesn't quite get it, but he went on for a good 1/2 hour making up stuff, it was so funny. Happy april Fool's.
I actually sarted feeling all warm and fuzzy!!! You got me too!!! Good one!!!
Oh, you got me. I was getting totally excited for you and your house delimma solved!
HAHAHA...you got me too Kristi! Can we come visit?
AH man, you got me. I was so excited for you, I just was in DC last week and loved and and was wondering what neighborhood you'd be living in. Yeah, hook line and sinker.
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