
Tuesday, April 18, 2006

the QuEen hAs a nEw cRown!
Today I went to the dentist and I now have a new lap top computer, new serger and a nice GPS system sitting in my mouth! (all items we were hoping to buy with the money we made off of the house... oh well!)
Two months before we get free dental I get hit with tons of detal work. To top it off I am a dental phobic. This was the first time seeing this new dentist and he was awesome!!! He looked just like the boyfriend on My Big Fat Greek Wedding and he was just as charming, which helped calm my nerves.
So now I have to have my wisdom teeth pulled in a few weeks. Not looking forward to that.
The major tooth pain is in my wisdom teeth which won't come out for two weeks, so still drinking everything out of a straw.
I got my old crown taken off and a new one made, yet I still am not the queen of anything but my sewing room. Such is life.


michelle said...

What a pain! I'm so sorry you had to have this done without having insurance. but I'm glad you liked the dentist! Good luck during the waiting time...

Jill said...

That picture made Landon and I gasp in fright when we clicked onto your blog. What a sad state of affairs. I haven't been to the dentist in a long, long, long time and both desire and fear it. I'm especially nervous after seeing what you and Jenn have been going through, and how much it costs. Yikes.

Amie said...

We have dental insurance. It covers 100% of preventative care. So we go to our cleanings and then usually don't go back to get the work done. I know - not a good plan - but ours for now. Jimmy NEEDS many 1000s of dollars of work done but for now he is stuffing his teeth with wax everyday. Good luck with your work, nice to have a good dentist!

Spencer the Bomb Diggity said...

Well if you are lucky, you will have wisdom teeth like mine... my one. It took 15 minutes and I did not sleep for it. In fact, I was bowling that night. But, if you are anything like our brothers, you will be in bed for a few days sending jeff to buy you Star Wars action figures, because you can't. Oh wait that was just Bevan.

DeDe said...

YUK i am sorry.. i hate the dentist TOO.. it is my biggest fear.. i had to go today too and so did amie. .it is the dentist day..glad you have a nice dentist.. sorry you have to get your wisdom teeth pulled.. pack your freezer with frozen yogart and you'll be fine!! and then the pain will be gone

Tasha said...

How in the WORLD did you get them to take a picture of you like that? That totally stinks! Dave had to have like 1,000 worth of dental work done this year (that sounds like chicken scratch compared with what you are looking at). It's just adding insult to injury that its right before you get the tricare insurance... Oh, I made my RS bag for the service auction, it sold for $220! Tasha

Anonymous said...

I loved that picture and was marveling at how white and how straight your teeth are. Pretty! I have always liked the dentist but I haven't been for about 10 years and I even have good dental insurance. My brother (a dentist) would die if he knew how long it had been since I'd been to a Dr. Oh well. Good luck with all your work. I hate when you have to spend money on things you don't want and miss getting the things that you really want. Sorry.

everything pink! said...

oh i must say. these are not my teeth. this is just a stock photo on the internet

Tasha said...

Well K, if anyone could get their dentist to take a pic of them mid-exam, its YOU!

amy gretchen said...

i have spent a lot of time and loads of money on my teeth. i hear you 100%. i have 2 crowns and an implant. yes, you heard me right. an implant that set me back a couple insurance. they tell me my problem is my teeth are cracking. i may grind my teeth at night. who knows. good luck to ya.