
Wednesday, May 17, 2006

baby doll
how funny is this photo. i found this misplaced in my smugmug page. this was a year ago. Caroline pushing Sally Jane around.


Jill said...

They look so little. It always cracks me up when kids push babies around in those toy strollers. Robyn has a photo like that in her smugmug galleries too, very cute.

Tasha said...

Carolyn was born being "up to something" wasn't she?!? She is going to be an Oscar winning actress or President of the US!

Liz said...

Oh my goodness! How cute is that!! I love it!

jenny said...

Isn't it crazy how big they get and so fast. It makes you realize how time goes by way too fast. What a great picture!

Anonymous said...

Sooo cute!

jenn said...

I have a couple shots like this too! Another favorite is my baby with his pacifier being held by his sister with her pacifier! (They are just 15 months apart.)

Amy said...

Is it cheating if I stage a this photo with Kaitlin and Alexander (when he's old enough to not fall out of the stroller, of course)? How cute!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how much Sally has grown up! Very cute!