yesterday AK came home with a little 3x5 card in her back pack with 5 girls names on it and their shirt size, and a title of a song from High School Musical. (our favorite show!)
She informed me that 4 girl friends have gotten together to do a dance for the talent day tomorrow. She said "I told them that my mom can burn that song on a disc and make High School Musical t-shirts for us... so mom can you?"
What is so sad and funny, is that I didn't even have to go to the store to makes these. I have so much great stuff on hand. I printed the dowloadable poster from the HSM website and printed them on a iron transfer sheet and then ironed the poster on the front and their names on the back. Then tied the shoulders with polkadot ribbon. I will take lots of pictures tomorrow.
oh, how cute is that! What a fun mom you are. I love that she had every confidence that you could do that, and of course you could. I want to be that mom.
You are so out of control, and apparently the coolest mom ever. Those shirts are darling. Did you actually have 5 t-shirts in that size on hand? Wow. I can't wait to see the pictures.
How awesome is it to be thought of as faster than a speeding bullet and able to leap buildings in a single bound. I can see AK talking with her friends, planning it out and her saying "oh, my mom can do that" all casually, like "duh, she's amazing!" I hope it lasts a LONG time that they think we can do ANYTHING! In your case it will stay true for a long time! Take loads of pictures!
I can't believe you. If my child came to me with this, first I wouldn't know how to do it, and second I would have to visit Joanns. You are amazing. This shirts look awesome.
My kid is just plain toast. I have no skill. Very cool.
How very cute! I've got to hand it to you Krisi, you are one cool mom! I'd have to make a trip to the store before I could pull that one off. But, I do have my kids believing that I have eyes in the back of my head. Does that count for something? :)
You are an awesome mom. I never have stuff around for spur of the moment things. That is one of my dreams when we move into a bigger house to have tons of stuff in my OWN scrapbook/craft/gift room. I can't wait. Maybe then my girls will think I'm a cool mom too.
That is so cute, and can't let my girls see those shirts. That is their favorite movie and we have it recorded on our DVR so they watch it almost daily. The Easter Bunny even decided that I needed to hear the CD constantly while driving in my car, even when I am alone or just with Maryn. I catch myself singing all of the songs.
oh my husband and i both have the cd on our ipods and listen to it all the time
Wowzers I am amazed. I need to see that movie! I know Julia will watch it with me. We love cheesey musicals.
Good Luck Annie Kate! Here is some of my mom's advice on stage performance. "If I catch you looking at your neighbors feet your dead...look at the audience and smile" (it's not as harsh as it reads).
Glad to see your daughter is not the only die hard h.s. musical fan. Those shirts are darling and it doesn't surprise me one bit that you had everything on hand. Just a warning the encore version of that cd is expected to be out in a few weeks. And I am sure you know that they are already advertising it on radio disney. Taylor has already hit me up for it.
How cool! Great that AK is so creative as well and knew that you could carry out her plans. Awesome. Look forward to seeing the pics.
Although we don't sunscribe to cable, HSM is a favorite at our house too. We have the CD and listen to it all the time-I have every hope that HSM will bring a whole new generation of young people to the world of Broadway show appreciation. Of course Annie kate knew you could do it. I would have never doubted it!
Just looked at the pictures. Darling girls, great pictures and awesome t-shirts.
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