today was a surprise baby shower for Ak's first grade teacher. It was so much fun but a little chaotic with 20 7 year olds. We played that horrible game the any pregnant woman despises, where they measure their stomach. One of the kids had the exact amount of string. She was a great sport and the kids had a great time.
enjoy the photos.
Aren't those the greatest plates? I saw those at Target recently when I was looking at shower wedding stuff for my sister. What a fun thing to throw a shower for AK's teacher. I bet she loved it! Was it a surprise party for her?
**Speaking of teachers have you planned what you are giving her teacher for the end of the school year? I am still trying to figure what else to add to theirs.
Those plates are darling, too bad I never looked cute like that when I was pregnant. I looked more like a potato.
How sweet of you (and the other moms?) to give her that shower. I did one for one of Landon's teachers last year, but it wasn't as stylin as this. (And she never sent thank you notes!)
Jill's shower for the teacher awesome, she made the cutest book ever, don't let her fool you!
The thought of a potato made me laugh!
Potatoe? I should post the picture I found of me full term prego with my third it would all put you to shame and rolling with laughter on the floor.
I don't think I look like a potato, yet. More like a latex glove filled with water.
Cute plates, and fun idea to have a babay shower for Annie Kate's teacher. I'll bet the girls in her class felt so grown up to be participants in a shower!
How did the gifts go over? Was she surprised? Samantha had a first grade teacher that was pregnant during the year and we did a shower for her too. The kids loved it! At least AK's teacher timed hers right and will deliver during the summer! :)
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